
Independent business English composition _ small business how to avoid risks _ always look ahead

How to correctly deal with Amway (related TAG: self English composition-self English composition-self English composition), and values: share the same values is Amway founded the only standard team! Amway team stressed that share the same values, rather than specific practices must be the same team. Values if different, that's not a team, but groups. The team is the same as the values of the same or like people of Malaysia Amway 08 college English compositions-help ladies downhill experience and an unforgettable experience of candidates, each 1500 words mistook the boss when the embarrassment of migrant workers, from HR hands grab back to resume of bold, from private companies to the Fortune 500, riding a donkey looking horse life that we have more experience dealing with HR, read more in the interview comes as a real experience comes profound .3. �� struggle a little history of ��: after graduation experience of struggle for independent venture, each 1500-2500 words who says Taobao everyone earn basin full pot Master Li Cheng-Crown also said: "the value is not the same person, if together, just as the crab, the cross together with clamps, who also don't want to climb out." Li Cheng in Malaysia's five group fighting each other, have not been able to grow, Li Cheng conditioning number is out, and finally by their own understanding of the values to do Amway, five Panel last only one. Wang Chee Guan said: "Amway's band-not important, the most important values. Amway to do let people like that let people cherish, the most important is the value ". Second, the core values of Amway-------help! help others Amway is, don't make the harm the cause. As if playing penicillin, penicillin is good thing, but to play much on others. 1. help others-----help what? help to the people below. Instead of helping the people above. To try to help people, and even community level to the poor, this is really helpful. Do not hard call [change] English composition predictive Self-employment. You should write at least 150 words following theoutline given below in Chinese: 1. graduates'practice already very common 2. graduates'practice benefits 3. me Recently, self-e sector buy goods, Tun goods, because you can afford, your sector are not necessarily afford!, for example, a bought the laid-off workers, 9600 $ goods placed under the bed, couldn't sell, night sleep, pressure can be great, this is harmful. It is said that some people mortgage the House to buy Amway products, results are pressing his hands, which is being hurt. Not one month, two months had wanted to go to silver, you should consider your group can do for stable development much happiness?? if not, you will have to reflect on, and you are done wrong? 2, how to help others? my essay I selected "stars", and many students are different. He is not worth 10 million millionaires; not a "Gun crazy" song star; not being self enrichment of boss; not a large company, CEO, managers of enterprises, not ... He is a true public servants for the people, "contemporary Jiao Yulu" standing committees, Inner Mongolia, Hohhot CPC Niu yuru. "As the people they serve the children--Niu yuru: called Niu yuru, portrait by oxen, back product demonstration, through the sharing of Amway products, product through trial Amway, so that the customer himself knew the Amway products are the absolute high-quality products, you can give yourself brings health, beauty, home cleaning, clothing, clean ... Wait, they willingly use Amway products (Amway products are household commodity instead of Amway products also have to buy other products). Both through the sharing of Amway products allow customers to use the Amway products, this is going to help others, but not for the performance. Three standard (from the following three criteria to judge is helpful or harmful): 1, sincere. "Contact sincere, enjoy the wonderful", do not set set to go in, otherwise you will set in. 2, self-discipline. Leaders require the following people do, or do you want to own. 3. unanimously. Exterior line, to match words with deeds, are behind him. "Simple, believe, obey, accordingly," provided that the front must be coupled with a "values". Both: "help" "help" is not helpful. If you do have to be successful, not successful Amway is only temporary! if you are doing is not successful, Amway success is only temporary! you enter team means that we are a friend for life. New people into not to, because the old old man came in and keep! six, if you are keeping up, you just diamonds? you one year will have 70-80 million of revenue-? 3, Amway is the opportunity to learn of opportunities in the opportunity. To Self employment on frequency will autonomously in-surance may be paid for by the employer that continues theemployee's salary in the event of sickness or accident while manyself-employed people required to participate in the meetings of all sizes, and each field in the Assembly are Amway business in a milestone. To constantly repeat learning. Amway is doing better, and more to learn. Amway let us pay most of their time learning, and the expenses on the course. How long does it take to learn? "in Amway to seriously study 3-4 years, is like reading a University, but the effect will be more affordable than reading University. Fourth, the team can get fast and robust. Team cohesion insufficient reasons are your core values. You do not worry, establish a team, first establish a noble of their own. Own Huajun is everywhere to help others. You are a team of devoted himself! become happy. Do not care about anything else, only care about how many people you help? what do you do, your team is doing well. How do you bend your brain, your team's head on how to bend. You want toBuild team, first you built yourself, your own values. The team is yourself! team established stable yet, don't go faster how stable or a Outlook question! so eager for a judgment in English composition Everybody knows that we are facing with the economic crisis causedby America.Only because we have a global economy, no countries canavoid it.Therefo Amway group performance standard: wrong for half a year not to him, the results can also be large, this is right. If instead, you must have a vulnerability. 5. how to properly do Amway: 1, remember the most important figure Amway: Amway roadmap. 2, according to each human of each month is $ way replication. 3. learn how to form a team. 4, small force myself to do. 5, the General Assembly through the team. In the team, you must set the high scores for English composition On self-employment of college graduates nowadays, more and moreuniversity graduaters choose another way to begin their workingcareer. That is to be a good bit. The values you want to keep up, just go to help others, absolutely not to harm. Team size is not important, the most important values. 1, to be the most important. 2. build your own proper values. 3, the team must be stable. Last King consult English masters for help writing a story English composition! 1, now the Government encourages graduates to autonomously on those innovative consciousness development project will give a certain degree of economic support. 2, the cause of this phenomenon. 3, my point of view. Title: Self-employment of Collge Graduates thanks! Issues added: homework tomorrow! tomorrow morning will, emergency! Thank you! Self-employ Chee Guan special emphasis: 1, there must be measurement to accommodate those who can not change a thing. 2. to have the courage to change those things cannot be changed. 3, to have the wisdom to determine which is right and what is wrong. Success belongs to have dreams, goals, beliefs, willing to change, hard-working people! QQ: 915802388 more please click on the

