
[Reprinted brilliant diplomatic quote _]2010 Chinese leaders spend night color picker

Category: flowers overnight collect comprehensive original address: 2010 Chinese leader brilliant diplomatic quote author: breeze cold month of 2010 Chinese leader brilliant diplomatic quote information: April 12 to attend nuclear security summit of Chinese President Hu Jintao met in Washington, United States President Barack Obama. Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xueren Photo "relaxation, don't be nervous, conversation, not confrontation, peace, war, this is the strong desire of both the South and the people and the international community to the Korean peninsula and voices. "---Chinese President Hu Jintao on December 6 at about the same United States President Barack Obama calls said.
November 13, Chinese President Hu Jintao in Singapore at the 2009 APEC CEO Summit, and entitled the firm confidence cooperation keynote to revive the world economy. Xinhua Ju Peng's photography , "China's population, a weak Foundation, unbalanced development in urban and rural regions, resource and environmental constraints, such as strengthening, technological innovation is not strong problems. To achieve the goals of the modernization of China also need long-term struggle. China faces a problem can be resolved only through the development of. "---Hu Jintao on November 13 in Japan delivered a speech at the APEC CEO Summit held in Yokohama, said.
On June 27, the fourth of Group of 20 leaders Summit in Canada Toronto, Chinese President Hu Jintao to attend the Summit. Xinhua Fan Rujun Photo "to achieve strong, sustainable and balanced growth of the world economy is a long and complex process, it is impossible to happen overnight, it is necessary to persevere, firmly push, but also to take into account different national circumstances, respecting the diversity of national development and development models. "---Hu Jintao, held in Toronto on June 27, the Group of 20 leaders lecture at the fourth Summit, said.
On June 27, the fourth of Group of 20 leaders Summit in Canada Toronto, Chinese President Hu Jintao to attend the Summit. Xinhua Fan Rujun photography
"To fully implement decisions taken by the top 3 Summit and reach a consensus, jointly safeguard the credibility and effectiveness of the Group of 20, in a step by step, mutual benefit and win-win principle of construction of the propulsion mechanism of Group of 20, and properly handling all kinds of conflicts and differences, ensure that group of 20 Summit in moving forward on health tracks. " ---Hu Jintao, held in Toronto on June 27, the Group of 20 leaders lecture at the fourth Summit, said.
June 26, Chinese President Hu Jintao in Canada Toronto meeting with United States President Barack Obama. Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xueren Photo "to expedite the creation of a fair, just, inclusive and orderly international financial order. Profound lessons we should bear in mind the international financial crisis, which has been impeded and prescribe, in line with simple, easy to accountability for advancing the principles of the international financial regulatory reform, create an enabling environment for economic development of the international financial system entities. "---Hu Jintao, held in Toronto on June 27, the Group of 20 leaders lecture at the fourth Summit, said.
June 11, Chinese President Hu Jintao in Uzbekistan in Tashkent, the capital to attend Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit. This is Hu Jintao attended the small area of the Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization heads of State Council meeting. Xinhua Ju Peng's photography "we want to continue the implementation of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Convention against terrorism, and other documents on cooperation of the Organization, improving combat area" three forces "capabilities. To enhance the exchange of information and means of transport, border management and control of security, and improve cooperation mechanisms to combat drug trafficking, transnational crime, strengthening the training of personnel and communication, improve the efficiency of joint law enforcement. "---Hu Jintao, June 11 at the tenth meeting of the members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization heads of State Council on the speech.
June 11, Chinese President Hu Jintao in Uzbekistan in Tashkent, the capital to attend Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit. This is Hu Jintao and the participating Member State heads of State of the photo. Xinhua Ju Peng's photography
"' A harmonious world, starting from the adjacent ' is the theme of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization to participate in Shanghai World Expo, also in the China always adhere to and adjacent to the good and to neighboring countries with around foreign policy. Will adhere to the mutual benefit and win-win strategy of opening up of China, together with the States, and for creating lasting peace and prosperity in the region of new achievements to make greater efforts. "---Hu Jintao, June 11 at the tenth meeting of the members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization heads of State Council on the speech.
Information: the Sino-US strategic and economic dialogue
"The United States, as the United Nations Security Council permanent members, respectively, as the largest developing country in the world and largest in developed countries, faced the same tasks, shoulders an important responsibility. We insist on Sino-US relations in the right direction, to respect each other's core interests and a major concern, respect the rights of countries independently choose development, maintain high-level and close contacts at various levels and develop mutually beneficial win-win cooperation patterns, strengthen regional hot spots and global issuesAdjustment to deepen mutual understanding and friendship between the two peoples. "" I hope that both sides around the global, strategic, long-term problems of common interest candid communication, communication, and dispelling promoting cooperation. "" There is no doubt that China and the different national conditions, the two sides will inevitably there are some contradictions and differences, the key is to respect and take care of each other's core interests and a major concern, and handle some sensitive issues that exist with each other, constantly enhance the foundation of mutual trust. "" China attaches great importance to developing relations with the United States, the development of long-term health and stability of the Sino-US relations, the peoples of the common will, comply with the development trend of the times, is also conducive to the Asia-Pacific region and the world of peace, stability and prosperity. "" in the case of the Chinese people, there is nothing more important than safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity. Believe that experienced a civil war of the United States the people, it is easy to understand Unified to a country and how important and valuable. "---Hu Jintao May 24 said at the opening of the second round of the Sino-US strategic and economic dialogue.
May 8, Chinese President Hu Jintao meet in Moscow has participated in the Chinese people's Northeast battlefield fighting the war of Russia representative of veterans. Xinhua Rao Aimin photography
"People in China and Russia in the anti-fascist war forged a strong friendship. This condensation of friendship with their blood and life is a solid basis for Sino-Russian strategic partnership, as well as the solid foundation of their relationship. For decades, we have always deeply cherish victory for the Chinese people lost their lives in the Russian martyrs, always bearing in mind the historical feats they cast with life. "" As a world power, and the United Nations Security Council permanent members, China and Russia have a responsibility to actively advocate a multipolar world and international political democratization, actively promote the establishment of more equitable international political order. We need to cooperate closely in the International Affairs and jointly safeguard the world and peace in the region. "---Hu Jintao in a meeting on May 8 to participate in the people of the war of Russia veterans representative said.
April 15, Chinese President Hu Jintao in Brasilia at the "BRICS" second official meeting of the leaders and made important speech. Xinhua Ju Peng's photography has always been a hobby of the Chinese nation peace, since ancient times, amiability, benevolence and good-neighborliness tradition. China's development is without prejudice to the other, less threatening others. We have always advocated and abided by, "do as you would be, flybirdlc". Modern Chinese people have been disaster, most cherish peace, tranquility, harmony, freedom. China will stick to the path of peaceful development. Development of a prosperous China, and a peaceful cooperation among China, willing and able to develop itself as humans make new and greater contribution to peace and development. ---Hu Jintao at the "BRICS" leader's speech at the meeting
The evening of April 30, Chinese President Hu Jintao at the Shanghai International Convention Center held a banquet, welcome to attend the opening ceremony of Shanghai World Expo's VIP. Xinhua Ding Lin's photography "organized by the Shanghai World Expo is the first time in the developing world class Expo registration. This is the opportunity, as well as opportunities in the world. Shanghai World Expo will present to the world with a history of more than 5,000 years of civilization, is in rapid developments in the reform and opening up of China, put up Chinese learn advanced foreign experience, exchange of bridges of cooperation with the world. "---Hu Jintao said at the World Expo in Shanghai on April 30.
On April 15, the "BRICS" leader of the second official meeting was held in Brasilia.����This is Hu Jintao and President Brazil President Lula da Silva, Russia President Medvedev, India photo with Prime Minister Singh. Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xueren photography "does not secure the basis of the current world economic recovery, the recovery is uneven, and there are still many uncertainties. Recent increases in sovereign debt risk in some countries, the international financial market volatility, all forms of protectionism on the rise, in some countries the employment situation is grim, climate change, food security, energy security, public health and safety resources and major natural disasters, global issues such as interwoven, world economic governance structures deep questions remain unresolved. Achieve sustainable economic growth in the world there is still a long way to go. " " we should take the political trust cornerstone, Frank, mutual respect, mutual understanding, and mutual support; pragmatic cooperation and fulfillment lies in action, in order to inject new momentum into the cooperation; to mechanisms for the protection of, and increase the intensity of cooperation to widen the area of cooperation, and with the goal of mutual benefit and win-win, complement each other and share the fruits of cooperation to the greatest extent, and to open, and transparent for the sake of improving communications and exchanges with the parties, and embody openness of cooperation. "---Hu Jintao April 15" BRIC "Summit said.
April 13, Chinese President Hu Jintao at the Washington Convention Center to attend nuclear security Summit and the leaders group photo. Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xueren Photo "China has consistently advocated the complete prohibition and thorough destruction of nuclear weapons, nuclear strategy of the firm pursue self defense, and always adhere to at any time and in any case not to be the first to use nuclear weapons policy, clear commitment to unconditional nuclear-weapon States or nuclear-weapon-free zone is not to use or threaten to use nuclear weapons. China is firmly opposed to nuclear weapons proliferation and actively support efforts to strengthen the international nuclear safety, firmly support the States enjoy the right to peaceful uses of nuclear energy. "---Hu Jintao says on April 13 in the nuclear security summit.
May 8, Chinese President Hu Jintao meet in Moscow has participated in the Chinese peopleNortheast battlefield fighting the war of Russia representative of veterans. Xinhua Rao Aimin photography we should work together to promote mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and cooperation of a new security concept. While World War II is over 65 years, but we must keep in mind the painful lessons of the war left behind. In today's world is not peaceful, peace and development face serious challenges. We call upon the international community to establish and carry out new security concept, increase mutual trust to take care of each other interests, adhering to the friendly consultation, respect for diverse civilization, altogether seeks the development cooperation. ---Hu Jintao met with participation of the Chinese people Sino-Japanese war Russia's speech at the Veterans representative
May 25, Chinese President Hu Jintao in Beijing attended by the great Hall of the second round of China-us strategic and economic dialogue United States Special Representative of President Obama, Secretary of State Clinton and Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner. This is Hu Jintao and Clinton shook hands. Xinhua Rao Aimin photography we should insist on Sino-US relations in the right direction. No matter how the world changes, regardless of the difficulties encountered, have any interference, we must be strategic and long-term perspective, grasping and meticulously maintained active cooperation together to build 21st century comprehensive Sino-US relations of this goal, cultivating strategic mutual trust, and strengthen strategic cooperation, properly handling differences, promote the two countries at bilateral, regional and global levels of communication, coordination, and cooperation. ---Hu Jintao in the second round of the Sino-US strategic and economic dialogue opening ceremony speech
On June 27, the fourth of Group of 20 leaders Summit in Canada Toronto, Chinese President Hu Jintao to attend the Summit. Xinhua Fan Rujun photography to really achieve sustained long-term economic growth in the world, must help developing countries achieve fully developed, narrowing the development gap between North and South. In the international financial crisis, developing countries have been hit very serious, to overcome the difficulties facing the international financial crisis is very serious. Members of the Group of 20 major developed and emerging market countries, industries with higher levels of developing countries, Member States of the world's population, gross domestic product 85%, but we cannot ignore the more than total 85% of the development aspirations of other developing countries in the world. Group of 20 Nations have the responsibility to address development issues provides greater political momentum, more financial resources, greater system protection. ---Hu Jintao at the fourth Summit of the Group of 20 leaders speak on November 13, Chinese President Hu Jintao Japan Yokohama to attend APEC CEO Summit and delivered an important speech. Xinhua lanhongguang photo taken in China and the world in the process of economic globalization has become a blend of interest situation. China's development, opportunity and brought to the world, the greater the contribution. ---Hu Jintao speech at the APEC CEO Summit on the

