
The Ming and Qing dynasties Hakka help guilds _ world merchants Assembly

The Ming and Qing dynasties, with the continuous development of Hakka businessmen and business of growing and prosperity, they are all inside and outside the province and foreign business cities and towns have their own district social organization, the name Association. Now be build Guild, organizational structure and functions as follows: 1. Guild organizational development theory, the Guild was developed during the Ming and Qing dynasties a kind of social organization that is rooted in the traditional market economy of scale, population movements and flows frequently, merchants who keep on being an economic and social environment, integration of features and mobile community. It is both a social change of the Ming and Qing dynasties, also as an update to the traditional social structure plays a certain role. Specifically, the Guild is the flow of the Ming and Qing dynasties settled in combination or have engaged in commercial, handicraft and other activities of people voluntarily established the nature of an association or society, the nature and effect of the Community industry. Created by businessman, known as fellow Guild guilds. In Sichuan to establish Hakka guilds called "South China Palace". Therefore, the guilds is for fellow traders together activities of public places, also known as "Hall", the so-called "Hall, set Yap people stand Hall also", "Guild Hall located in the city of chan, for the ' Guild. "Ka ying, businessmen founded in Suzhou, jiaying Hall at Suzhou people call it" will sell this room and Guangdong Ka Ying Fu Lian Shang Yang Zhong Shi as the Hall ". Therefore, the Guild is the economic development of the Ming and Qing commodity currencies, where business flourish and travel quests of the City Hall, the Hall can stand. Footprint of Hakka businessmen all over the world, in Beijing, Shanghai, Suzhou, Sichuan, Guangzhou, Shantou, Malaysia, Singapore, Canada, United States, and both have their own guilds. Whereas the establishment of the Guild in Sichuan is referred to as the "South China Palace". Now browse to the data, the Hakka businessmen at home and abroad to establish a list of guilds as follows, to see. The table above represent the Hakka businessmen Association, of course, some names, but you can see that has a strong commercial in nature. At the same time can be seen, Ming and Qing dynasties, meixian County, xingning, Pingyuan, jiaoling, Tai Po, fengshun, Huiyang County Hakka businessmen in national and foreign business areas and countries associated cities have established their own District Association, in order to contact land, solidarity, mutual support and mutual development and trade. 2. the Association's organizational structure, the organizational structure of the guilds, generally is similar to the "Church" and "gang" and "Fu" and other subsidiary bodies, in order to set the "Church" is most common. If boluo County Hakka guilds has Bo Sin Tong; United States San Francisco and the Guild has to be the Centre etc. Guild leaders around the appellation, Beijing and the Guild in the province generally referred to as the "first matter"; Suzhou, Shanghai called "Director" or "guest", a ten-year reign (1805) bear monument jiaying Hall, Director of the King of Thailand Pavilion, and note a subordinate Cheng rural County (now Meizhou City) of Prime Minister Li Jun, xingning County premier team Huang, Pingyuan County Premier Huang Chun-Yin, Changle County (now wuhua County) Premier Wen-xiang qi. Here's the Prime Minister seems to be the Guild leaders of subordinate County, should, under the leadership of the Director to assist directors management is home to the Congregation of the matter. Sichuan's Guild (South China Palace), more known as "guest", the so-called "Renaissance more County and belongs to a room, Hall, the Hall is equipped with the passenger and long", such as rongchang County Hall of Chen Chang, ancient years (1851-1861), was a guest of Hakka Guild and the family of the Minister to the Prime Minister. Overview Hall of visitors long shu services, such as worship, rules, education, etc., as fellow congregation row interference problem-solving, mediation Association and the disputes between the mainlanders, maintain law and order from the Congregation. Overseas country club leaders appellation, United States have called furnace master, Dong, the Prime Minister, the President and the like; Malaysia, Indonesia and so called "Director". Guild leaders are generally implemented by election and tenure system, in General, we are choosing seniority, reputation, capital of the congregation to perform. In Singapore, Malaysia Hakka guilds in the election of the President, you need to have your own house or shop, and can lead to donate a large sum of money as the Guild organizes various activities. And this election also has a strong religious overtones. On the day of the election of the President of the Assembly Hall, the congregation to the Guild, the name of the candidate President participated in the note, then drag the note rolled up into one box, each time checking out a slip of paper, take a "gao" in the Hall before throwing God progenitor, if "gao" fall into a plane and a convex, which is thought to have God bless, if three consecutive identical, then the paper is written in the candidate shall be deemed to be a supernatural being, that is, on the spot in the Hall before the Congregation announced that its name and became the President of the Assembly Hall. Elected President of the Guild Hall in term of celebration donated to output set a good example. This election really exclusive economic low congregation was elected as the President of the Guild leaders. So that elect the President of the Association is in fact a rich businessman. Malaysia's TIO, jiaying, five genera (meixian, jiaoling, xingning, wuhua, Pingyuan) natives of Guild, the leading all-Malaysia port 21 affiliated association, the governing body is the City Hall took turns in value year (one year). Any values, the Guild is an Association of Malaysia's offices, value, the President of the General Assembly Hall, financial, audit, Secretary General of the Council to be the lead agency. Held annually each port's TIO's Congress, to report to the General Assembly through the work and research. The Guild's annual funding will also be responsible for the value, the Guild, as necessary, to resolve the Club with the donation. 3. Hall features Hakka guilds of function has the following four aspects. �� Don land, with the village. This is a Guild for years party, banquet entertainment as the main form of a contact land features. Because those background, Hakka businessman businessmen, alone or offsite a resident abroad, lonely, are in great need of spiritual sustenance and psychological comfort, therefore, Don land of Club activities came into being, in line with human feelings. As in Sichuan Hakka guilds, "age, drama, Yan, used with the village. Years old often have various towns. "But Ka ying, Guild" since the fifteenth hair starts, until March break, silver tree, dance Pavilion ticket details song bench; nor roaming concept of ... Cheap workersProvince, and Le Outlook from, overnight, and Xiao-Fang casual. " �� maintenance business interests. Guild-wide contact hometown, to strengthen the unity of the Congregation, in view of the development of common protection, enhance strength, opportunities to expand business. It can be said that the Ming and Qing dynasties Hakka businessmen in domestic and foreign business trade, it is in the Hall under the banner of growing up. As the key to county records on the "road salt ... Dead city and Renaissance also build more affiliated provincial association, provincial differences, though without a border on the differences in the energy, to health, to help xiangyou, County, suicheng paradise binbin so. " �� worship God only. Guild is to worship God only and with the land. At the end of the Ming and Qing dynasties the feudal society, to the foreign businessman businessmen Hakka goddesses always hope for a fortune and peace bless. So enthusiastic about the establishment of the Congregation, Guildhall always want to sacrifice to the gods, ancestors and seek peace to be rich. The 18-year reign (1813) in Suzhou's Guild, in its Tablet note on spade: Hall, so generating drink prices, with fellow honors to even God's House. It is a city in southeastern Soviet. Five merchants gathered at the quests. Stores the filling, transactions. Therefore the provincial County cities were born, their trade to build Guild, respectful and worship the gods of the people who gather there, isatis Mu heavenly reward. Ray 22 years (1842), Hakka businessmen in Africa Mauritius building Guild, the Congregation bought the land, the rich contributions to local government for approval, in Port Louis, the construction of a temple dedicated to Guan Yu, and thus let businessman temple as "the". �� give charity. This is a Guild a won the Congregation welcomed feature. For example United States San Francisco established in 1885 and Guild and Yang and Hall, in the Constitution of the Guildhall in cite charity: cannot labor of the casualty and poverty without offering, the company (the Guild) funding their travel expenses to return to China, but the cost sicab and shall be resolved by the donor. Poor people killed, the company responsible for the coffin, the relics to be cautious in order to maintain. Member being compromised, the company should reward the murderer. Ancient reign (1851-1874), Sichuan counties of Hakka guilds together, taking eight provincial Hall induction Center features: 1. security issues; 2. charitable relief matters such as childcare, burial, rescue, disaster relief, relief, grain; 3. the public matters, such as repairing wharves, etc.; 4. commercial matters as established take, etc. Visible Guild merchants protect and development is very important. (Excerpt from the merchants ")

