
Started the baby against Chilblain, stupid! _ Western conservation House second painting shift

Started baMortgage Loans Bad Credit by batflorida accident attorneytle against Chilblain cold winter is here. Many people including our child may be at hand. In fact, winter frostbite, excellent tactical help you win the battle. How to prevent frostbite? how do you treat frostbite? triple protectbeverly hills plastic surgeryion to ensure that our rivals, Chilblain cause knew! prevention first, kill the likelihood of survival; preventing frostbite, frostbite eradication in the bud. A cold wind blows, the winter season but extremely obvious: temperature reduction, through a strong wind. However, although the weather is so bad, parents should let the children for outdoor activities. However, parents have worried that the weather so cold outside, the baby has long Chilblain can do? Chilblain although is nothing major illness, attack it's itching and pain is unbearable. Especially if the baby had a Chilblain, just not pretty, and the baby will be the exception. So how do you prevent babies Chilblain? let us expand a baby prevention Chilblain battle. Tactical battlefield, Chilblain a: because I had known! When the body for longer periods at low temperature and humid stimulation, the superficial vascular spasm, thereby reducing blood flow, causing tissue ischemia and hypoxia, cells from damage, especially physically distal blood circulation poor parts of the body, especially the hands, feet, ears and other parts of the extremities. And Chilblain relapse rates are high, often "one year after year health, Chilblain, Chilblain." Tactical II: prevention first, kill the Chilblain survival may prevent frostbite lies only preventive, in order to prevent frostbite occur. The winter season, to let children appropriate for outdoor activities, and actively strengthening exercises to increase the body's ability to-proof, moisture-proof. Education children avoid long hands, feet, ears and other exposed outdoor, go out when wearing gloves, hats, scarves, do not touch the hands or feet, stone and iron, etc. Diet for high calorie, high-protein, high vitamin food suitable to eat lean meat, liver, eggs, eat fresh vegetables and fruits, to the benefit of skin moisture. Remind parents that the warmth is especially important for children, children's clothing required with climate change, but you are relaxed. In particular, the outdoor temperature 0 �� c, going to wear gloves, ear hat and put on the coat, wearing masks, etc.; For local skin every day (well, Chilblain of) massage improves blood circulation and smooth; shoes are not too tight, so as not to affect the foot and heel of blood through the bad; Strengthening exercises, from the summer beginning with cold water to wash the face, feet, and gradually improve limb arteries and cold stimulation of adaptive capacity. In the winter season from the outdoors into the rooms, not immediate warming himself, nor can you use hot water blister hands, feet, take off his coat and put on warm, dry clothes and footwear, about 5-7 minutes to get warmer, thereby preventing frostbite.

