
[Reprint] ZT: educating children should be most aware of 10 future psychological laws _

Original address: ZT: educational psychology of the child should be most aware of 10 Law author: water cabbage should be most aware of 10 psychological laws laws of Psychology: Rosenthal effect United States well-known psychologist Rosenthal have done such a test: he put a mouse randomly into two groups: group a and group b, and told a group of breeders that, this group of mice is very clever; while keepers say he told b group, a group of rats average intelligence. A few months later, Professor, testing for these two sets of mouse through a maze, found a group of mice was really smarter than group b mouse, they can get out of the maze and find food. Professor Rosenthal has been inspired, he thought that these effects can also occur in people who do?, he arrived at a common secondary schools, at large took a trip in a class, and then students circle a few names on the list, tell them teacher says, these students a high IQ, very clever. After some time, went to this school, Professor, the miracle happened, it was elected by his students and now truly become a class leader. Why is this phenomenon? "hinted" that Magic Magic at work. Everyone will accept one way or another in life suggests that these suggest some positive, some negative. MOM is the most loved children, most people trust and rely on the most, at the same time exert psychological suggestion people. If it is negative and long-term adverse psychological suggestion, will make a child's mood is affected, in serious cases, will affect their mental health. Conversely, if the mother has high hopes for the kids, a positive, through the eyes, and I look forward to praise to moisten the smile, the language of motivation of a child's heart, making children more self-esteem, self-love, self-confidence, self-reliance, then, how high your expectations, and child outcome in the future there will be much! psychological principle II: overrun effects of United States in church listening to famous writer Mark Twain once the Minister speech. Initially, he felt that the priest put it very well to the ear, preparing contributions. After 10 minutes, the priest has not finished, he had some impatient, decided to donate some change. And after 10 minutes, the priest has not finished, so he decided to 1 cents do not donate. Wait until the priest came to an end a long speech when you start to raise money, Mark Twain, as angry, not only not to donate money, stole $ 2 money from the plates. This stimulus, too strong and too much time for too long and cause mental very impatient or resistance of the psychological phenomenon, known as "overrun" effect. Overrun effects often occur in families. For example, when children make a mistake parents once, twice, three times, or even four times five times repeated criticism of the thing for the same so that children from guilt disturbed to impatience and disgust hate. "Force urgency", there will be "I'm partial to" revolt of psychology and behavior. Visible criticism should not exceed limits of mother to child, child "made a mistake, criticism only once". Once again, if I have to criticize, it should not simply repeat, it is necessary to change the angle, in other words. This way, the child will not feel the same kind of error is "seize and hold" tired of psychology, psychology of also reducing. rule three: von Waldersee effect psychologists von Waldersee was told the Fable: there are a bunch of kids around in front of an old, calls the winged Seraphs. A few days past, elderly unbearable. So he gave each child for 10 cents, and said unto them: "you make here is very lively, I felt a lot younger, thanks. "The children were delighted, continues the next day came, Frisky as ever. Come out for the elderly, and gave each child for 5 cents. 5 cents or so, children still happily gone. The third day, gave each child only 2 cents for the elderly, and children of rage "only 2 cents a day, any idea how hard we!" They swear to the elderly, they will never play for him! in this parable, the old man is simple, and his children's intrinsic motivation "for their own pleasure and play" into the extrinsic motivation "play to get cents" he maneuvered cents of the external factors, so manipulating the children's behavior. Von Waldersee effects appeared in life. For example, parents are often their children, said: "this exam if you get 100 points, reward you 100 dollars", "If you can exam app 5, will reward you with a new toy," and so on. Parents may not have thought of, and it is this inappropriate incentives, children's interest in learning a little bit of abatement. In the study, parents should guide their children establish lofty ideals, enhance child emotional and interest in learning, increase the motivation of children learning itself, helping children reap the joy of learning. Parents of rewards can be helpful to learn something, such as books, learning, and has nothing to do with learning award, you'd better not. rule four: South wind effect Breeze "effect also known as" warm "effect, from France writers �� Feng Dan wrote a Fable: northerly and southerly than the power to see who can put their coats off the pavements. Wind from the first cold air cold, cold, and pedestrian in order to resist the invasion of the North wind, wrapped tightly in a coat. South wind gently blows, was such a beautiful day, pedestrians feel warm spring for upper body, shier unbutton, then take off your coat, South won a victory. South wind of the story can do the trick, because it is responsive to human needs. Inspired by this soul searching, and meet the needs of self-psychological reactions as a result of that "South wind effect". From this we can know that in family education "sticks" and "threats", such as "North wind"-style education method is not desirable. Introduce four education, more "humane" praise children consciously, in order to achieve a multiplier effect. rule five: the barrel effect "barrel" effect of the mean: a yankou buckets that do not align, how much water is not the longest piece of wood on the barrel, but in the shortest plank on the barrel. A child learning combined score is just like a large wooden barrels, each subject is composed of the indispensable a plank of wood barrels. Stable formation among children grades cannot beRely on a few highlights of academic achievement, but depends on it whole, particularly depending on some of its weaknesses. When it finds a child's account when there is insufficient, it should remind the child in a timely manner so that it takes a little more time on the subject, "draw". psychological principle six: the Hawthorne effect United States outside of Chicago Hawthorne plant is a manufacturing factory of the telephone switch, more comprehensive recreational facilities, health care and pension systems, but the workers are still angry, much to be desired. Subsequently, psychology experts dedicated to be a pilot, that is, with a two-year period, more than 20,000 people talking to experts looking for workers on individual, provided during the course of conversation, patiently listening to the various views and discontent with workers on the factory. This conversation test had an unexpected result: the Hawthorne's factory output in a substantial increase. Children in the process of learning, growth, to avoid confusion or dissatisfaction, which cannot be adequately expressed. As a mother, to try to make time to talk with the children, and talk about the process, to say patiently guiding the children have fun, and utter confusion in their living, learning, and express their dissatisfaction with the parents, schools, teachers, students, etc. Children, "said" after a vent meet, they will relax and comfort. So, they will be more in the learning efforts, it will be more confident in life! psychological principle seven: decrease effect of interpersonal "and decrease effect" refers to: anyone want to each other about their likes, "growing" instead of "decline". For example, in many salesperson is take people's minds, in goods to the customer is always the first grab a small stack in the pan a little to add to, rather than to grab a stacked plate then a little bit to get out. Our evaluation of disadvantages and advantages of children when he inevitably has to say something, and often use "Pao relegated after first" approach. In fact, this is an unsatisfactory evaluation methods. At the time of evaluation of the child, we may use "increase or decrease in effect", such as the dignity of the children said something without injury of small defects, then appropriately commended sth psychological principle VIII: the butterfly effect according to studies, a butterfly flapping wings occasionally brought up in the southern hemisphere of the air, due to mixing a variety of other factors, a couple of weeks, should become swept through the United States, Texas, one of the tornadoes! this phenomenon, a disorder called "butterfly effect", and theory: a very slight causes, after a certain period of time and other factors involved, can develop into extremely large and complex impact. "Butterfly effect" tells us that children no small matter. Representations, one thing a Word, right and proper, may affect the child's life; errors and arbitrary, it may be integrating child lives. mental rules: labeling effects during the second world war, United States due to insufficient strength, while war does need a group of soldiers. So the United States ** decided to organize the prisoners locked up in prison to the front to fight. To this end, the United States Mission in ** a few psychologists to pre-war training and mobilization of the prisoner, and front-line operations with them. Training experts in psychology is not so much to preach unto them, and with particular emphasis on inmates per week most people write a letter to yourself. Centrally by the psychologists developed the contents of the letter, was described by inmates in prison rehabilitate show how good, how to, and so on. Experts called the prisoners were carefully copied and sent to your dearest people. Three months later, the prisoners March to the front, experts write their letters to loved ones to prisoners, such as how to obey the command and about how brave. The results, these prisoners performance compared to the regular army in battle to no less, they in battle as has been said in their letter to obey commands, brave fight. Subsequently, the psychologists call this phenomenon, known as the "labeling effect", also called implied effect on psychology. This psychological principle has a vital role in the family. For example, if we keep children yelling out "fool" and "swine", and "what's so stupid," "even as simple as subjects are not done", a long time, the child might really become what we call "idiots". So, MOM must kick the make fun of shame, blame the complaining, intimidation, and other languages and more with motivational language, put forward for the kids of the label. psychological law ten: threshold effect in everyday life often have such a phenomenon: when you ask someone to help you, if you put forward higher requirements from the outset, it is vulnerable to denial of, and if you make a small request, others agree to add required components can be much easier to achieve the target, this phenomenon is a psychologist called "threshold effect". In family, we can also be applied "threshold effect". For example, make lower demands for the kids, once they did as requested and affirmation, recognition and rewards, and then gradually increase the requirement, so that children enjoy endless positive enthusiastic. from: network

