
Fellow please hear my howl, who is to pipe "genetically modified" focus! hot! _ burning also Mr JI!!!

Fellow please hear my howl, who is to pipe "genetically modified". Our ancestors left us very original, very ancient land. The tracts of land, brought up generations of people of Chinese descent. Since we are all living on the land, while the old original but not toxic. But today everything is changing, and some people with cover science and technology progress, specifically for people making fake food, but also Vice fish husbandry, series of toxic products, and intensified, comprehensive one-stop toxic, now from the source farm seeds start toxic, poisonous seeds is a powerful, even insects are afraid to touch it. Because the worm also afraid, that poisonous insects would rather starve to death in crops, nor junior not to touch. But we Chinese people do not fear death, what to eat, as people me! toxic to eat, can't starvation. Furthermore it was suicide, not eaten soon died, so live to the day is any day. This year could safely eat, from food to meat to dairy products, to a wide variety of agricultural products and vegetables, are they doing. You may be unaware that you are the wings could not escape. Mortgage Loans Bad Credit So people sigh with no meal so fickle, rice dishes, not vegetable smell, taste, people didn't ring ... Today's world of strange thing with which, genetically modified food is not food, eat transgenic pigs do not eat pork. Fish don't eat fish. Chicken-eating chicken. Selling seafood should not eat seafood. But also the reason why not eat tell unsuspecting people say "eat is chronic suicidal." Even stranger is milk and cow Mosha, eggs and chickens, nothing. Originally these foods can be constructed. These matters were not invented in ancient times, is a new invention, the new creation. And creation of own absolute does not eat, say fear had cancer. They are specially manufactured to compatriots were to eat flesh. Others eat after death did not die with him doesn't matter, it is important that producers get the compatriots mingqian, counterfeiters numb eat blood bread do not feel the smell. Even stranger is the kind of good beans sold to someone else, then for others not to eat genetically modified soybean oil of. Why we planted ourselves, our own eating soy? why to fool ourselves into our national cohesion? our beliefs? is boiled beans Beanstalk burning or a curator of wolf bane kind person, or pesticides and chemical fertilizer eat much pervert why do such a good thing to United States persons do not eat? I see a story like this passage "genetically modified food is horizontal gene transfer. Genetically modified crops of exogenous gene products such as bacteria, toxins can have on human toxicity or cause allergic reactions. However, this potential danger far not interpret animal experiments see organ damage and reproductive disorders. "I saw a press from Hunan transgenic rice crop cultivation area back to thebeverly hills plastic surgery report, said that local farmers indicated that they do not eat, now the problem has come, even if they do not eat, but also not be able to escape the" genetically modified crops in the bacterial gene products such as exogenous toxins are also likely to be poisonous or cause allergic reactions. Farmer friends, please eyes, don't jump to gehenna, do those offering Gladden, harm others also had their own thing. Opposition to GM's team, you muflorida accident attorneyst not most likely harm is "herbicide glufosinate." Genetically modified Roundup Ready soybeans can be decomposing enzyme Glufosinate 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphatesynthase (EPSPS). Development of herbicide-resistant crops are simple, if crops can decompose herbicide glufosinate, you can cast a lot Glufosinate kill weeds without affecting crop growth. However, Roundup Ready soybeans do not necessarily put into soya beans and soya beans of contamination Glufosinate full decomposition. On the other hand, any toxins detection has some restrictions, below a certain concentration, it would be impossible to log out. While in theory, as long as the Glufosinate enters the body and not by the body detoxification, any Glufosinate molecules can and biomolecules (DNA, RNA, and protein). We all know that the DNA is made up of small molecular bases. In theory, as long as you can and butachlor phosphine base, you can change the base pairs in the DNA in the normal state, or the base mutation occurs. A base mutation can cause the entire gene encoding of confusion. Once the life of genetic material DNA coding confusion occurs, anything can happen, and now the medical life science on this never expected. In the United States survey have found use farmers butachlor phosphine in Myeloma morbidity rise. But European survey shows use butachlor phosphine in Lymphoma incidence rate is not 2.3 times using crowd. If someone thought this was a lie, nile can immediately produce documentary evidence. Current United States FDA approval of grass have chloramine phosphine crop wheat, rice, soybean, rapeseed, beet, cotton, alfalfa. The so-called butachlor phosphine resistance is in crop growth process a large number of discharges grass amine p. For yourself, your children and your nation, denied them! (author: just reinforced cement) article �� United States Monsanto Company of biologists in crop gene in embedding a BT-toxin protein, contains the seeds of the BT toxin protein crops growth process and fruit contain BT toxin protein, insects eat is poisoned, which played a role of insect-resistant. Traditional crops to pests, when farmers generally containing BT protein of pesticides on crops appearance, insects have also been poisoned to death, has played the role of insect control. It seems that the so-called transgenic varieties do not fight pesticides, but is able to kill pests of BT toxin protein seed implantation, and spread to crop each site including fruit. Traditional crops outside the BT toxin pesticide residues can be hulled rice threshing and cleaning to remove it. So I' Food of non-BT toxin. BT transgenic crops without toxic protein is distributed in fruit, we are unable to separate from the food that people eat genetically modified food will only together with the BT toxin protein along with eating insects eat it is poisoned by the BT toxin protein, people eat is safe? take a look at the world scientists of animal test results: consumption of mice genetically modified food into the third generation, their reproductive capacity has shown a significant decrease. Facing extinction. Because of all the scientists test proved that the genetically modified foods on animal and human health is harmful, so countries have banned genetically modified food, Europe, the ban on genetically modified foods for human consumption. In the world are refused GM food scarce, even Africa refused to eat genetically modified foods, the Chinese Ministry of agriculture, a sly transgenic rice and genetically modified maize security certificates to China large planting transgenic staple food, including BT toxin proteins may break a great Sun staple food brought to our table. We are leading the world in green revolution of the high and safe hybrid rice, the Ministry of agriculture, the so-called scientists why promoting transgenic staple? can't wait to let the Chinese people to genetically modified foods as staple food capital of the "elite" scholars with the world's largest biotechnology company �� United States Monsanto (Monsanto) company with close interest: l academician Mr. inspired �� United States of Monsanto Company partners. L biotech Institute researcher Guo three heap �� Monsanto Company business partners. L biotech researcher Jia Shi Rong �� using Monsanto's patent. L Research Center researcher at the Chinese Academy of agricultural policy Huang Kun-his wife employed by Monsanto Company. The Ministry of Agriculture approved the two types of transgenic rice, a transgenic maize's security certificate, obtain two safety certificates of transgenic rice was inspired by Professor Huazhong agricultural University Zhang and his colleagues. But recently, the media, on the one hand and "inspired fellow United States Rockefeller Foundation rice biotechnology international cooperation scheme, members of the Scientific Advisory Board". The wise man NG, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Institute of crop protection, GMO safety Committee (the Committee adopted the transgenic staple food security assessment), hosted in its research projects, the Rockefeller Foundation included "project (2003-2004) and the United States USDA issues (2003-2004)," Rockefeller is Rockefeller, United States Department of agriculture USDA is. Hu Guocheng, GMO safety Committee members, representatives from Chinese Rice Research Institute. The Institute was founded in 1981 under the State Council approved the establishment in Hangzhou, by country, the United Nations (FAO), the Rockefeller Foundation common investments. Huang Kun, Chinese Academy of agricultural policy research officer, the Chief Scientist. He also is the transgenic staple 's. Its history shows, "1990 received the PhD degree in economics at the University of the Philippines, 1990-1992 in the International Rice Research Institute postdoctoral". "The International Rice Research Institute", it is by the Rockefeller Foundation and the Ford Foundation jointly established by the Institute. Yunliu academician, her Phytase corn is the access to the Ministry of Agriculture presented the GMO safety in production permit book of two genetically modified grain kind. Is also "the head of China International HarvestPlus project", that is, the Rockefeller Foundation in the middle of China, while her agent is Chinese crop genetic resources and genetic improvement of major scientific and engineering and Director of the academic Committee. ...... It is these "life science" butcher to billion Chinese people charge into genetically modified products classed the proving ground. After the scandal was brought, first with the "secret" message, in the face of the blockade of the population in question to take the "not arguing" method does not ignore the powerful online public pressure forced to respond to, brazenly fool public: absolute safety of transgenic rice. To date, all countries of the experimental GMO food are all mice adverse reaction after eating. But China's "scientists" and the result is: absolutely safe! this conclusion is based on the use of BT 5g/kg protein fed to eight days, finds security in rats. Absurdity. Then we back ten thousand, assuming that the transgenic staple food is absolutely safe, whether China "fart" there would be no loss? (we do not expect good) transgenic varieties of another character is not left, traditional crops after harvest may remain part of seed sown in the coming year. Genetically modified varieties of its genetic gene has been United States Monsanto Company technical processing, is sterile varieties, harvest of fruit left to sow again next year is not a tooth, not growth, then the farmers to sow must longer purchase seed, Monsanto's genetically modified varieties as sterile pollen on wild traditional plant pollution, will cause such genetically modified varieties, and cropping is not a traditional crop, ultimately forcing the restorative farmers only from the United States Monsanto purchases seed this choice, agricultural seeds which are controlled by the United States Monsanto. Transgenic varieties also has a little-known secret is that it's technology ownership, all genetically modified varieties of biotechnology are patented technology. United States Monsanto Company to achieve its "legitimate" control of biotechnology, the environment of genetically modified species, climate, growth conditions are declared the patent, almost cover all agricultural products. Where the planting of genetically modified products must be to the United States Monsanto to pay exorbitant charges for the use of patented technology. Of course, just started may be free, just like when you have just entered the Chinese opium United Kingdom people let us free to smoke. It as farmers and land on the dependency of genetically modified seeds and zeng, this cost is far from province of pesticide costs can make up for that, it will be like "particularly" reform and opening up the evil triumphant advance as house prices. Traditional rice 4 ~ 5 Yuan a catty, Hubei has appeared in transgenic rice to 40 ~ 50 pound profit! took control of the United States, which in turn control the Chinese seeds of agriculture and grain in China. This would be in the Chinese people's necks a leash is visible whether genetically modified varieties and!!!! safe or not, the Ministry of agriculture promotes United States Monsanto controlled GMO food on China's old mainPeople who are different but the disaster! is the extent of the disaster. L BT transgenic staple food containing toxic protein is hazardous to health, safety, the Chinese nation may be nothing for transgenic staple!!! l with BT toxin protein do not endanger health, safety, Chinese best result: United States control of China's agricultural and food!!! Chinese people active on transgenic staple this around by its leash. The best results and a good prerequisite, that is: United States Monsanto is kind, merciful, he just wants China's money but don't want the Chinese people's life. Because technically, he can kill pests of BT toxin protein seed implantation, so long as he is willing to fully able to put people to death for HIV, SARS virus or other virus implanted seeds, send a Chinese dinner table, "civilization" to control the population of China. In the United States considers that relations do not meet the definition of "United States", not "harmony", or if he considers that a billion Chinese survival impedes United States exclusively Earth resources, the beautiful "kind, merciful" premise will be United States persons mood changes. Wait for the Chinese people may have to become extinct, as United States dominate Earth free resources and geographical. In the capital to send command and all the traitors traitors "pure sophistry fly" with our transgenic staple secure or unsecure, actually is to lead us to a misunderstanding, it seems we are gambling: Security win; unsafe to lose. Essence is: in transgenic staple this time gambling, as do the United States, Zhuang is he took control of the chips. So no matter whether genetically modified staple food security, China's participation in this game is to win! but doomed to lose badly I also tried to believe!!!-reform party is the people, countries, peoples, he mistook the hearers around CUR, deceived by the bad guys before they mistakenly granted a transgenic staple's security certificate. So today at the national "fart" vibrations "xiangpi" disturbed by the opportunity to turn to God, look around, Muscovy so disillusioned with the original "small" cheated this "great leaders", playing the "leadership" to share between Palm, asked to leave a "security certificate". This is also a must, not kill you several traitors ling villain, no justice, uphold the rule of law. At the same time before the billion people solemnly declare: recovery of agriculture was cheated of transgenic rice, corn's security certificate. Strictly prohibits any form of commercial cultivation of transgenic products. National strategic plan focused on transgenic scientific organization, formed a complete set of Chinese full control of genetically modified varieties of core technologies. What good with people, opportunities, and how big the patriotic platform! this is better than fried sliced potatoes, there's a much better effect, it is enough to make $ "fart" for his descendants prospered from extinction and gratitude. But it is known in the whole country, the extinction "impulse" common exceptions, so you need "leadership" with people together "impulse" to unlock the crisis thus flat out "impulse", "leadership" is surprisingly "reason", as stated by Professor Zhanghongliang "reason" a "with a sound democracy there is no" birds, I also share his stingy "with a universal notes are gone." That's how "practicing such reason", so that harm and indeed inevitable disaster, I was at a glance, such as straw man. "Great leaders" not seeing it? it's should the Chairman Mao said remark, the noble is the most stupid, the most intelligent people humble. Without it, most of the report, three thousand hangers-on, "" think tank "whole understand will genetically modified time gambling, it is not difficult to defeat". Have to remind me of the word during the cultural revolution: no love for no reason or for no reason to hate. It seems that remind us: world without "impulse" for no reason at all, nor did the "rational" for no reason at all. Perhaps, the future of mankind in the Oriental ancient land, I see a huge monument, the inscription reads: "this is a nation of transgenic extinction is a group of not foreseen, mentally handicapped, self-destructive inferior peoples! they collectively they mentally is ruined. All this should not take responsibility by Westerners to, because this is the choice of their own accord �� and great Western peoples and all the high IQ group unrelated!!! "to understand the hazards of genetically modified staple, immersed in the" mahjong "and" dance "and" Super girl "and" fast men, "" online stealing food "in the Chinese people can wake up? have said that the Chinese people for the next generation are willing to pay for everything, I can see for themselves willing to ruin everything, including the next generation, or even the next generation. Price, this is a step backwards. China comprehensively backward, backwards, science and technology industrial regress, retrograde, agriculture, education, people's backwards life backwards! retrogression of human moral quality! man mental Outlook back! basic humanity has to disappear, tigress is not food, China's "elite" are able to break a great Sun of genetically modified food on the table of Chinese people. The whole nation catch hell! day wishes to make it out, its crazy. ATS On the way in the subjugation, who ran the traitor to his wife, children and looted people fat people paste together brought to the United States, looking for masters. They know their evil acts will be people in liquidation, will withstand the punishment of justice. They worked day and night toying how can you make Chinese awakened desire to turn up, the battle is more difficult to resolve. Then tighten the blown China this big boat pace, only destroy to clearing him or stuck their necks, is to avoid being liquidated once and for all or most insurance approach. So we frantically sell China resources to betray the interests of China, betraying the future generations in China. Faster implementation of financing inclusive security, stock index futures. China's wealth and economy are all kidnapping in the same of the chariot to liquidation they will pay a heavy price. Makes Chinese people difficult following determined to fight. More sinister is currently their strong push by the United States controls the core intellectual property rights to the human species, transgenic staple food to the Chinese Ministry of agriculture and grain to the United States who control, by United States persons withdrawing bottom control China people's health, life and even race premium continued. Attempt to kill Chinese revolted against his will. Wrong, wrong, wrong! dumb traitor master, dialectical method tells us, they retreat. Where there is oppression, there is oppression against!The larger the darker the revolt! when people have been identified to die, death will have no fear, people are sure that you want to be traitors of transgenic extinction, the nation's great tide comes already to resist. �ȴ����³��ض���ң�����������������ԭ�ĵ�ַ��һ������ȫʳƷ���Բ��ϵ������ǿɱ�������wbr>һ������ȫʳƷ���Բ��ϵ������ǿɱ����������ߣ���������http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6b31042b0100nkfj.html����й��ʳƷ������ʳ���ϣ������ݵ����߲�ˮ��ȵȷ������dzԵĶ�������һ���ǻ����ġ���ɫ�ġ���ȫ�ġ����ĵ��𣿿϶�û�С� Not only such as hormones, antibiotics, and so widely and exist in all types of meat, milk, and even ditch oil, melamine, even dichlorvos and so daunting things sent Vilanculos, and large amounts of hazardous chemical substances and methods, are generally used for plants and animals and food of ripening, dyeing, weight gain, preservation, renovation and preservation, emulation and so on, is not extreme, caught off guard. And well known, and one of the main diet related crops, vegetables and fruit almost without chemical fertilizers and pesticides, toxins, of course, it goes without saying. Indeed, today's arable land is actually just as if the suction on the drug's "addict", totally dependent on fertilizers and pesticides to maintain output, leave the two things that you have the vast food almost. Consequently, there is the problem of staple food. Of course, driven by interests, some designed to make meat animals and crops, vegetables and fruits growing faster but on the human body but dangerous "Advanced" technology and methods, may be invented and developed to become one of the expected life health threat. Moreover, such as genetically modified security breaches of food, but the equivalent of mandatory joined the people's diet, this more to the Chinese people and future generations of life, health and safety has added a lot of uncertainty. There is no doubt that people use harmful food every day, coupled with the increasingly serious environmental pollution and water resources, and so on, human life and health of course cannot guarantee that all kinds of diseases especially diabetes and threats to people's life of cancer, cardiovascular diseases are skyrocketing harsh realities, is proof. In fact, put aside other social problems, sin is a food safety issue, is not it can be said that the Chinese nation to the danger point? yes answer should say not extreme. Because China has a toxic foods are eaten whole, without exception, even though both officials, or wealthy, are almost impossible to get rid of toxic food poisoning. Even more sadly those poor kids, not established what foods to eat may become a "big baby" or "precocious children." Then, a nation, but also in humans had already entered the society of today, even the safety of food have not, is not pathetic? someone say that China has entered a nationwide "poison" to each other, despite the rhetoric of era excesses, but it has some truth. In fact, when the marketing of evil winds swept across China, like open a Chinese person desires "pandoras box," and since then, the captain, unscrupulous people. While in the presence of new desires, the Chinese nation has 5000 civilization history, charitable giving, charity falls tradition that seems so powerless, vulnerable. Today's food, not only all kinds of intermediate reselling, transporters, hoarding and so are the poison specialists, even just so simple, even laoshibajiao farmers became poison master. There is no doubt that this is a tragedy, a tragedy of the Chinese nation. But this tragedy, but also will last long, cannot be estimated. But this tragedy, but it is at all times and, on occasion, the rare, unique, unprecedented. For example, there is a history of interests disputes, war, battles, Act of various events. However, no self internal mass "poison", killing each other. Even if it is the world known as "the sick man of Asia" old China Times, although it was cold and hunger, disaster serious, but that's because the Qing Government of corrupt and incompetent and Western powers of aggression even opium poison people, while also not nationals between poison. But today, and which country, which national poison each other? reset unchecked toxic food rampant disregard? developed since theNeedless to say, their absolute stringent food testing, often Chinese export business headaches, and even export goods to beat back the domestic or the best products in the country. Africa then poverty would poison each other? it seems not, because they don't so much mind Chinese people. In short, the proliferation of toxic foods, it seems that only extremely unique to China. If you say that a social, technological, economic recession, and may cause many extenuating circumstances. However, the national food safety issues, serious disaster, growing, and even to some petty, at the expense of others ' health and life, and moral conscience behind the clouds, but also the entire society had to accept normal, not too ridiculous? actually nearly 2 hundred years, the Western powers always stays on top of China ignored, guiding my heart did not die. However, the enemy of advanced aircraft, artillery, ships ... Even opium, failed to conquer China. But this well, Chinese food every day, toxic food and drink with a contaminated water, sorption of toxic air, this is the way how sad he was not destroyed yourself! ancients: "King for days, and people. "And when" the people "had to eat three meals a day are poisonous food for a living, this" day "and also reliable? if you say that like mine or something, it was turning a blind eye, indifferent, after all, it is local, then the people relating to national security or national health fate and future events, also unmoved, sit? however, recently there have been reports that" because of concerns about food safety, national authorities establishing farms hire people grow vegetables into turmoil. "This situation is common and not so clear. In particular, I do not know whether there are Beijing top grain vegetable cultivation and livestock breeding base or specialized green food channel? if so, describe both agree that food security situation is grim, and tells everyone: "well done, all the bars" all lab, it is in trouble.

