
Lizixun: let the children as children grow up (go) _ wall-whispers

We feel for others, is actually a reflection of our own hearts. The same, in dealing with children, we're actually in the face of a mirror. Children have a bad habit, if mother accepted way properly, bad habits will disappear. Words have a kind of energy, what do you say that the child, the child will become. More importantly, do you think a child is, exactly your inner identity that part, finally, the children he would really be you said. No problem grasping the family, but a family caught the problem. Parents are also subject to the power of culture, family. In front of the children, we first have to do is to reexamine its own. Child's problem, not necessarily the parents themselves, but rather the way parents talking. Problems of children and families have the problem of the children, are often able to change family and marital relationships. Differentiation, not from the original family separated, is China's traditional family characteristics. Tell the children, on the University then don't often go home. Oriental family child compare some kind but naive; Western family children more independent, not family trivia and quarrel, they are mostly concerned about the number ofbeverly hills plastic surgery values. Initially our unborn children's attitudes affect the child. Children 5 to 6 years old later psychological development. Life of three important period: 2-5 years; 11-16 years old; the age of 18 �� 25. Most people over the age of 25 will be difficult to change later. Many people come from the trauma of his mother's early trauma. A total of disease: a crazy kids later, must be a crazy mother. Mother of a lot of information is not transmitted through words, mother and children by coexistence of biological field to affect children. Mother inner quiet, stability is very important for children. After the wife pregnant, to children before the age of six, her husband is doing cattle do horses should also, so you can let the wife with gas. China's mother to the child's mother than kids on attachment attachment. Wrong judgement conflict with neurotic conflict neurosis is part of self-denial, and had to accept that part of yourself. The dichotomy of value judgements for the self part of negation, not like its own part, do not accept yourself. Only fully accepted their all to avoid conflict of neurosis. Children under 5 years is suddenly on the external world has a lot of interest. Parents to be curious, listen and watch your child what he is doing, not to busy to correct him, to prevent him, his education. Use text to interfere with him, not to judge his wrong. Children 5 years ago, the understanding of the language is more difficult for children too many values, wrong judgement will make children feel mother doesn't like him. Not too early to value systems into the child's mind, the child right from wrong judgement has caused a child divisions of the self, his eyes will compare looked. Minimize the communication with children presenting a communication mode. Left and right brain and early premature development of left brain is better than no development also. Left brain cell development language, history, one of a shorter right brain cells very old, most earlier development. 6 years ago, child development right brain oriented, 7 years after the development of the left brain, 7 ~ 11-year-old left-right brain development. The development of the right brain, left brain the better it will be better. On the left brain stimulation strong growth is too fast insufficiency. In fact, and the heart of the right brain, right brain responsible Unicom. All the left brain information must undergo treatment to all right-brain, left brain premature development of people, 2 in the middle grades will Lok Ma. After early wise man can only become craftsmen, rarely become master. Masters in small, looks more stupid. Premature children human music stimulus will allow him to lack a lot, let him hear the voice of nature, more conducive to his creation. Left brain is needed language description, what is the right brain is beyond description. When we are too early in the development of the children of the left brain, children are accustomed to using language to describe his experience, but he can describe just he felt part of a very small, so when he used language description, he has lost a lot of things. When kids graffiti, don't let him go and learn to paint, because when he painted by others agree with art, he'll lose interest in painting. Our education is to let him keep his share of the talent, not what to develop his potential. What do you teach him, he will lose anything, because he lost his original things. Left and right brain and for early education was born child, should make them more exposure to nature, to retain the child's sensitive force. In children have not learnt classification before, don't let him read. Early literacy makes children lose his graphic thinking. Words tend to be simplistic thinking is, this is the brain's operating mechanism: it can be used two neural done, would not have to go with 10 neural, instead of a graphical thinking are need a lot of nerve involvement. Once the child's knowledge of the word too early, he'll just lose the development of graphical thinking thinking. He'll be used to simplify the text, generally to describe the world, and this description is very incomplete, because he can only use text description, not very good. In children under 3 years ago, to let the children suffering from the effects of stimulus, go to the felt in nature. Teach him to speak, but do not teach him to read. 7-year-old began to read it. People in the development of the embryo will repeat all biological evolution. The most ancient heart cells, the first development, the left brain is younger cells, brain cells Mortgage Loans Bad Credit more ancient than the left brain. Don't go in the right hemisphere left brain before development. When we use language to describe children, very lethal, should use non-verbal communication. About children's learning and fostering education do not let children learn in uncomfortable, to let him have the pleasure, not in the children learn when criticized his sitting position, to write sloppy, after he learned. Projection of identity: mother concerned about what the child, the child will become what you focus on the lie, and only concerned about the lie of behavior, and every time you can find the lie of solid evidence that the child will think he is a liar. Accompany children learning, reading, children should not own IQ, but you have IQ. The only thing you cannot help kids is to help him to read. Learn in school and less poor knowledge, but most will not, encourageBoy reading a book, look at all kinds of books. About children's learning and fostering education and read only the required, not all of them, do not get very good reading. Let the children of a particular aspect is outstanding. When intelligence at some point reach elite, will expand their intelligence is. If children are tired, you can ask him to specialize in one of the doors of his favourite lesson, other disciplines to give up, when the course to achieve excellent, other classes will be natural or not. 11 years ago, the primary stage of implied Tip: when the children got bad, can you demonstrate not pleased, but when the children ask you is not because he's not good, not happy, you have to say: it is not because you are not good, I just do not know why the uncomfortable and unhappy. When the children got very good, you can show a happy, but don't tell him you because he's a good and happy. When our children swore by the teacher, we should soothe kids instead become the teacher of accomplices. Thatcher, waiter wine soup in the Minister, Margaret Thatcher embrace the attendant who said: "we will make mistakes. "School teacher never want to understand what children will only be taken for granted. Token money therapy: only for children in one of the key issues for reward, but not on all the issues of improvement of all rewards. Couples should avoid high consistency of education both in education should have certain differences, a high degree of consistency would have on children. I understand: great direction should be consistent, but specific methods can be different, the characteristics of the father, mother, father or mother to have. Let the children feel their parents both have different educational methods, but despite the differences, you can let the children grow up healthy, two methods are like children, you can accept. Both sides are just a different way, but you can exist. Different ways you can let the children is the world's rich and colorful, but serious opposition in education but it will let the children Division. With regard to the rules a without obeying the rules of the child is a child of creating rules. As a general evaluation of the child's father, not very fond of children, and judgmental mother often judge a child, so 3 ~ 5 years old it is best to take the child from the father. External rules, the less his own comfortable generation of rules. Only give your children a rule �� respect for parents is sufficient. Beijing 123 school, the school has more than 200. Beijing Normal University high school of the school is only a few. United States is only one rule: your actions do not affect others. On the network is not dependent on networks rely on the Internet too much, but too little on the Internet. It should be in the 8-year-old when you teach him to go online. He passed the network access to knowledge and happy, he formed his network will ease. 16 ~ 25-year-old is dependent on the network's main stage, when his self-identification is finished, he will leave the network. How to troubleshoot Internet problem child children help mum online enquiries "very important" information. Children through the use of search engines, be exposed to a lot of other strange things. Follow him. Children to play games on the Internet, where the mother with where. My mom sat down at the door, saying "you play it, MOM myself at home very boring, my mother would like to come out some distraction, you play with your on line". Let him find realism. Fingers slapped his skin, his skin redness, start slowly, then gradually increase, so he cried out in pain for 2 weeks. Learn how not to solve. Children play the game, you move a stool to watch him play, needless to say, is carefully watched him play the game. Let his seat discomfort. Adjust the seat height, decommissioning, etc. What do these don't let him feel. The relationship between husband and wife. Children play computer, the husband and wife both walked to the front of the children tell the children: "I and my father went to the movies, you yourself at home!" his life more colourful, butflorida accident attorney do not limit his play on the computer. When you share the children play on the computer. If a child playing on the computer in a smile, he was normal. To share his joy. Association for children of weakness. Weakness is to be good at the fool in front of the children. If the kids game play well, you have to say: "baby, mother so stupid, that this kind of thing, you could teach Mum?" the kids will be particularly pleased, as you slowly showed interest in the game, the child may be slowly lose interest in the game. Because children play the game of potential significance is in limited environments in search of space separated from their parents, if the mother has to play, the child's interest in sharply and, of course, serious attachment game boy. About puppy puppy is created by the the nouns. Puberty, sexual development was already very mature, there is a demand in respect of or curious is the normal thing again. Find out what exactly is the puppy has had an impact on children, or should we do parents on child "Puppy" attitude in a negative impact on children. The "Puppy" itself does not give children rise in pressure, the real pressure from parents and teachers on their "Puppy" attitude. Do parents and teachers in the face of a child's "Puppy Love" a cow, a formidable enemy, forcibly suppressed, this is the adverse effects on children. For the children of the "Puppy" parents, heart to agree that this is a matter of human society in a common thing, without too much interference with him. In the mother's nose to let his puppy, do not tell him NO. Let him put his girlfriend get home to MOM's control range let him talk to specific friends. The students love puppy is not, in fact, is the love of others, is a pointer to its own. The use of reverse technology: undermine the best puppy is sick of her. Mother like better, are more concerned with her daughter's boyfriend, compliment her boyfriend, she always said the boy, his daughter will say he didn't not so good, there are better than him, she would go to pay attention to the shortcomings of the boy. Communication with the child of eight points first , ignorance children ten years ago, my mother played the role of an omnipotent, children strong backing to give children a sense of security is very important. Children under 12 years of puberty came, not so, if after a 15-year-old children also showed everything, everything, the children have to listen to me,Extremely bad. First of all to himself from the authoritative role down, it should be said: "my mother doesn't know what you think, what to do, what you need to help my mom, detailed tell MOM? " way with ignorance more accessible children of the inner world. Second, keep children curiosity, interest interest is the attitude of the children to enjoy, regardless of what the children are going to make him feel that you are interested in. If a sector leader, we can keep interest and curiosity, would be welcome, if you are a value judgment, likes and dislikes, others with you will feel uncomfortable. Parents want to value deep up, give your children a mutual conflicts, contradictions, and the value of diversity, not during the chaotic busy helping children find so-called right path, it may be counterproductive, children lose self-judgment and discernment, could not form the value of the self, the result is that for someone else lives, learning for others. Let the taste of adolescent children converse mood gave him the pain and trouble, curiously, appreciation glance share his self selected values, beauty, philosophical concepts and logic. Of course, the inevitable childish, but these childish ideas with children their own identity, belonging to his own world. Respect for these is respect for the child. Parents can do is remind children social rule: "do you mind how to see the world is right in the face of the objective reality of rules to follow. "Do you can help children to form inside the boundary between reality and consciousness, and let the children can be at two levels to accept yourself. Adults many mental suffering are derived from the confused mind and reality where the boundary. Third, actively assume use positive interpretation system problems facing children. Fourth, nonverbal communication fifth, fell seriously when the children do it wrong, the expression you sad, anxious, nervous, worried about feelings, but do not directly say children are wrong. The sixth , Frank VII, to translate children's behavior five-year-old child stealing take kindergartens book home. To translate his behavior: "teachers are not allowed to put the books home to see (not want tenure, but want to continue to read), you have to put the book back, tomorrow in kindergarten and then read. " Mother can put away the books, in the second heaven kindergarten entrusted children with books and smile and let the children in his sight the book returned to teacher, to give timely recognition and said that after school children speak mother must listen to the story in the book, and see whether he finished reading the book. Handling child's acts of sabotage or error, only the two principles. One is to take responsibility for their own children: let him take the book back to the teacher. The second is to help the children benefit from mistakes: read the book to book and go home to their parents. To achieve these two goals, there are two ways. One is to avoid that children are wrong, but it cannot be said that the word "steal". Because such words easily thrown children's anxiety, feel mother doesn't like yourself. To say "not good", or "this is not very good", you can suppress a mild rebuke. Of course, you first have to put his behavior guide a good motivation, not a bad motive makes him good will be strengthened. Second, it is necessary to change in the child process to give timely encouragement and praise, let the children feel that although they did a bad thing, my mother still loves her. Communication with the child of eight points eighth, Yes �� Maybe �� No on children raised by inappropriate requirements, said: "your idea is good, very funny, but can I ask you why there is such a notion? tell me your further plans is? you tell MOM and Dad can help you do?" so that the question can help children to clarify their ideas, if you deny him, he would insist. When you sit down and listen to his plan, he will discover what programs are not, you need only the parents agree, accept his ideas to implement. If rejected him, and he actually must implement. Parents can say "yes (Yes)" when the time is right to say "maybe (maybe)", try not to say "no" (no). Many adolescent children will make some unreasonable and excessive demands, in fact, the real purpose is not to implement requirements, but to see the reaction of the father and mother, is not really care about and respect him.

