
Winter Health   foam foot soak your Vitale _ July rain

Now people's living conditions have improved, a lot of people have shower facilities, ready to bathe, and washed his feet, so many of my friends do not understand, why stress foam foot? first, improves blood circulation. Feet since ancient times, there is talk of the second heart of the human body. From a health perspective, foot furthest away from the heart of the human body, while the heavy burden and, therefore, this place is most likely to lead to poor blood circulation, documented medical classics: "man's feet, still like tree roots, tree root Dragon's first blight, old feet before failure.����"Especially for those people who often feel cold limbs, foam feet is an excellent way. Second, stimulate the foot acupoints, reflex zone and Meridian. A lot of people are doing pedicure, masseuse point pressure when our feet will feel pain, acids heaving, which basically shows the corresponding reflex zones in the viscera had problems. So, when we finished after a foot massage, will feel relaxed.����At the same time, there are 6 main meridians on the feet of the human body, including three Yang meridians (bladder, stomach, gall) end point, and three Yin (spleen, liver, kidney's starting point, on my feet, so soak feet is equal to the stimulation of the six most important meridians. Third, in the treatment of many diseases, there is a good complement. It is often said: "eat tonics for the rich, the poor bubble". Soak feet a lot.����Especially in today's society, large amounts of air conditioning use, coupled with widespread love eating cold foods, so in the cold and wet through soak feet, you can speed up the row in the body from the cold. Many people have this experience after bubble foot, foam feet, will feel the knee is very cool, and description in the cold and wet was being soaked their feet out of hot water and traditional Chinese medicine in vitro. Therefore, if you've got a cold cold, sometimes without medication, bubble foot sweat, cold to disperse in the body, would have been OK. There are many people in high blood pressure, long soak feet, will make the end of the human body's blood circulation is improved, therefore, take blood pressure to drop down. In short, see reason, practicing to do it, benefits of foam foot only you know best.����What about how do we properly soak feet?����How to how to properly correct bubble foot soak feet? here I gave everyone a method we used for years.����First, we must select foam foot barrel. Since it is soak feet, it is necessary to reflect a "bubble" Word to come. "Bubble" here is embodied, water, heat, long time. Can't take a little water on the line.����That is not a role in health care, which is up to wash your feet, rather than soak feet. The right choice is, buy a deep bucket, to be able to put the whole of the lower leg. Why should I choose wood barrels? is relatively easy to insulate and the second is close to nature. Some people told me that the liver the primary wood, renal water, foam, liver kidney Detox can help.����Is it really make sense, I have no way to research, anyway, I use barrel foam feet and feel comfortable than plastic barrels. This foam foot barrel beads in Beijing Municipal Bo on sale of the United States, prices are relatively cheap, when I bought two years ago, only $ 50, but a couple of days ago, one of our friends she went to a trip, told me that price had already become history, now has more than 100. Then we will be leveraging your skill, from House to house cut it, cut out, tell me what you buy is how much it costs.����In fact, some also sells furniture city, a little more expensive.����Second, in order to select a heating device. Such foam foot barrel on the market, there is no heating equipment, so that when we soak feet, sometimes I feel cool in the water and had to heat the water, need help, so the feeling is too much trouble. I think a simple way is boiling hot, drop in the bucket as heating equipment, is easy and save money. However, some users may think that, if leakage, or hot, I think it would be a little dangerous, but I have used for over two years, as long as the notice, did not find the problem. If you don't mind, can be heated, take out the feet, plus a good hot, then put back.
Foam foot soak your Vitale "/>
Foam foot soak your Vitale "/>
Redekuai in the water for heating
Redekuai this thing, on the market is more than 10 million. Buy that kind of power points, ceramic heater that is better.����Copper heat quickly, but it seems like a long scale, and the stainless steel heating is relatively slow.����Third, how to confirm that the bubble effect of foot. Soak feet must be used in hot water, we generally use the shower nozzle, put the hot water to soak their feet in the bucket, and then moved to barrels sofa while watching TV, while soak feet. My daughter, often foam foot while doing homework. And never bored. Just move this barrel of water, is really a liqihuo, if no man at home, it can't move, part will have to scoop up the water. If businesses can make barrels of suitcases just fine.
Foam foot soak your Vitale "/>
If you feel that cold, you can wipe their feet on the cloth cover insulation
What about how to bubble up the feet? that's the bubble to your back feeling a little surge, or brow sweat, even better. Note that never age. Because sweat is liquid. Sweating too much grief. As long as there are micro-OK with sweat, your Meridian through up and down. It is also proof of your channel is a way to pass. I'm usually up to 20 minutes to sweat, but some people need to be soaked for a long time before you sweat, some are not even sweat. Of course, if you soak for 40 minutes, not sweat, don't bubble. Soak for too long on the body are useless. Take it easy, maybe do not sweat today, tomorrow, no sweating, sweat after one week.����If it is not to sweat, don't force it. IV. Soak feet in the water if you want to addMedicine. A lot of people who do pedicure all know, prior to the massage to soak their feet, and there is also traditional Chinese medicine. Do you want to put traditional Chinese medicine, we may, as appropriate, may be. If you can sweat white blisters, explain your Meridian link, there is no traditional Chinese medicine, if you soak for 30 minutes without sweating, it is necessary to add some Chinese medicines. Purpose of the traditional Chinese medicine, mainly promoting blood circulation and quhan. What does and what kind of traditional Chinese medicine.����Let me share with you an old soak feet massage therapist to disclose to me prescription, for several years, the effect is pretty good. Prescription name this is the old bubble foot massage therapist told me of a soak feet.����We press this Prescription, pharmacies to sell traditional Chinese medicine, told the clerk that was soaked their feet, so that they completely crushed into a drug for you. Safflower 5G baibu 5G, caesalpinia sappan 5G, Radix angelicae pubescentis 5G gardenia 4g, tougucao 4g, asarum 3G, clematis 3G it's just a dose of medicine dosage, once you come to ten on the list. Can be used the first half.����Not much money.����Once you get these foam foot powder from the drugstore, you need to find a pantyhose, once placed on the 10-20 g, fasten onto wooden barrels, at this time, you take a bath of hot water a flush, spray will break through, light yellow, very clear, there was a medicine scent. The whole family can use this drug with bubbles, not transmitted beriberi. Kids bubble up, LP bubbles, you end up soaked. A bucket of water soak feet, services the three of them. Some people will be living, daily medication is wasted, in there, okay? generally, in the autumn and winter, this medicine, you can use more than 3 days. If you feel that the liquid does not cloudy, no sticky drawing, you can continue to use it. However, if the next day to go, have to use redekuai heating, a large bucket of water, heating takes a long time, worth to do so, you consider yourself.

