
Situation analysis: Nansha wantonly several oil only Malaysia country _ China Diaoyu Islands

Situation analysis: Nansha wantonly several oil only Malaysia a State 2010 09/25/10: 29 modern warship Viet Nam occupation Nansha Southern Island (information) this article entitled modern ship "exclusive authorized Phoenix new media military channel section of the Spratly Islands and reefs, 230 more dark Tan, in addition to the seven islands and islets as China (including Taiwan Province of China in the past is in control), the other islands and islets mostly surrounding countries. In these countries, the invasion of a large number of Islands and islets is Viet Nam, Malaysia, the Philippines. Over the past few years, Spratly Islands is like a dangerous game at the chessboard beginning economies are numerous, although most of the chess brackets is not high, but also makes a situation unprecedented chaos, complex. In these decisive checkerboard, Philippines recently have degraded to rely on foreign policy statement to "rights" of today's major Nansha, we think of Viet Nam and Malaysia, the two countries in Southeast Asia. This article describes the current status of Nansha business strategy and the hope of giving readers thinking on the issue with some of the South. Viet Nam: taste the most costly from the 1970s onwards, Viet Nam has claimed the Spratly Islands have all the "sovereignty", it is not only related to the declaration claimed that published on its own legitimacy, and take practical action, constantly dispatched warships and military forces, and armed civilians, occupied the island. In 1978, an official statement on Viet Nam I Xisha Islands and has sovereignty over the Spratly Islands, will the Xisha Islands, Spratly Islands known as the "yellow sand Islands, Viet Nam," and "Changsha Islands". To date, Viet Nam in 2002 accounted for 27 Nansha block, the defenders total more than 2000 is occupied most of the Spratly Islands in China. Viet Nam of Nansha strategy, you can choose from several sides to understand: appetite on the largest open Viet Nam's map of the century, it is not difficult to find, Viet Nam will China Xisha Islands, Spratly Islands all designated to their coastal areas delimitation. In Viet Nam's map, Spratly Islands is named "Changsha Islands", the name of all reefs all Viet Nam language naming: South Granville Island was changed to "Changsha island", fee letter island is changed to "plain island", MA Huan Island changed to "always island", in trade, to "iron to the big island", Jinghong Island to "survival island", North child Island to "East twin island", southern island to "West Gemini island." and so on. As regards the Xisha Islands, Viet Nam also claims to have all the "sovereignty". In 1982, Viet Nam to Spratly Islands as "Changsha County", in celebration of jurisdiction of the province; and the Xisha Islands as "yellow sand County" (Viet Nam will I Xisha Islands known as the "yellow sand Islands"), under the jurisdiction of Guangnan province. 1974 Xisha sea battle, 1988 red melon reef sea battle the Viet Nam authorities learned lessons. The Saigon liberation newspaper "2001 10 February, the Committee of the Central Committee of a border guard Committee, the high-level Committee focused on the issue of the Spratly Islands. This meeting adopted a resolution recommends stepping up in the "build" Changsha Islands local government bodies, known as "the Islands should be like other parts of Viet Nam have their own Government, in order to address the areas of people's lives and administrative issues". Viet Nam occupy Nansha block posts (data) "drive in" behind the recent press spokesman for the Government of Viet Nam's speech, so a very thought provoking. In the West reporter asked in Viet Nam Hai disputes, Viet Nam news, the spokesman said, "this is a wedge between Western countries, upset in Viet Nam's economic development plan of the sinister plot." This statement makes many Chinese readers find it difficult to understand. Viet Nam since always claimed the Spratly Islands and the Xisha Islands is Viet Nam's inherent territory, but also why it considers that the West is provoking? this involves the internal situation in Viet Nam, and Viet Nam's marine strategy. Because Viet Nam official "Nansha and inherent Xisha is Viet Nam" in the territory of Viet Nam's geographical textbook, it's a double-edged sword in aggressive, but also in their domestic caused a certain amount of trouble. Currently, Viet Nam in Xisha Islands of forces has basically been cleared out of the game, the Spratly Islands and reefs, occupies most of Viet Nam, may also have seven islands and islets in the control of China, and China in the Spratly Islands cruise, safeguarding actions in recent years gradually strengthened, Viet Nam has no corresponding counter measures. Western's anti-Viet Nam forces (including the evolution of the peace in Western countries, Viet Nam war to escape to the South Vietnamese bourgeois regimes in the United States residual) is also on the issue of the Spratly and Paracel find a breakthrough, incitement to Viet Nam Viet Nam Government of young people to attack. In the Internet, in recent years the media attacks intensified, many young people think that this is Viet Nam Viet Nam Government "not as" let the Chinese "steal" the territory of Viet Nam, Viet Nam youth this anger in Vietnam forces lured into "overthrow the regime of Viet Nam sellout" political movement. One of the Spratly Islands, in the Western forces drive, has let China and Viet Nam are two countries in a similar trouble, this is truly a people at present. Encourage investment and immigration as an important sea transport hub in the Spratly Islands but has unique geographical advantage, you have valuable natural gas resources, Viet Nam, no doubt about its importance. In order to better develop "Changsha Islands", select some of the Viet Nam with better conditions of life of the Islands, reefs, encourage fishermen to settle on the island and the island to build schools, clinics and other social security facilities. Viet Nam authorities of local authorities as well as the aquatic sector introduced many preferential policies from time to time, such as exemption from tax, business tax and personal income taxes, etc., to encourage and attract fishermen engaging in fishing activities in the Spratly Islands. Viet Nam Navy soldiers in occupies the Spratly Islands patrol (data) according to the AFP, Viet Nam has recently published a report on its coastal Islands economy and defense development investment plan. In accordance with the plan, Viet Nam will invest 85 billion in 10 years, developing from the Southwest near Cambodia H�� to Northern Ile of a string of Islands. Viet Nam advised that will develop the Islands tourism, fisheries and forestry resources, at the same time to increase their defence investment. From 2008 to date, "Changsha County," "twin West" and "living" and "Changsha island" residents offer more 1100 billion rupiah (about RMB 4400 Yuan) financing, investment and construction of infrastructure. This paragraphItems used to construct the cultural Palace, post offices, classrooms, power stations, road, freshwater pools, wastewater treatment areas, lighting, power supply, repair of fishing vessels, fishing for shellfish of lock services. Moreover, Viet Nam and even the organization in the Spratly Islands called "Changsha Islands" Viet Nam "parliamentary elections" vote. According to Viet Nam the Popolo "reported that Viet Nam now occupy the Spratly Islands and reefs," most of the island town folks were using electric lighting, 21 Island Township covering mobile signal, the island's most school-age children attend school, the villagers receive free medical treatment ". Viet Nam local newspaper is so reported: "the country of aid and assistance, Changsha people living on the Islands, the development of production. Apart from fishing, aquaculture, Changsha Islands people also develop planting trees, vegetables, spicy and breeding livestock, poultry. "Most of the Spratly Islands and reefs, or even the freshwater resources of barren needs from local transportation, Viet Nam, in the island garrison or above in Tuen military costs are quite high. Viet Nam as a developing country, spending is limited, it is difficult to take so many islands and islets and garrison. In order to solve the money problem, Viet Nam has launched a "counterpart" plan, each province, Viet Nam counterpart a Viet Nam held military Nansha block, Viet Nam is responsible only for the island garrison of weapons and ammunition, the garrison of subsidies, reefs construction costs (on a sea level near the reef plate on the building of a modern high feet housing, cost of millions), Garrison's supplies, food and material, are resolved by the provincial government. This is tantamount to imposing to Viet Nam provinces extra "Defense tax", to a certain extent alleviates the problem of insufficient Viet Nam's military. It is worth noting that Viet Nam on Nansha military guards also constantly strengthened. In 2004, 2005, Viet Nam in the Nansha built "Changsha island" airport completion, recently, Viet Nam began to Marines deployed to Spratly Islands. 2009 July 24, according to Viet Nam the youth newspaper, Viet Nam Kyung and province people's Committee Chairman Wulin fly officially signed decided to appoint Nguyen, Shun "Changsha County" (Nansha) Vice President. Nguyen, Viet Nam with a Navy 4 District Deputy Commander 146 Brigade. The Government of Viet Nam on this piece of the region's military attention. Malaysia in Nansha southern established oil platforms (modern ship for figure) Malaysia: most astute more "dangerous" in the main southern islands and islets, Oshima, Malaysia while only occupy the area ranking 3rd bullet reef artificial island, but it is in the Nansha mining oil up, the most serious economic aggression, while the Philippines though in recent years stopped in Spratly Islands misappropriation action, but still have 9 seater Nansha block (including West Island, in the industry, island, MA Huan Island three top 10 large island) in the Philippines under control. Decisive as Nansha block, Malaysia and the Philippines misappropriation action, the status quo and trends there are obvious differences. In 1977, Malaysia Navy dispatched a small fleet of the invasion of the Spratly Islands, in the southern area to inspect and drilling activities, and luck to successively in the Spratly Islands, such as the projectile reef 10 reef Beach Tablet erected "sovereignty". Because at this point the China Sea law enforcement forces did not extend to cruise to the South, the invasion operations have not been affected by any barrier. To succeed in its gangsterism, Malaysia in 1983 to exercise in the name of unscrupulous has sent troops invaded the Spratly Islands of projectile reef, light xingzai reef, the South China Sea reef 5 reef beach. After 1990 has also sent troops occupy decent Beach, Nantong reef, Yu Asia shoal and dustpan Reef and reef on cement buildings and lighthouse. To date, Malaysia actual occupation of and control over the Spratly Islands and reefs in the South of 10, the garrison of about 250 people, with headquarters located in projectile reef. Malaysia illegal occupation of Nansha block, explosively reef the most business value. Projectile reef is located the clear seawater, illumination is sufficient, the rich seabed bio is the world famous dive resort. Malaysia on the projectile reef large-scale development, reclamation built a small airport (this makes the land area of projectile reef leaped into the Spratly Islands and reefs in the first 3 bits), the island built 3-star hotel, holiday centres and various entertainment facilities, each year, large numbers of Europe, the United States and Japan tourists to this travel, diving. Meanwhile, Malaysia had in the presence of the island about 70 members of the military, the northeast corner of the island is a military zone, battalions and a number of fortifications. In addition to natural attractions, Malaysia occupies the sea there is extremely rich in hydrocarbon resources, and Viet Nam to occupy the sea, the sea of oil and gas resources are relatively easy to develop. At the invitation of Western oil companies for exploration, Malaysia in Nantong reef to zengmu shoal waters between the area for about 90 wells, crazy gravel I oil and natural gas resources. According to the statistics 2008, only the South China Sea oil revenue, give Malaysia brings more than 30 million in revenue. In this regard, Malaysia or even smarter than in Viet Nam, Malaysia in occupies the reefs of Garrison, Nansha capital cost and the rolling oil dollars compared to almost not worth mentioning. Ma domestic employment also large oil companies from Japan, Panama, United Kingdom, United States and other countries, to Malaysia to build production platform and drilling Rod testing. In Malaysia oil platform near the cruise ship escort (modern ship for chart) is due to Malaysia occupies is the southernmost of the Spratly Islands and reefs, in front of Malaysia also retaining a Viet Nam, Malaysia Government believes that China even start, first bad is Viet Nam, Malaysia-held island suffered before the Chinese attack, the international community may intervene in good offices, calling on all parties to the ceasefire negotiations, therefore, Malaysia on Nansha attitude also have nothing to fear. Malaysia's Prime Minister Najib August (at that time, he was Deputy Prime Minister) of the second Board issued a projectile reef is strongly worded statement: "we must become the land owner and owners!" Najib also adamantly asserted, "we got battleships, fighter, others will not dare violate our sovereignty". March 5, 2009, the then Prime Minister of Malaysia also in land and Minister Badawi and others, accompanied by CN235 transport planes flew to the subsequently take a projectile reef, "" Black Hawk helicopter access Elm Asia shoal and star house reef. In inspired by Government action, 2009, 2 July, the Kuala Lumpur Malaysia safety review "in an article in the" in the South China Sea issues as a response to China's South-East Asia ', ' "Nansha group, attract a lot of eyeballs. Article to the first half of 2009, some countries surrounding South to the United Nations outside the continental shelf in the submission of disputes to the background, and advocated a multinational formation "the Chinese are most afraid of South-East Asia ', '" Nansha group, and China competing for the South China Sea. In this regard, Malaysia in Spratly Islands making trouble, occupy the number one reef Viet Nam more "dangerous". This is not a national independent bucket, which is an attempt to play on the South China Sea issue "omae" States. Philippines: trends in calm only stay on the oral terms recent trends in the Philippines is relatively calm, but historically, the Philippines is the earliest after the end of World War II invasion of the Spratly Islands. In 1948, Philippines began to organize the "expedition" and "expedition" in Nansha so-called investigation activities. In fact, the Chinese Government as early as 1946 has dispatched warships on Nansha block for surveying, building stone, Philippines so-called "expedition" on NaNs "discovery", is deceptive. To Spratly Islands is the second largest island in the industry, for example. In December 1946, Lin Zun, Yao Yu-Yu-rate "industry" and "wing" and "Pacific" and "built in" 4 ships cruise the Nansha, and industry to build Tablet mapping the island. 8 years later, Manila, Philippines sea school headmaster Thomas �� cloma to Nansha "adventure", claiming that the "discovery" in the industry. In 1971, the Philippine Government sent troops occupied the DAO in the industry. To 2008, the Philippines have been in the industry can take off and built the island C-130 conveyor of the airport, the barracks, coastal fortifications, command and communications facilities, and in as many as 100 people. At present, the Philippines has invaded the nine Nansha block. Since the 1990 's, in China's tough stance and a variety of means, Philippines on my Nansha block of eroded actions converge. In 1994, due to various reasons, the Philippines was forced from its illegal occupation of laoi withdrawal. After the withdrawal of the army, my country is not in the presence of armed forces laoi, the island is now a non-garrison of island, but there is also the Philippines on the island of fishermen spontaneous structures housing. Since laoi abandoned official after the incident, the Philippines is not then release "occupation," a new island, but there are currently still in Tuen soldier in the Philippines, the Philippine Nansha block is intended to give, "one will not give up." On the Interior from the Philippines, its domestic policies on Nansha rendered "Doves" and the "Hawks" two distinct propositions. As China's capital of a large number of people entering the industry or even the Philippines national key industries (typical events is China's national grid power invested in the Philippines), the Philippines national officials and part of the middle class had a "pro-China faction," and called for improved relations with China. In this faction of force major, in recent years, the Philippines abandoned alone exploration, development, including China, multinational joint exploration. Of course, no matter how the results, the Philippine coral reef Sea oil and gas resources development have been suspended. Philippine domestic radical groups don't ("Hawks") then accused the Government too weak, should have their own interests in the Nansha reefs. The two factions of parliamentary struggle more intense in recent years, in March 2009, despite the Philippine President Arroyo's wife force main "does not stimulate China", the Philippine Senate has adopted a "Bill" the baselines of the Philippines, China and southern part of the island in the Philippines, huangyan island Territories. In addition, the Philippine Government has been unilaterally declared some maritime legislation, will my Nansha East 41 million sq km in its territorial waters. Although the Bills in the radical's promotion is passed, but the adverse domestic and international conditions, as well as the increasingly stringent Chinese attitudes make Philippines on Nansha greedy action is likely to continue, and the Philippines are now occupied by the Nansha block, there is also a peaceful solution to the problem of hope. Of course, this is the key to solve the problem, China continues to depend on the future of the region's national economic and political situation imposed a greater impact. (Author: Hao �B stones) embezzlement of Nansha Philippines Ma Huan Island (modern ship for chart) is Malaysia's embezzlement of the Spratly Islands projectile reef. In Malaysia the strong fill haijianshe, original small reef plate becomes now the third largest island in the South. (Information) Malaysia in Nansha illegal construction of oil platforms (information) Viet Nam in the Nansha established posts (information)

