
Eighth chapter   _ aisaisiting simple treatment procedures doctors

Categories: preventing and healing heart disease series eighth chapter simple treatment programs each of us can control their heart, here I'll tell you exactly how to do this. This chapter can be said to be one of the most important part for people who had been suffering from heart disease, or there is no heart, but want to radically avoid those who suffer from it are like this. as we already know, this potentially deadly disease, my treatment is not only compelling, and effects. I advocate, is based entirely on my own research of different groups of patients, 12 official research and follow-up of 20, they provided solid evidence for my treatment program. Its success depends to a large extent on the great attention to detail. Rupert. Turnbull is yiqian Cleveland Clinic of surgical doctor, with he words says: "application this method Shi may will produces moment of errors, but put no reasons so and abandoned it!" this, I again restatement about about I of research of basic content: using strictly of plant sexual nutrition, necessary Shi using low dose drop cholesterol drug, makes blood in the total cholesterol level reached and keep in 150mg/dL, while makes low density lipoprotein level below 80mg/dL, in this situation Xia, no a heart disease patients of condition continues to deterioration, fact, more welcome of is, has conclusive of medical objective check indicators display, which many people of condition are get has improves and reduce. please don't forget, on Earth, has a population of three-fourths, they have never heard of heart diseases for a lifetime, and ability of your body metabolism in cholesterol can also like these people, we can help you progress in fighting heart disease pathology of malignant. These three-fourths groups including farmers in rural China, Japan Okinawa, the residents, the Northern Mexico talahumala ethnic Indians, Papua New Guinea highlands, as well as many of the native peoples of Africa, among these populations, heart disease is unknown, because they were since ancient times has been to plant food nutrition. My research and advisory services to hundreds of patients with heart disease experiences that I firmly believe that, you can and what they like, heart attack and disappeared from their lives. in talks for the first time, I came to patients participating in the project emphasized that need their percent complete obedience. My first requirement is that the patients and their families from the speech of their thought, even in the deepest belief systems, such as the following leave completely excluded, that is "contrary to the provisions a little bit, not to cause harm. "I made for the entire treatment process of scientific explanation, if you only remember one important point, I hope you keep in mind the fact that all banned foods, including liquid and solid fats and oils, dairy products and animal proteins, even if it is a tiny, has the potential to cause harm, do cause harm. Do you think of it this way: If on the whole, you're using a healthy diet, but they allow themselves to eat 2-3 food of the week, about 150 days a year which means you are abused and hurt myself, this so-called "appropriate restraint" argument, will make the health benefits of plant nutrition torn to do, as long as the "bit" is enough to make you unable to completely free of heart disease. if you understand and accept this premise, but what about controlling heart disease, you already have a successful mastery of the 95%. Occasional exceptions, even the modest "foul", also have a negative impact on results. (I must admit that I myself have had errors: one year on new year's Eve, I ate 8-10 chocolate peanut butter cup. ) at this point, I remember a few years ago at a breakfast, when I was invited to speak at about breast cancer. A table for dinner and I was a distinguished surgeon, he comes from the East Coast, is also coming to the meeting. 18 months ago, he had a heart attack, even so, he eat oily butter pancakes plus a bacon. See my brows, the doctor explained that he usually eats is careful, only on weekends, or acted out of town, or allow yourself to have exceptions only on special occasions. since then, he has a serious stroke, does not speak. Vascular disease is coronary heart disease and stroke, but from the heart coronary artery is blocked to middle cerebral artery-clogging. therefore, my nutrition plan is one of the most important basic prerequisite, that commitment is absolutely trustworthy, it is the first thing you want to know, let us know me one by one of the following nutritional rules. first of all, the foods you should avoid intake of the following: 1. can't eat was born out of the womb, or nose, eye, including meat, poultry, fish and eggs. You may hear that fish is rich in arginine and ��-3 fatty acids, which are essential for the maintenance of endothelial integrity and other body functions material. But there are other more healthy sources of these substances, I recommend dietary supplements programme will be talking about this. 2. can't eat dairy products. Referring to the butter, cheese, butter, ice cream, yogurt, milk, or skimmed milk. 3�� Can't eat soybean oil. Includes all food oils, even pure organic extra virgin olive oil and rapeseed oil is also included in the ban. (For more information about this issue, see the tenth chapter). 4�� Not eating refined grains. Compared with the Valley foods, most of the fiber and nutrients that refined grains have been removed. You should avoid white and "enhanced" flour products, many of Italy pasta, bread, bagels and baking produced food is the flour. 5. be cautious nuts. Any person with heart disease should avoid eating nuts, people without heart disease may be suitableEating walnuts, walnut and ��-3 fatty acids can provide substantial, it has an important role for many basic functions of the body. But I'm nuts are extremely cautious, although the nut company funded short-term research, nuts on the cholesterol appears to have a positive impact, but as far as I know, there hadn't been a long-term studies have shown that they can prevent and reverse heart disease, and patients with excessive intake of easily, so that their cholesterol. now look at the food you can eat, to be exact, it is worth encouraging uptake of food. Following this list may not include the things you used to eat, but we can also provide you with gourmet and culinary delicacies, and they are rich in cellulose, a variety of nutrients and antioxidants, which is essential to maintain the heart and the overall health of the material: 1. Vegetables. Below mentioned vegetable course is not a full of list, but has can let you clearly to see, you can eat of vegetable varieties is so colorful, Yam, and sweet potatoes, and potato (must don't using French fried or any other with oil of cooking method!); lvhuacai, and feather clothing cabbage, and spinach; asparagus, and ocean thistle, and eggplant, and radish, and celery, and onion, and carrot; spore cabbage (cabbage small package dishes), and corn, and cabbage (cabbage), and lettuce, and pepper; Greens, and Switzerland beet (���ʳɷ֡� da dishes), and General sweet caiye, and turnip cabbage, and European wind; summer pumpkin, and winter pumpkin, and tomatoes (strictly,, tomatoes belonging to fruit), and cucumber. In our plan, almost all you can eat vegetables you can think of, but there is one exception, which is heart disease can't eat avocados, because it is different from general vegetable, high fat content. As for the people who do not have heart disease, blood lipid level did not rise as long as one's own, you can eat Avocados. 2�� Beans. Includes a variety of beans, peas, lentils and all similar varieties. This is a very large plant families and genera, you're bound to find that they can make a variety of delicacies, and prior to that you may never have had the opportunity to taste. 3�� Whole grains. Include whole grain wheat and cereal rye, wheat, ground grain, whole grain oats, barley, buckwheat (Soba buckwheat cereal or particle), non-refined corn, corn flour, wild rice, brown rice, popcorn, as well as less common whole grains, such as coarse wheat flour, calm steamed wheat (durum wheat), Chenopodium album, millet, wheat, amaranth seed Pau l w.SP e LTZ, thrush grass seeds of wheat, Triticale, gelanuola oats volume and faluogu. Cereal varieties that can be selected very rich, you are already familiar with, there are fresh tricks. You can also eat cereals without sugar and oils, such as old oatmeal (not the kind of quickly making), wheat, cereals, as well as a certain brand of cereal products, like grape-nuts cereal. You should eat whole-grain breads that do not contain added fats or other pasta noodles eat whole Valley, like whole grain wheat, brown rice, made of Pau l w.SP e LTZ He Li of wheat and wheat pasta, (pasta to be careful of the restaurant, which often contain egg, made from wheat flour wheat flour, and the sauce is likely to have added fats. ��4�� Fruit. All varieties of fruits you can eat. However, the need to draw attention to is, is best to limit your intake of fruits to 3 a day (or 3 berries and grapes, each approximately one per cent), it is best to avoid drinking pure fruit juices. Fruit, especially fruit juices, sugar is very high, intake too much will rapidly rise in blood sugar. Physical response to the rise in blood sugar is the rapid increase in the amount of insulin-producing pancreas, insulin stimulates the liver to produce more cholesterol 1, which may cause increased triglyceride levels. Sugary desserts should also pay attention to, it can have the same results. implementation of my nutrition plan, you'd better buy fresh food, so that no tags issue. But for processed foods, then you definitely have to check the ingredients on the label carefully. why do? in recent years, the United States food and drug administration requires foods industry, be sure to indicate more precisely than ever before on the food label fat content. However, in the labelling regulations, at least one of the most important vulnerabilities, that is, if each of the foods contain only 0.5 grams of fat or less, management allows the manufacturer on the product packaging marked as zero fat. According to this case, let us take a box of doughnuts, for example, each doughnuts with 1 g of fat. Under the new system, manufacturers as long as the emphasis on the label, in the box with 6 doughnuts to the equivalent of 12, that is to say, a is equal to a half doughnuts. A half doughnuts will only contain 0.5 grams of fat, which can be announced by each contained fat doughnuts to zero. �⵱Ȼ�Ǻܻ��� These "zero fat" product as a whole may be less than other similar products, but on the outer packaging with a "zero fat" tag salad, cheese, breakfast pastry and smudge of sauces, still suppressed just the same in essence of dairy products, animal fats and oils, which are detrimental to your health. Please be sure to note label on the phrase, "contains a negligible number of fats. "Be sure to read carefully, note any oil that is mentioned in the list of ingredients, as well as glycerine, glycerol ester, glycerin esters and hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils. Keep in mind that even lipstick on the pig coating and wear earrings, it is still a pig. Consumption of these "zero fat" product of the year, will really make your added pounds of deadly fats in the diet. Jim.-Rotrou Shuttle, who took part in one of my patients in the study of, and have had on the lessons of the heavily. In the 6 years in the implementation of this programme, has been cautious, he never touch meat, dairy products and fats. But suddenly, his rising cholesterol more than 200 mg/dl, but we'll soon find out where the problem lies. Jim before you begin this scenario, is not the kind of person who loves fruit and vegetables, in the first year after implementing my plan, he is always looking for excuses to avoid eating fruits and vegetables. When the so-called "zero fat" food when you start to appear on supermarket shelves, he was overwhelmed with emotion and filled with joyTheir inclusion in the scope of their diet. After experiencing soaring cholesterol scare, he quickly corrected, and now he's total cholesterol under control again, and since then has been maintained at 120 mg/dl. on the market called "zero fat" food more and more, including certain salad dressings, crackers, crisps, Pretzels and a variety of desserts, care should be taken to buy, look carefully at the label, pay attention to enumerated in the list of ingredients. When you have questions, you should ask the manufacturer, not sorry. Associated with the company's Chief nutritionist or medical consultant to talk to in order to get direct answers about fat content. suppose now that you've decided, completely obeying only to eat these foods are allowed in the plan, and to avoid all that I do not allow food category, so if they need to take any supplements, to make sure that you correctly implemented for heart health programmes to achieve the best extent? for those people who have heart disease, I recommend four types of dietary supplements. Some research suggests, in the next few years there will be a variety of listing, seems to have recommended, for example, aminoguanidine base valproic acid (arginine), this amino acid on promoting artery dilatation of nitric oxide production is essential. However, it has been my experience, I tend to recommend the intake of vegetable food to my patients, in particular legumes to obtain large amounts of arginine. I have to recommend to patients with heart disease, as well as other patients following five supplements, based on your cholesterol levels, may be appropriate to also use the sixth type of preparation. 1�� Multivitamins. I suggest that once a day, every day to ensure that you meet your basic needs. 2�� Vitamin B12. I recommend is 1000 mcg daily (��g). 3�� Calcium. People aged over 50 1000 mg per day. Persons over 60 years 1200 mg per day. 4�� Vitamin D3. Over 50 years of taking 1000 international units per day. 5�� Omega-3 fatty acids. Eat a tablespoon of flax seed powder, you can get the day's requirements. You can sprinkle on cereal to eat it, be sure to buy ground flax seed powder at low temperature. 6�� Cholesterol-lowering drug. This must be taken under doctor's supervision. My personal recommendation Statin class cholesterol-lowering drug of choice, patients at the nutrition programme at the beginning of taking drugs and the new interaction of dietary pattern, usually in a short period within 14 days of making your reduced total cholesterol levels below 150 mg/dl. Beginning two months, you'll be in a doctor's help, monitor changes in your blood cholesterol level. I suggest that the initial 2 months, 3-4 cholesterol measurements. First and the third shall be a full cholesterol test, including total cholesterol, HDL and triglycerides, low-density lipoprotein, second and fourth total cholesterol can only. Two months later, every 2-3 months of cholesterol measuring is enough. Why should I measure cholesterol is so frequently? because this is a real clue, instant feedback on progress within your body. If your total cholesterol smoothly down to 150 mg/dl, you can with the help of doctors, drug dose reduction, for some patients, and even full stop. so why not implement a few months after the diet, according to patient needs, then consider adding cholesterol drugs be forced down to below the critical value that 150mg/dL? those who suffered from severe coronary artery disease, does not ensure that there is plenty of time to wait for the slow decline of cholesterol. Coronary Vascular endothelial cells is very fragile, and started its healing process as quickly and comprehensively as possible is key, additional measures as a nutrition plan, these remarkable Statins help to do this. but, this also has another advantage, that's the positive impact on patients ' psychological. When you start after you perform this nutrition scheme, means that you control, just like Joe. Stanley Kroll and Abel. Brikner experience the results, in just a few weeks, you'll be able to quickly see a dramatic upturn in the inspirational effect no matter how rendering is not exaggerated. Data prove to you that, greatly reduce the cholesterol level, you conquer enough to destroy the disease. but keep in mind that drugs alone are not enough. A study I mentioned in the fifth chapter, which is in the New England Journal of medicine recently published a research report, ultra high-dose statins succeeded in patient cholesterol levels fell well below the level of 150 mg. But even so, because they do not have any dietary changes, one-fourth object of the emergence of new cardiovascular disease, and some even die within 30 months. plant nutrition and the benefits of different drugs, it does much more than lower cholesterol levels. Of other risk factors on the body, such as obesity, high blood pressure, triglycerides, homocysteine levels, will also have a strong impact of vascular endothelial cells of plant nutrients can promote healing and self-renewal, and once again blocked arteries expand, so as to provide adequate for its domination of myocardial blood flow eventually makes you completely free from heart attack. there will be nothing better than this thing?

