
[Reprint of]101 the target _ Dragon world

Original address: 101 min of target author: thank China what is "perfect"?, this is one assistants asked I of topics, I wanted to he asked on people has, this is I of lecture beyond peer of secret, I never wanted to has themselves will smart, also didn't wanted to has will has good luck comes, but I know to success must to pay, to do top on must will has hard imprint on one's mind of efforts, I often says I teaches has more than 10 years of class, but I of Yu told of good is not because I told of long, told of more, and told of long only says I adhere to exercises of more, if no that 101 min of requirements, I still cannot became top. ��ô�ǡ�������������׷�������𣿣�����˵����̫���࣬����˵����ù�����������أ��Ҳ���Ϊ��׷��������Ҫ����������ֻ��Ϊ�����Լ�����������һ��¥�����Լ���һ��ͻ�Ƶ�ѹ�����������ѹ�������ܴ̼��Լ��������Լ����Լ��ܳ��ܵķ�Χ�ڣ������Լ���������˷ܼ��������������Լ�����ڹ�͵Ķ��塰������һ�α���һ�θ�ã�ÿ����˽���������������ҳ���101���������Լ������Ҫ������������Ҫ׷��IJ���100�֣���Ϊ���ֶ���ﵽ100�֣��������Ҫ��Ϊ������͵���Զ�ȸ��ֶ�һ�֣�����������101�ֵ�ʱ�󣬱�ʾ���ˮƽ�ȼ������ˣ�����ȼ�����һ�ٷ֣������ҵ���Ŭ��ͻ�ƶ��Ǩ�ֵĽ����������Զ101�ֵ�Ŀ�꣬�������101�ֵ�Ŀ�������Ҳ�����Ϊ����ֻ����Ϊ�Ҳ����˷�����ү���ҵ�DZ�ܣ����ȥ������Ҳ������Զ��֪�����Լ�����һ��ء���

