
[Reprint] mount tenth top ten talk talk: today at the University of Southern California GOULD School of law _ Seung-CHEONG

Category: financial well-guide aking Jie Wei squatting Mans classic speeches! original address: mount tenth top ten talk talk: at the University of Southern California GOULD School of law graduation ceremony speaking authors: Liu Jian __ Buffy tenth: Mount of the University of Southern California GOULD School of law graduation speech (May 23, 2007) Thought 2010-11-2117:45:01 read 30 comments 0 size: large medium small subscribe Editor's Note: that the investment we mount (a) the Second Edition, translated from the poorest Cha Libao code. Third edition of the poor Cha Libao code adds one Mans of the University of Southern California GOULD School of law graduation speech, is now under the poor Cha Libao code in the third edition of the translation (Shanghai people's press, first edition May 2010) abstract this article, entertained our "mount fans." 2007 late spring a warm day, the University of Southern California (USC) in Alumni Park, Charlie to 194 degree doctor of laws, 89 master's degree in law and master's degree in comparative law 3 delivered a speech, he tells us how his success, becoming a world-class wealthy. Mount points out that, for wisdom is a moral duty, and stressed that, although he read law school, but to succeed in life and learning, the best approach is to master the knowledge of many subjects. Reaction of the audience about the lecture was very warm, after which the University of Southern California law school aidehua��maikafulei (EdwardJ.McCaffery) grants to Charlie White Hat Society (Order of theCoir, United States society for outstanding legal person, the highest honor available for law school students--one of the translator's note) "honorary" members of the title. White hat society is a scholarly organization designed to promote quality legal education. you will certainly have a lot of people will wonder: so old speaker (audience laughing). Well, the answer is clear: he is not dead (audience laughing). Why you should ask this person to talk about? I don't know, I hope that the school's development with this makes no difference. Anyway, I think I'm here to talk to be suitable, because I saw behind a line of older and did not wear degree dress (parents) audience. I raised myself had many children, I know they really better than sitting in front of the wear degree students dress sense of honor. Parents paying a lot of care for their children, the wisdom and value to pass on to their children, they should always be respected. I was very pleased to see that I left many Asian people face, my life has always been the worship of Confucius, I really like Confucius on "filial piety" thinking, in his view, filial piety is born, also requires education, from generation to generation. You do not look down on these ideas, please note that in the United States rising Asian status in society and how quickly. I think these ideas are important. Well, I've wrote down several points of today's talk, here's to describe to me the most useful way of reasoning and attitudes. I do not think that they were perfect for everyone, but I think they have a lot of General value, there are many "proven" sense. Is an important reason which help me? I was very lucky, and understand the truth of it when I was young: something you want to get what you want, the most reliable way is to let yourself worthy of it. This is a very simple principle, is the golden rule. You must learn to do as you would be, flybirdlc. In my view, neither counsel nor the others, which are the most kind spirit. In General, people who have this spirit to win a lot of things in life, they win more than money and reputation. Gain respect, of course, win the trust of people dealing with them. To win the trust of others is a very happy thing. you must learn to do as you would be, flybirdlc there are times when you will find some of out-and-out thugs die is rich and famous, but around the vast majority of people believe that they deserve to die. If the Church is full of people who attend the funeral, which most people go there to celebrate this kid is finally dead. This reminds me of a story--the bastard died, the priest said, "who are willing to stand up for the deceased say good words?" did not stand out, for quite a long time does not stand out, and finally individual stands out, he said, "Okay, his brother is even worse. "(The audience laughing). This is not for you to get in the end, to the funeral ended, not the life you want. I understand that very second reason is that true love should be admired as a base, we ought to love those we have educational significance of past scholars ' enjoyment. I know this truth and life in the practice of it. Samosaite��maomu (SomersetMaugham) in his novel the shackles of human love is depicted in a morbid love is a sickness, if you find yourself in this disease, you should hurry up and put it to good. Another reason--this may make you think Confucius �C Yes, for wisdom is a moral duty, it is not just about making your lives better. Have a related point is very important, is that you must adhere to life-long learning. If you are not lifelong learning, you will not achieve a high level of achievement. Rely on existing knowledge, you can't go far in life. After get out of here, you'll have to continue learning so that it can go much further in life. ���� For wisdom is a moral responsibility to the world's most admired company Berkshire �� Hathaway, its long-term substantial investment performance is the history of mankind the most excellent. Berkshire to make lots of money in this decade, and may not be able to work in the next ten years, Buffett has to become a learning machine. A lower level of life has the same requirements, I notice that some people have crossed, the better life, they are not the most intelligent, not even the most diligent, but they are learning machines, when they go to bed every night are smarter than that morning a little bit. Kids, this habit is to youHelp, especially when you still have a long way to go. Aerfuleide��nuosi �� Whitehead once said a very correct remark, he said only if humans "inventing the invention", the development of mankind's society then can quickly. He pointed to the per capita GDP is the tremendous growth and many others we have today has become accustomed to the good stuff. Human society over hundreds of years ago began to develop, until then, each development of century practically zero. Human society only invented methods to the development of the invention, the same way, you only have to learn a method of learning can progress. human society only invented methods to the development of the invention, the same way, you only have to learn the way learning progress after I was very lucky. I have learned to read prior to law school to learn. In my long life, there is nothing better than continuous learning help me even more. Get Warren Buffet, with a timer if you watched him, will find him awake half the time it is read. He took most of the rest of the time with some very talented people a one-on-one conversation, is sometimes called, sometimes in person, these are people who he trusts and trust him. Careful observation, Warren is a scholarly, although he was very successful in secular life. Academia has a lot of valuable things. Not so long ago I encountered an example, I was the President of the Council of the hospital, at work in contact with a yuesefu��Mila of medical researchers. This my dear brorher is a medical doctor, who after years of studying to become the world's most proficient in bone tumor pathology of human. He wanted to spread this knowledge to improve the treatment of bone cancer. How does he do? well, he decided to write a text book, although I think it only up to sell thousands of copies of textbooks, but the cancer treatment centers all over the world buy it. He spent a year leave, x-rays and get all the computers in the careful preservation and arrangement, he worked for 17 hours a day, seven days a week, upholding a whole year. This is also a holiday. Holiday is over, when he wrote the best in the world of two bone cancer pathology textbook. If you value with Mila, do you want access to a number of achievements you can get much greater success. Another reason that is very useful to me is that I learned in law school in the same year. Was a joke, says: "what is the legal minds? if there are two things are intertwined together in mutual influence between, your efforts to consider only one, in total disregard of another thing, thinking that this kind of thinking is both practical and feasible mind is the law of the mind. "I knew he was told, he said that" the law "is ridiculous. This gave me great inspiration because it prompted me to study various subjects all of the key reasons, so I don't become the professor was painted by ass. Because what's really important about the weight of each subjects 95%, so for me, from all disciplines of the lessons I need 95% knowledge and they become part of my thinking, is not a difficult thing. Of course, after the master after this, you must go through the practice of using them. It's like the pianist, if you do not practice, it is impossible to play well. So I've continued to practice the kind of interdisciplinary approaches. This habit has helped me a lot, it makes life more enjoyable, so that I can do more things, let me become more productive, I became very wealthy, and this no talent to explain. My thinking as long as the correct practice, really helpful. But this habit will also lead to dangerous, because it's so useful, if you use it, when you and other experts-perhaps even the experts in the subject of your boss, can easily hurt you �� together, you will often find your knowledge than he is richer, more able to solve problems encountered by him, when he was at a loss when sometimes you know the correct answer. Encountered such a situation was very dangerous, if you the correct position so that the status of people look bad, can cause a lot of revenge. I have yet to find a perfect way to avoid this serious problem damage. if you correctly so that the identity of people look bad, could cause great revenge while playing poker very well when I was young, but when I think I know more than a superior, I'm not very good at covering up their own ideas, not very carefully to try to hide their own ideas, so I always give offence. Now people think of me as a weird old men that have one foot in the grave is not malicious, but in the past, I had a very difficult time. I recommend that you do not learn of me, it is best to learn how to hide your wisdom. A colleague of mine, he graduated from law school grades are first in class, he worked in the United States Supreme Court has worked as a young man worked as a lawyer, he was always well informed. One day, his superior's senior partner called him into the Office, and said to him: "well, Chuck, I would like to explain something to you, your work and responsibilities of customers to think he is the smartest guys in the room. If once you have completed this task and has extra energy, senior partner should use it to make you seem like a second smart guys in the room. Only after fulfilling these two obligations, you can represent yourself. "Well, it was a large law firm in the good way of climbing up, but I did not do that. I usually straightforward, if the style I was wise, it's just slightly, and I don't want everyone loves me. ���� It was a large law firm in the good way of climbing up, but I did not do that. I usually straightforward, if the style I was wise, it's just slightly, I don't want everyone loves me again I would like to further explain why people must have across science of mind, can be effective and mature life. In this case, I would like to quote one of the greatest lawyers in the ancient maerkusi��TU Lusi��xisailuo important thoughts (). Cicero's phrase is very famous, he said that if a person does not know what had happened before he was born, in theLife will be like an ignorant children. This is correct, Cicero had rightly ridiculed those stupid people who don't know anything about it. Cicero this extension if you--I think you should do so--in addition to history, also there are many things that people need to know. Called much of what is important in all subjects. But if you're a rote knowledge in order to achieve good results in examinations, this knowledge will not be much help to you. Many of you must master the knowledge, so that they form a framework in your mind, would be able to use them in subsequent days. If you can do this, I solemnly tell you that one day you will be aware of unconsciously: "I have become one of my peers in the most efficient". On the other hand, if you do not try to practice this scientific approach, many of the most clever of you will only get Middle-achievement, or even live in the shadows. for a complex adaptive system, as well as the human brain, if the converse, problems tend to become more easy to solve. If you have problems, in turn, thought, and usually will be able to think more clearly and I found another reason behind the maikafulei Dean said in the story, stories of country folk say: "you want to know where I would die well, I'll never go there. "This country folk say it sounds ridiculous, but there is a profound truth. For a complex adaptive system, as well as the human brain, if the converse, problems tend to become more easy to solve. If you have problems, in turn, thinking, you typically can think more clearly. For example, if you want to help India, you should consider the issue is not "How can I help India?" on the other hand, you should be asking: "How can I harm India?" you should find on India cause maximum damage, and avoid doing it. Perhaps from a logical point of view is the same in two ways, but those who are proficient in algebra knows, if the problem is difficult to solve, with the back prove that often can be solved. Life as with algebra, converse can help you solve the problem of positive thinking cannot be processed. I'm going to use a bit of a converse. What makes our life failure? what should we avoid it? the answer is simple, for example, lazy and what they will allow us to fail in life. And what if you even more benefits or avoided tragic fate. So you should get into the habit from words of habits, laziness and what is clearly to be avoided. ���� You have to very carefully and beware of strong ideologies, it for your precious mind is great danger in addition to avoid extreme ideologies, because it would make people lose their heads. What you see on TV has a lot of really bad religious evangelist, nitty-gritty details in their theology is not strong, contradictory and theological views of the same, but also very stubborn, I see many a man's brain had been shrunk into cabbages (audience laughing). Political ideologies, too. Young people particularly vulnerable to strong ideology are stupid, and never go out. When you declare that you are a loyal member of the cult-like groups, and began to advocate when Orthodox ideology of the group, you will have to do is this ideology continue to plug into your mind. So that your mind will be broken, and there are often broken at an alarming rate. So you have to very carefully and beware of strong ideologies, it is great danger to your precious mind. Whenever I feel I have caught in some sort of strong ideologies of danger, I will show this example to remind myself that some Canoeing Scandinavian people conquered the Scandinavian all torrents, they think they can drive maelstrom of canoeing the successful conquest of North America, resulting in deaths is a hundred percent. Maelstrom is something you should avoid, strong ideology, especially when you all of your companions are devout believers. I have an "iron law", it helps me in tends to support a strong ideological remain awake. I feel like I'm not qualified to possess a viewpoint, unless I can refute my better than my opponent's position. I think I only when it reaches this realm are eligible to express their views. Dean Acheson (Dean Acheson, 1893-1971, United States well-known politicians and lawyers, in the development of United States foreign policy during the cold war--played an important role on the translator's note) there is a "iron law", it comes from the silence by William of Orange (William the Silent of Orange,1533-1584 years, Dylan in the war of independence led Netherlands against Spain who ruled, be respected as Netherlands father �C translator's note) said a Word, the meaning of the word is probably "may not necessarily have to promise to adhere to the". I practice sounds like this "iron law" as extreme, for most people, this may be too difficult, but I hope it never becomes too difficult for me. I avoid strong ideological way bidian��aiqixun "iron law" easier, also worth learning. This method of keep out of extremist ideology is very, very important in your life, if you want to be a wise person, grave ideological will most likely lead to backfires. I feel like I'm not qualified to possess a viewpoint, unless I can better than my opponent to rebut my position there is something called a "self service preference" psychological factors are also often cause people to do stupid things, it is often unconscious, everyone is inevitably affected by it. Do you think of "self" is eligible to do what it wants to do something, such as overdraft revenue to meet that demand, there's nothing wrong with? well, once upon a time there was a man, he is the world's most famous composer, but he had a pretty miserable for most of the time, he was always overdrawn his income is one of the reasons. The composer is Mozart. Lianmozhate unable to get rid of this stupid behavior of poison, I don't think you should try it (Audience laughter). can't get rid of this stupid behavior even Mozart poison, I don't think you should try it in General, envy, but hatred, hatred and self-pity are catastrophic ideological State. Excessive self pity that can turn borders on paranoia, paranoia is one of the most difficult to reverse, you would not engage in self pity feelings. I have a friend, he carried a thick stack of cards whenever someone says self-pity, he would have slowly, exaggerated took out a stack of cards will top the handed over to talk to people. On the card says, "I am very moved by your story, I had never heard of someone like you in trouble. "You may think that this is a joke, but I think it's mental health. Every time you find yourself producing self-pity mood, no matter what your reason, even as his own children suffering from cancer is about to die, and you will think, self-pity is ineffective. So when you give yourself a picture of my friend card. Self-pity will always have a negative effect, it's a way of thinking. If you can avoid it, your advantage is much larger than other people, or almost all of them, because self-pity is a standard response. You can get rid of it by training. In the thinking of you, of course, but also in their own preferences to eliminate self service, don't think that is of benefit to you is good for society as a whole, and according to the center of this self unconscious tendency to justify your stupid or evil act, it is a terrible way of thinking. You have to let myself get rid of this, because you want to be instead of the wise fool, want to be good rather than bad. You must be in one's own cognitive action to allow others to have preference for self-service, because most people cannot be very successfully clear the mind, such is human nature. If you can't tolerate others in action showing preference for self-service, then you are a fool. if you can't tolerate others in action showing preference for self-service, then you are a fool legal counsel of Salomon Brothers did the student editor of the Harvard law review, is a wise and noble people, but I saw that he had ruined their own future. CEO says a subordinate that able at that time doing something wrong, General Counsel, said, "well, we had no legal responsibility to report on this matter, but I think that is what we should do, it is our moral responsibility. "From a legal and moral terms, General Counsel is correct, but his methods are wrong. He proposed to deal with a host of problems every day of the CEO to make an unpleasant thing, CEO is always postponed again about it, because he is very busy, so perfectly understandable, he was not wilfully make a mistake. What happens, authorities blamed their failure to make timely and informed, CEO and General Counsel are ruined. In such cases, persuasion skills is Benjamin Franklin correctly pointed out, he said: "If you want to convince others, it is necessary to resort to interests, rather than an appeal to reason. "Human self service preference is extremely powerful and should be used to obtain the correct result. General Counsel should say: "Hey, if this situation continues, will destroy you, and will make you fall, breaking up. My recommendations helps keep you from into irreversible land. "This approach will not take effect. You should take recourse to interest rather than rational, even when your motivation at a very high. Another thing that should be avoided by perverted incentives-driven. You are in the performance of you too stupid or worse, it provides more return, the perverted incentives system, distorted incentives has control of the powerful forces of human behavior, people should avoid the effects of it. You will find that some provisions of the law firm particularly long working hours, at least a few modern law firm is like that. If the annual working 2, 400 hours, I could not live, it will cause many problems for me, I do not accept these conditions. I have no way to deal with some of you will be faced with this situation, you will have to explore on their own how to deal with these important issues. you will avoid you don't worship or not people like he worked under the metamorphosis of the working relationship should be avoided, you should specifically avoid you don't worship or not as he was working with the staff of, and it is very dangerous. All people to a certain extent, is controlled by the authority figures, especially those that provide us with return of authority figures. To properly deal with this risk, you must have both the talent and determination. When I was young, my approach was to find the person I respect, and then try to adjust to his men, but don't criticize anyone, so I'm usually able to work well under the leadership. Many law firms are allowed to do so, as long as you're smart enough, can do it properly. In short, you rightly admired his work and achievements in life will be more satisfactory. Form allows you to maintain an objective and fair habits to cognition is very helpful. We all remember Charles Darwin pay special attention to evidence to the contrary, especially his falsification of the theory is something he believes in and love. If you thought when you want to try to make fewer mistakes, you'll need such a habit. People also need to develop a habit of checking checklist, verification checklist to avoid many mistakes, not only for pilots is so. You shouldn't just mastered a wide range of basic knowledge, but should be presented in a list in their minds, and then use them. There is no other way to achieve the same effect.

