
Make A Call To Say 'Daddy I Miss U'_ little demon

Came home every day, Coke will be smiling ran over to me, that is I think one of the happiest moments, especially for nearly a week, coke loved mother, after seeing me call while coming. Cola every day with a different accent, called the "mother" or "MOM", but every time I would use a different tone to respond, Cola found very interesting, and efforts to find more ways to call me, will also hear his laugh after my answer. Today, the grandmother asked "Coke, do you want my mother?" Coke says "think!", grandmother to ask, "where?", Cola shot near his heart continued to say, "think!". �����������֮����ּ������Ҹ�����ģ������һ���Ǿ䡰�룡���������ʿ��֡������ϰ��ʱ�����벻�룿������˵���룡�������ʡ���˭�أ������ּᶨ��˵�����裡���������Ӻ��ֲ���һ�䡰�룬�ְ����裡�ְ֣�����Ȼ��ְ��ദ��ʱ����֮���٣���������Ĭ���ƺ������������������֪���ְ���ʱ�ڼ���ʱ���ڣ���������绰���Ҳ��ź���Žаְ֣�Ҳ��������ȥ��绰�DZ��Ƿ��л�Ӧ���˷ܵ�ʱ���������������绰ͬʱ��ACallToSay'DaddyIMissU'" TITLE="MakeACallToSay'DaddyIMissU'" />ACallToSay'DaddyIMissU'" TITLE="MakeACallToSay'DaddyIMissU'" />ACallToSay'DaddyIMissU'" TITLE="MakeACallToSay'DaddyIMissU'" />ACallToSay'DaddyIMissU'" TITLE="MakeACallToSay'DaddyIMissU'" />ACallToSay'DaddyIMissU'" TITLE="MakeACallToSay'DaddyIMissU'" />ACallToSay'DaddyIMissU'" TITLE="MakeACallToSay'DaddyIMissU'" />ACallToSay'DaddyIMissU'" TITLE="MakeACallToSay'DaddyIMissU'" />

