
[Reprint] do you Detox? teach you a few Detox method _ life safe

Original address: are you Detox? teach you a few Detox methods author: past as the wind do you Detox? teach you a few Detox method 1, cannot be natural in a fixed time in the morning to wake up, weak limbs after getting up. When 5 ' 2, comb my hair off hair. 5 ' 3, and suffering from rheumatism. 10 ' 4, waist and abdomen occur dewlap. 10 ' 5, frequent constipation and diarrhea. 5 ' 6, respiratory easy to "put fire." 5 ' 7, face skin. 5 ' 8, when the seasonal changes are often itchy. 5 ' 9, after 1 hour of work, I felt physical tiredness, chest tightness of breath. 5 ' 10, anonymous angry. 5 ' 11, eating very little, such as jiaola. 10-12, often suffer from insomnia even asleep, keep dreaming. 10-13, declining immunity, influenza in spring and Autumn period, to escape the "streaming" games.����5 min describes: 1, if the cumulative total of more than 20 minutes, indicating that your body has a small amount of toxin accumulation; 2, if the cumulative total of more than 40 min shows accumulation of toxins in your body is more serious, and 3, if the cumulative total of more than 60 minutes you already has a very large number of toxins accumulated in the body, if it is not immediately clear, Detox method recommended is likely to cause other adverse symptoms. Body can get Detox myself about Detox health products on the market today is a feast, but Dr doctor said that, in fact, the body has a good detoxification system, just like we know how to properly Detox methods you can achieve the result emit toxins.����We can be targeted according to the different parts of the body Detox measures. 1, Lung Detox lungs is one of the most vulnerable to the accumulation of toxins organs, breathing every day in about 8,000 litres of air into the lungs, floating in the air of harmful substances such as bacteria, viruses, dust has also entered into the lungs.����Lungs not only jeopardized, toxic substances into the blood circulation "implicate the body". Detox measures: at this point can be cleared with coughing lung toxin, or fresh air this morning after rain practice deep breathing, deep breath before slowly lift arms, and then a sudden coughing, and quickly dropped his arms flow from your mouth and nose spray, sputum and cough. Such repeated many times, insist on a day to do so, keeping the lungs clean, this helps lung Detox.����In addition, you can also eat a Jew, because black fungus for plant rubber cover strong adsorption capacity of, and can clean clear lungs, blood, regular consumption can also be effective removal of polluting substances in the body.����2, kidney Detox kidneys are vital organs of detoxification, it occurs after filtering toxins in the blood and protein decomposition of waste, and expelled from the body through the urine. Detox measures: do not hold back the urine. Urine toxin in many, if not timely discharge, will be re-uptake, endanger the general health. Full concentration of the diluted toxin in drinking water and promote renal metabolism, more toxins expelled from the body. But water is not equal to the sweet drinks, sweet drink much body uptake in a lot of sugar and calories, not good for your health. Special proposals every morning on an empty stomach to drink a cup of warm water.����In addition to eating more fruits and vegetables, cucumbers, cherry helps kidney detoxification.����3, colon Detox food residue formed stool in bacterial fermentation and corruption, this process can produce indole and other toxic substances, coupled with food or air toxic substances entering the body, you need to quickly expelled from the body. Detox measures: water washing intestines. Many feces toxins in the intestines, including hydrogen sulfide, indole, skatole, if not timely discharge, will be absorbed by the body again, damage to human health. So you should keep a normal bowel movement. The morning after getting up at least 200 ml of water to drink, activities, and would serve as a function of the gastrointestinal tract for cleaning, toilet drain, clearing toxins. Replacing refined processed foods with natural foods, is a powerful cleaning and food fresh fruits, pineapples, papaya, Kiwi fruit, PEAR is a good choice.����In addition, the manure will remain in the human body is not enough because the intestinal peristalsis, if you normally eat more foods rich in fiber, such as brown rice, vegetables, fruits, etc, can increase intestinal peristalsis, reduce the occurrence of constipation.����4, liver Detox detoxification of the liver is the body's largest organ, after a series of chemical reactions of various toxins through the liver, drug-free or low-toxic substances. Detox measures: physical exercise. Physical exercise is a top-level du Sport, by pressure exerted on the liver detoxification organs, such as, improving organ of the State, accelerate blood circulation, promote detoxification.����Eat a lot of bitter gourd, bitter foods are generally Detoxicating function, bitter melon is a protein can increase the activity of immune cells, clear the body of toxic substances.����5 Detox skin is the largest organ detoxification of the body, and skin, sweat glands and sebaceous glands of the skin, through sweating, excluding other organs to emit toxins. Detox measures: body sweat at least once a week of aerobic exercise. Weekly best once a steam bath or sauna, can speed up the metabolism, toxin nourish.����Steam sauna should pay attention to water, drink a glass of water before the bath can help speed up detoxification, drink a glass of water to add after the bath water, and discharge the remaining toxins. Adjustment of physical and mental activity of 4 summer Detox programme you need to Detox the body clean and release from the tension and stress, allow themselves to become more beautiful.����5 method of detoxification is highlight below, hope that after a rest, you can adjust your status to meet more challenging work.����1 Food Detox method: 5-7 days to give your body a clean, self cleaning up toxins. A wake up wake up not to drink a large glass of warm lemonade or busy eating immediately wash to brush your teeth, in which case you need plus a slice of fresh lemon slices (if you do not have fresh, dry lemon slices) of warm water, it can promote renal circulation, stimulate the metabolism of the day begins.����If you have the habit of taking vitamins or fish oil pills a day, at this point you can also take together, help absorb nutrients up to next breakfast, nutrition and the body's normal operation of the guarantee. B is the vital organs of detoxication of the liver, liver overload must slow down movement. Need to control the wheat, meat, dairy, sugar and salt, saturated fats, wines and food additives, preservatives, fried food photographyIntake.����Rice is the staple food, able to purify the stomach and does not increase the burden of digestive tract, it contains starch qualities on clearing the liver is also a panacea. C enjoy fruits and vegetables, high detoxifying foods: kiwifruit, citrus, grapes, pineapples, spinach, cabbage, cucumber, watercress.����Don't worry about all the vegetables have a slightly bitter, because they contain cleaning materials.����TIPS: using food Detox at the beginning of a two-day may seem not very good, but do not have to stress, the body is entering a "healing crisis", when the liver is working to remove toxins can cause headache, fatigue.����2 campaign Detox method: like sports but can't be bothered doing dishes, or none of the conditions of fasting people, this is the most appropriate method.����A walk at least 30 minutes a day, do some gentle soothing exercise such as jogging, Tai Chi.����B practice abdominal breathing: lying down, nostril breathing and breath, air stream of abdominal cavity, then exhale slowly from the nostrils.����C sauna sweating to help wash, 10-15 minutes and flush cold water bath, stimulating blood circulation. D exercise at the same time, to add water at all times, or you can drink green tea, but never to drink carbonated beverages.����Sports drinks on the market, in the Detox days it is best not to drink. Cosmetic Detox method 3: the skin is the important way to Detox the body, and when toxins accumulate too much, and skin will first alert.����Colour grey, no light, herbal, frequently dry, greasy serious �C these are the physical signs of intoxication. Every day a body dry brush massage bath with vegetable sponge dry massage with gloves on the skin, as the truly excellent plan to promote body Detox. Massage to accelerate blood circulation and lymph flow, so that the body of toxic waste are easy to wash out.����Usually with ring-like massage, imposed on the whole body massage with force from the bottom up, note the massage direction as limb ends towards the direction of the heart.����B tie 1-2 times a week with function of Detox facial mask, through the process of skin and sweat, lymph and blood circulation, toxins excreted. 4 bath Detox methods: bath is definitely a good way to help skin detoxification, you can accumulate in the subcutaneous tissue acid waste rinse, stays in the body's metabolism of carbon dioxide and the bad, and the skin becomes healthy and resilient. Natural bath salts and aromatic oils are Detox bath of choice, be added to the bath bath salt and Rosemary, and lemon essential oil of tea tree, can play a good Detox effect.

