
Happiness, determined by your own _qinqin

Happy, decide for themselves what is happiness? each have their own story, perhaps no one could say that is not clear. So, what is happiness? some people may say that havea, some might say that love makes people happy, some might say that the family happy, some might say that the rich and happy. Some people may have never happy: I feel have had luck, worry about endless, extremely worried all day. I said, happiness is a State of mind, is a proper attitude towards life, happy by your own decision. Anyone, no matter how rich material, happiness is relative, there is no absolute happiness happy. Taiwan Fu Pei-jung, Professor of philosophy at the University motto: good but not enough. What he meant to say, each of us to recognize that our life today is good but it's not enough, enough to continue to develop their potential, social to continually improve. Only recognize this truth, we will feel happy, otherwise it will never be happy. He cites an example: the Nordic citizens since birth of a small nation graduated from colleges and universities do not have to spend a penny, the State pays for you, but the high suicide rate in developed countries. Why? I think is that there is none who understands what we do are not perfect sense, of course, the troubles that she had found. the following examples might be more that there is no perfect way of reasoning. psychiatrist found Americans in a bad mood, almost everyone has the psychologists. If you're an American about a good psychiatrist, on entering the doctor will ask you several points to? if you said earlier, the doctor says that you are anxious personality if you arrive on, doctors say you are obsessive-compulsive personality; if you are late, doctors say you belong to the irresistible personality. In other words no matter what you say, you have a problem. understand the truth in the above, we need only be familiar with the use of "90:10 law", we will be able to determine their own happiness. what is the "90:10 law?" it simply is, 10% is made up of to you of what happened, while other 90% are determined by you on how to respond. "90:10 rule of" inner meaning are: beyond our control happen in our 10%, but 90% it entirely depends on our own. for example, some members said that the ill of you, you could brood, the result is formed a permanent solution without opening the mind, or is likely to cause you met the long-term colleagues think this unpleasant. However, if you change your ways, and it colleagues to pledge allegiance, or simply a smile, to ignore, happy result is still there for you. and so you can't avoid things that are likely to occur on a daily basis, maybe you have something positive to drive a bicycle, happens to be caught in a traffic jam. Upset if you keep the Horn and Maniang, trouble will, of course. Instead, you calm down, look at flowing through the of vehicles and bustling of crowd, you think life more better, live with is how happy! United States family comedy video comedy Ah plays: 1,925 United States family comedy video 25 plays: 1,512 United States family comedy video 71 plays: 1,395 United States family comedy video 120 plays: 1,968 United States family comedy video 24 plays: 848 United States family comedy video 80 plays: 627 United States family comedy video 79 plays: 686 United States family comedy video 22 plays: 1,174 United States family comedy video 03 really of cannot met is I is failure, does not just I themselves unlucky, on even who on I good or I on who good, who will unlucky.����. 1. the birth time, delivered just caught nurses love, because there was no the first time I cried aloud, resulting in a beaten by her. 2. at the age of one, just learn to climb to walk, House climb, resulting in touch a mouse caught under my bed. it is said that the mouse clip came back two years, without a mouse with a, first to my hand. 3. two years old when I learned to walk. At home with MOM and dad tag. I hid under my bed, and stepped on another mouse clip. allegedly bought this mouse clips for three years, is the first to my legs. 4. at the age of three, I would like to down the stairs. The old lady next door that led me down the stairs, that fall. Results not with that, she just fell down the stairs. From building fell down the stairs to the first floor, directly into the stage of Alzheimer 's. 5. at the age of four, the police Uncle took me across the street, I could say thank you. He ran across the road by motorcycle, level of disability. 6. at the age of five, my father sent me to the kindergarten. kindergarten aunt Kwame I had a pretty long. just finished speaking, five-floor, out of a vase, directly hit the aunt of the skull. www.xiaohua01.com/ 7. at the age of six, the first Zoo on. told me that Panda Panda looks nice. the next day, the head was I praised me Panda dying dystocia. 8. at the age of seven, I went to primary school. The final exam, math teacher said I had 59 points, even if 60 minutes well. The next day, maths teacher, died in a car accident. 9. at the age of eight, I praise our class woman growing pretty good. Five minutes later, the womanCatch a rare meteor showers. 10. nine years old when I learned how to Rob. I get waylaid by a five year old children. results have been him beaten. He claimed to be the Shaolin Temple of the parents ' home of a monk disciples. 11. at the age of ten, my bathroom with little fat. Small FAT compliment my bathroom looks really cool, I was going to say thank you, little fat has fallen into the toilet. 12. at the age of 11, the teacher asked me how much is 37, I say 3,721. teacher said, you're really clever, said you died of a heart attack. 13. at the age of 12, graduating from elementary school exam. Invigilating teacher said to me, hurry, time is running out. I say, thank you reminder to teachers. Just finished speaking, fans fall teacher heads ... ... 14. at the age of 13, I read the junior high school. My previous experience was no one dare and I approached. There is only one known as bold named Wang classmate told me that one sentence: I can't believe you would be back, that afternoon, the King of bold Street by two bulls for eight. 15. at the age of 14, the teacher asked us to write essays, entitled call < our bridge >. I mentioned in my compositions: the city that bridge is magnificent ... .... The next day, when I went to class, found that the bridge suddenly fell down. 16. at the age of 15, I'm in love with a girl. I dare not say it, afraid to let her go. I can't control myself, and finally I picked a fine weather at school open on the playground to say to her. According to the weather forecast says, that day will have absolutely no meteor showers. After when I say, the earthquake had happened, I looked at the girl fell into the crack in tears ... ... 17. at the age of 16, I had in high school. I like playing football, the other goalkeeper praised me kick the ball very well. Thus, the goal suddenly collapsed ... ... 18. at the age of 17, I followed the crowd to watch the jump from scene. as a result, I was under pressure by him Xiaohua ... Two months later, he and I both discharge. in the hospital sector, he said to me, thank you, I saved him. then he was under pressure in the body of another jump, this time he did not survived ... ... 19. at the age of 18, I have adult. On my first bank withdrawing money, results hit the robber bank robbery. Miss counters say: Shhhh ... Put a sock in it, otherwise the robbers murder. Voice is not falling, Miss counters were beaten by robbers twist ... ... 20. at the age of 19 with University students on drinking, four people drank two bottles of wine, three people followed the King of Hell. I was expelled from school to examine disciplinary sth 21. at the age of 20, I told the students that, flying safer than taking the train. Thus, the aircraft started to drop ... ... 22. at the age of 21, I told my father that, I must have the opportunity to the United States Gemini building will have a look. then 911 happened ... ... 23.22, when my colleagues and I bet that China Team in the World Cup will be able to get good grades. So ... ... Later, there was a nation-wide seminar for inviting me to attend the theme I why is it so bad. after when I submit my story to the Organizing Committee, topics with the why I am so lucky. I observe. 24. at the age of 23, in April, I resigned from the Bank to a airline travel company, SARS has come in the near future. Closure of companies sth 25. in the same year, unemployment was at home, really busy to nothing, talked about his girlfriend, routine after the KS, result mask masks sth 26. many people see Leon "atypical pneumonia" money I heart beat, scrape together $ 150,000 a vegetable, to Beijing, some 250,000 buying, hum! wait, no 350,000 free talk on the third day, vegetable prices steady, the menu had begun to rot, quickly found buyers, each other's bid of $ 3,000, sold the sth 27. There is an old saying in China: the fall where it climbed up! I found a mask has been in short supply, prices up, started and set up factories, producing "handsome" brand masks. Waste is to save money and earn 10,000 a day. The next day, business, technology supervision Bureau I plant closures, and fined 30,000 sth 28. it seems I'm not in business, official! I spent 48,000 to the Secretary, he promised me done! go to work tomorrow. The next day, I went to the public prosecutor's Office, the Secretary's car away, I not only had lost, also went in I figure out sth 29. I bail one month later, just got home, his girlfriend in the hospital when they heard that "SARS", when I arrived she was gone. Lips wearing "handsome" brand masks sth 30. I was going the right way. "Love to eat" user access to the Internet, in her encouragement, I made a post called the post why you want to reply to her substantial praise, get the original, resulting in her computer "in the" computer almost scrapped. The next day I made a post called the post I love does not reply, and how what why?, she can't reply, and her company have all been paralysed sth 31. friends met three women on the Internet: the first sound very sweet �C 56 years; the second 20 beautiful, but mm don't like boys; third 21 years old, beautiful, talented, like boys, like me, when we met, I told her about a joke, didn't come up in one breath, died laughing sth understanding classical economists say there are two economists walking in the street, to discuss economic issues of economists saw a pile of shit, think economists say. This pile of shit did you eat it, I'll give you 1 million dollars. Economist hesitated for a moment, but still can't stand the temptation to eat that pile of shit, and naturally, as a condition of economists gave him 1 million dollars. after a while, economists saw a pile of shit, economists say: are you taking this pile of shit, and I will give you 1 million dollars. The EconomistHesitated for a moment, but still can't stand the temptation to eat that pile of shit of course, as a condition, Economist, 1 million it back to him. Walked the story isn't over, Economist, sustained of God to all of a sudden, to say no, none of us make money, but had two shit ... God has been replaced, thought for a moment to say: but, we have created 2 million of the GNP! a few quite enlightening story 1, father and son duo, after a five-star hotel, saw a very luxurious imported cars. Disdain for his father the son said, "of this car, and the belly will not have learned!" the father is a gross understatement to answer: "those who say such things in his pocket will not have the money!" (Note: your views on the matter, it also reflects the real attitude of your heart?) 2, after dinner, the mother washed dishes with daughter, father and son in the living room watching TV. Suddenly, there was a break in the kitchen dishes of sound and silence. "How do you know?" she has no swearing. "(Note: we are used to different standards come to be seen, which is often to blame others, moved to wide. ) 3, there are two Taiwan tour to Japan Izu-hanto tour, traffic so bad, was full of holes. A guide to repeatedly apologize, saying that road just like flaxseed. And yet another tour guide full of poetry, to visitor said: you ladies, we now walk this path, is the prestigious Izu intriguing dimples Avenue. "(Note: Although the same situation, however, different ideas, there will be a different attitude, how to think about, the decision is yours. ) 4, the same is in third grade student, said in the composition of their ambition was to be a clown in the future. Chizhiwei Chinese teacher: "unambitious, child cannot teach!" foreign teacher will say: "may you bring laughter to the world!" (Note: as seniors we not only easy to request more than encouraging, more narrow definition of the definition of success. ) 6, there is an old lady saw two identical bracelets jewelry shop, list price $ 550, another list price only $ 250. She was immediately buy $ 250 worth of bracelets, elated out of the shop. Before you go out and heard inside the shop to another shop quietly said: "you see, this is a tried-and. "(Note: the test as bait, you can easily make many people reveal nature of greed, but that is often a disadvantage of deception starts. ) 7, begging: "can you give me 100 bucks?" the man: "I was 80 dollars. "Beggars:" you owe me 20 bucks! "(Note: some people believing God due to him, feel God gives more than enough, good enough, greed has long replaced the grateful heart. ) 8, in the National Palace Museum, has a wife impatiently for her husband said, "I said why do you go so slow. So you're always stopped to watch these things. "(Note: some people just running on the road of life, resulting in losing the chance to watch the beautiful flowers on both sides. ) 9, his wife was cooking in the kitchen. In next to her husband has been babbling stop: slowly. Be careful! fire is too big. Flip the fish as soon as possible. Scoop up oil-and-drop is too many! leveling tofu. Ouch, Bowl tilted! "," would you please shut up! "his wife Pat," I know how to stir. "Of course you know, Madam," husband calmly replied, "I just wanted to let you know, when I was driving, you're next to chatter, I feel. "(Note: learn to understand others is not difficult, as long as you're willing to seriously look at the problem standing in each other's point of view and positions. ), the first graduation ceremony, the President announced the year level for the first, called on several occasions after the name, that student slowly on the desk. Afterwards, the teacher asked the students said: "what? is it sick? still don't quite get that?" the student answer: "no, I'm afraid of the other students didn't catch. "(Name and red knot tying, how many people of how many people? we education must be clear, in his early thirties, but disappointing in his early thirties, is just a few, silence of the mass majority after all. Think about it, there are so many people like you and me, not very exciting thing?) justified a full passenger bus along the downhill fast forward, there is one person followed closely to catch up with the car. A passenger reached out to catch up with the car from the Windows people say: "dude! is now, on to catch up with you!" and "I need to catch up with it," the man panted said: "I am the driver of the car" (some people need to be very hard, because it was not the case, the consequences would have been tragic! but also precisely because of the need to go all out to potential instincts and unknown features will fully manifested. ), So a: "new neighbours better abominable, middle, and late last night ran so rampant in my family at the time of the Bell. "B:" indeed reprehensible! did you immediately alarm? "," No. I when they are insane, continue to blow my own trumpet. "(There must be, if we can see their own is not, the answer will be different when you're faced with conflicts and disputes, first think about whether or not a disservice in my heart, may soon can't make it. ) misunderstood some day, Tom Hill trail drive, just when his big how to enjoy the beautiful scenery, and suddenly a truck coming, and the driver of the mouth and teeth also hurled against him with a shake down the window: "the pig" three more and more puzzled, but also more and more gas, so he also shake Windows called: "you are a pig!" has just finished curse, he hit head-on a pig who. (Do not wrong interpretation of the kindness of others, it will only allow themselves to suffer and make others insulted. Prior to the confused, learn how to restrain control emotions, patient observations, so that hair regret after. ), then awesome little boy asked his father: "is being a father is much better than do the sons know?" Dad said, "of course!" the little boy said, "lights who invented?" Dad: "Edison. "The little boy asks:" what about Edison's dad didn't invent the light? "(it is strange that people like presuming on his seniority, are particularly vulnerable to planting gendou. Authorities tend toJust an empty shell that won't stand up to challenges, especially in this era of multiple open today. ) does not have to stress Bob accidentally swallowed a small SOAP when bathing, called his mother in a flurried manner to family doctors for help. The doctor said: "I still have a few patients, last may after half an hour to catch. "Bob MOM said," before you come here, what can I do? "said:" give Bob to drink a glass of boiled water, then jump jump, you'll be able to allow Bob to use mouth blow bubbles and kill some time. "(Take iteasy! easier, why so nervous? things to happen since it has been, why not yourself at ease. Fear rather than feel relieved, poor stress than extremely happy. ) key to hang a firm lock on the door, a hardcore struggle, or is unable to pry it open. The keys to his little body into the keyhole, only a slight turn lock on "pop" sound turned on. Hardcore strangely asks, "why I had such a hard time not open, open it up and you easily?" keys said: "because I know his heart. "(Everyone's heart, like a locked door, no matter how you pry the thick iron bar to open it. Only by caring, can turn themselves into a delicate key, into the hearts of others, and understand others. Oriental unbeaten Hello, my name is unbeaten in the East, it's good to know you. You know, there is a movement called love, there is an operation called Palace. Well, I won't say any more, wants to train the sunflower Kit please pick up the knife in his hand, along with me. second, Wei Xiaobao I tell you, a man with seven wives and a man nor a wife at the same time to the pursuit of a woman, the woman who would choose? be a wife nor man? fault! the correct answer is a man with seven wives. Reason is that men like without women, but women love experienced by men. third, Yue buqun men 's minds, two words of its regular blinking eyes, one power, is a woman. Western hierarchy of needs hierarchy theory, power is the self-realization needs man, at the highest level, a woman is man's physiological needs, at the end of a level. Now, I'm in high-need, because I'm talking to you while thinking about the five mountains leader's seat, and you, at a lower-level hierarchy of needs, because you are listening to me while staring at me pictures of naked women. four, Huang Rong Yang Kangbi Guo Jing intelligence, but I don't like Yang Kang. Ke smarter than Guo Jing, but I don't like Ke. Do you know why? because wise men like to play with a woman. What I like about stupid Guo Jing, it is because I can use my smart playing with his stupid and he also did not know. five, and Li Lianying , do not believe in platonic love. Because our body has never been does not have this kind of love. Woman with a romantic, nor romantic present like a sexual free men. I'm sorry, I'm a eunuch, I am not a man. I don't have a following, there is no love. six, so Fox Chong ren Yingying taught me to play the piano, later she fell in love with me. I teach ��ƽ small junior sister apprentice Yue lingshan, and later she fell in love with ��ƽ. Little dragongirl teach Yang Guo, and later she fell in love with a young. Old man teaches beautiful jade, and later he fell in love with a beautiful jade. This year, the teachers and students love it. I'm sorry, but now I can't teach you, I'm afraid I fell in love with you. seven, Simon blowing snow when I knew that my brother is after the Ximen, to be cool so I always expressionless. VIII foreign iron flower in the world, there are two kinds of men is lovely. It's easy to attract women love men. It's easy to make this very easy to attract a woman like a man's man. In both of these men, Chu-long is the former, and I iron flower is the latter. nine, Li Xun Huan- woman born with like strong men's needs, which say only a half truth, in addition to this, there was born a woman sympathetic melancholy men's needs. ʮ��С��� WBR> takes me there is no default and the difference is that flower there is no default from the woman who grew up in a heap, so accustomed to thinking woman thinking man, and I grew up in the Valley of the wicked, so get used to the bad guys thinking thoughts of men. And you, only you know. 11, luxiaofeng size equivalent to everyone in everyone's heart size of your fist. Woman's fist no man, natural, no man great heart. If a woman's heart can hold a man, a man's heart can hold two women simultaneously. Since ancient times, the men than women spend, it is not unreasonable. 12, the Empress Dowager Cixi as after Lu, Wu Zetian, like me, these three very high woman, not be a woman in the traditional sense. Although we have reached the pinnacle of power, but we are in a world where man is man management men management thinking. We have a peak power competition in which betray the nature as we women themselves. So once we have this so-called successful, our men's eyes are quickly becoming the odd woman, woman of incomprehensible. It is in our own eyes a woman, but also on the whole. ʮ��Qһ�������ԡ� Second, I really wanted to, and Wu Ma kunjue. Third, if you call me, I have to be son cursed Lao.

