
Home expert: CBD | 3METH LaTeX mattress how to confront the market situation of _ luxury love soft bed is the fat girl's favorite

Soufun recently in Beijing organized a field on the mattress enterprise development trend of the discussion, CBD bedding for CBD | 3METH LaTeX mattress of Xie Dong attended the Forum, here is what he said at the meeting outline: topic: consumer understanding mattresses? 1 geometry, the characteristics of the existing range of mattresses (classification describes, select their own brand strengths) currently available mattress is rich of species, mainly in Spring mattress, Palm mattress, latex mattress, water mattress, air mattress, magnetic mattress, bamboo charcoal mattress, the mattress in these types of latex mattress is becoming the mainstream of all types of mattresses. Palm Palm fiber mattress is compiled, the texture too hard. This type of mattress durability is poor, maintenance not had escaped the insects or mouldy, prices were relatively low. Inflatable mattress may be made of PVC high voltage and high frequency has a easy collection, easy to carry, the disadvantage is that poor permeability. The water mattress is balanced according to the "liquid to pass the physical characteristics of the pressure", internally to the water and the soft lens synthesis of a new mattress, warm in winter and cool in summer, there are certain hyperthermia effect. Spring mattresses are currently still have a large market, the cushion and spring two-part, resilient better, excellent support, now all mattress enterprise development for Spring mattress is more mature. Magnetic mattress is in Spring mattress of improvement, on the basis of mattress placed a special magnet, magnetic field of the biological effects of sedation and pain and to improve blood circulation. LaTeX mattress emerging over the past two years, becoming the mattress market. Like CBD subsidiary 3Meth mattress series is the leader in LaTeX mattress. 3meth LaTeX mattress with Malaysia 100% pure natural latex refined, good elasticity, non-deformation, the service life longer than ordinary mattresses. Pure natural latex mattresses, huge volumes of mesh vents can effectively discharged to sleep when the carbon dioxide and humidity, ventilation air. 100% pure natural latex mattress Malaysia aromatic smell, look static gas also can effectively avoid mosquito harassing. LaTeX mattress fitting and body, can correct shuizi, bodybuilding build, is a family favorite beauty. LaTeX mattress a spring mattresses, an additional benefit is the shock absorption silencers, anti-interference, will not produce Spring mattress similar creak-like sound. Pure natural latex mattress is an eco-friendly mattress, the mattress can be abandoned natural slow decomposition, do not cause environmental pollution. From 3Meth mattresses on the market and the performance of the LaTeX mattress will become the mainstream of the mattress. With the continuous development of materials science and technology, a variety of emerging materials mattresses are gradually emerging, such as bamboo charcoal mattress natural charcoal as raw materials, highly absorbent, stain. 2. consumers how to choose a suitable mattress? faced with such a wide range of mattresses, to pick out a suitable mattress is not easy. When you purchase a mattress should learn more about mattress comfort, support, size and parameters such as durability, combined with their physiological characteristics, sleep habits, as well as the economic conditions and other factors all things considered. 1, according to gender and shape select mattresses. If men can choose to sleep too hard point of Palm and Spring mattress, if female, latex pad perfectly to your body, shape the body. Partial fat man fit sleeping mattress hard point, relatively thin person for sleeping soft mattress. 2, according to the consumer to choose the right mattress budget. Select mattresses do not exceed your spending budget, if you have the necessary cost overruns. 3. choose mattress as needed. The mattress now increasingly functional, if you are traveling out of Office, you can select the portable inflatable mattress; if you have pain symptoms such as fatigue, you can choose to have the massage function of mattress, the mattress is more. 4, according to the brand selection of mattresses. Available in a variety of branded mattresses range tends to make people uncomfortable. So buy the best mattress you choose well-known mattress brand. Because of the large brand often represent high quality and good after-sale service, not easy to buy low-grade mattress, or if you have a problem not find one solution. 5, according to experience choose proper mattress. As the saying goes "ear to virtual seeing is believing", more properly, buy a mattress or to lay up to experience in person. Pick a suitable mattress actually very fastidious, lying on a mattress in a try and see what kind of mattress is the most suitable sleeping position. Find a most comfortable mattress, the experience is very important. Topic: mattress Enterprise competition spell is 3 What?, how to solve the mattress product homogeneity phenomenon? Baidu search "mattress" two words, there are many famous unknown mattress brand. Mattress brand, competition is very fierce, mattress industry into product homogeneity is difficult to come out of the vicious circle. How to troubleshoot product homogeneity, make your own brand in occupies a favourable situation in the competition, I believe that the mattress world.in is thinking about a problem. Current mattress company homogeneity in several areas: selling point homogeneity, sales words of homogeneity, terminal display homogeneity, promotional means homogeneity. Everyone is talking about health and environmental protection, anti-mite breathable, nursing, nurse-vertebral spine sales hype of consumer loss. From the store go to the store, display of furnishings are badMore, to finally buy also remember is what you see. Sales is the same "discount", rushed memory pillow, FAC, the course also lost its attractiveness to the consumer. To solve the problem of mattress product homogeneity, must start from two aspects, the "product innovation" and "differentiated marketing" is more effective. From mattress materials, production process to enhance innovation, enhance the competitiveness of their products. Differentiated marketing requires our mattress Enterprise upgrade store image, before replacing the old increase freshness of customers, build brand image with its competitors. In addition, the strengthening of sales training to improve their sales skills and level of service, Terminal this thing is very important, the equivalent of the brand's face. For promotions, new, surprising, to a glance will entice customer insight, or would rather not do. 4. in the mattress brand, channel development, how to enter? fast track mattress so many enterprises, brand and miscellaneous, channel choices are just a few, we want to do self development, how to self empowerment? in this regard, we are not in the CBD company channels and the number of innovation, in fact, the existing channel modes for a long period of time should be reasonable. Mattress companies to do the brand, marketing channels must be better, and your own. Then we CBD, we share the most important is the exclusive form, followed by direct Terminal, Distributor and reseller both forms we have available. Why, because they do not conform to the facts of our business, we want to store forms do deep do penetration, the industry's leading. This year we increased and major home sells the field of cooperation and communication, channel more stable, benefit sharing, let dealers operate more effort. In addition, we have established cooperation with the media, in broad network coverage on the basis of the rapid increase of brand image. Channel building and brand building are mutually reinforcing, channel construction of in-depth implementation of promotion of branding, brand building, on the other hand also can promote the progress of the construction of the Canal. Mattress enterprises are to enter the brand and channel built in the development of fast track, must be combined with their own reality, in acting, steady shot image stabilization, not blind expansion, the construction of the brand, the channels are not overnight. Topic three: mattress industry's future development 5 trend forecast, current industry development status? mattress market cake is not small, but a lot of competitors. The current pattern is: domestic line mattress brand occupies the major share of broken down regional, small brands to carve up the rest; foreign brands strong entry, domestic brand survival of the fittest shuffle adjustment, the entire mattress industry towards the rationalization and standardization of direction. With mattress product consumption demand transfer of the to the middle and high-end, mattress industry began to high-end focused. The type of mattress is more rich and varied, to meet the needs of different population segments. Mattress industry development in adjustment. Mattress companies began to focus on brand development, brand consciousness and mature. There is a certain strength of mattress companies improve upgrade hard environment, rigorous training and exercises that develop new market growth, achieving product brand. Mattress companies continue to expand the scale of production, production capacity increases, able to meet the requirements for mattress production. Regional mainstream brand in the main area, part of the strength of domestic mattress brand has more market share. Mattress product market segment, from the material, from features, from consumer groups for depth development, enabling new profit growth point. 6, mattress market will be the new trends and changes trend? judging from the current situation, the number will keep the mattress, will fall behind a batch production, lack of innovative capacity, stereotypes of mattress factory; some visionary, understand the marketing of mattress brand will adjust in prominent, win the market and consumers ' trust. Mentioned earlier, the market will also continue to subdivide, mattress product development and marketing will be more accurate, more targeted, the enterprise value of inputs and outputs are promoted. I believe it will be different for men, women, the elderly, children, family, hotel, leisure, treatment, and other various objects and features continuous influx of mattress, the mattress market market will be more prosperous and perfect, everyone can find the most suited to the mattress. Resulting brand wars will inevitably arise, enterprises can increase in Internet media, television and print media advertising investment, the mattress industry will enter a phase of deepening brand marketing. Of course the mattress market capacity will have a larger growth. Urbanization, furniture to the countryside and other policies promulgated directly and indirectly promote the consumption of the mattress, the mattress or promising.

