
[Reprint] caught Jing Chu: the way of Western plant a tree in it _ magic drop

Original address: Zhu Linjing: in the way of kind of a big tree, such as its author: gaming in China , January 16, 2011 by the medium-term, the Bank of communications, Pacific century Shanghai Securities organised trading pioneer, Pan gold investments in cooperation with the "China's first programmed trading contest awards Conference" held in zhongyou hotel, Pudong, Shanghai. Shanghai mid-term program trading team leader at the meeting, Mr Zhu Linjing, entitled "JKD," speech, these are the futures in China on Mr Zhu Linjing lecture recording, finishing: caught Jing Chu tags: Bruce Lee's spirit touched me deeply, starting from that day there was a cry of my heart: I'm going to do on the futures markets of China, "Bruce Lee"! in fact futures market earnings is simple, you don't need searching. you want to know how profitable method of the futures market is in fact very simple, but you need to profit in the futures market is not easy. get the hujia cuts half page to become a first class master, this reminds me of a famous philosopher Nietzsche said: "dig deep at the on your feet, and there will be a spring to gush!" my investment philosophy: simple, direct, effective. I think the "intra-day trends" this model is suitable for most people. intra-day trends classification, I think the only 6. The first type: narrow backing and filling, and the second: wide-oscillation, the third: the proliferation of triangle, fourth: one trend, the Fifth: the trend with a wide adjustment, the sixth: v-reversal potential. trends and backing and filling itself is not a clear-cut dividing line, how can you distinguish? programmed trading is simply a choice of learning. correctly at the right time on the variety of doing a deal in the right direction. shooting shooting action essentials, was 3.1 lines as simple as that. Capturing the essentials of trend is even more simple, I leave you with four words: passive. In quotes: the plant a tree with it, or in the way of trends "roadblocks". if your shooting objectives is a mosquito, so your arrows and superb, it may be hard to hit, if you target target is an elephant, I would like to fool people certainly can in a blow, this is what I call the "volatility filter". you have to choose intra-day volatility of the strongest varieties to make intra-day trends in deal. today my heart is in fact a bit tangled, entangled in what place? I am very scared it is said that I have a book to make money, because three years ago, I wrote a book called the genius machinery trader operation, after publishing this book, a lot of people say I 'm: your book is to make money. Today, three years later I was out of the book of the city of JKD, in particular, I fear that I, in fact, this earthquake press really give me 10,000 yuan fee only, but the day before yesterday I called earthquake press, and I said, my fee, I do not, you've given me into 1000 books. This 1000 books that today we live--get the book in the hands of the municipality of JKD. (Note: the organizers presented the participants a futures market JKD per person), I rarely watch TV, it was a very fortuitous opportunity, in 2009, one day, I suddenly saw the CCTV broadcast a television series called the legend of Bruce Lee, after I read very touching. Bruce Lee's spirit touched me deeply, starting from that day there was a cry of my heart: I'm going to do on the futures markets of China, "Bruce Lee!" also because there is a desire, so everyone can see your hands and that, of the futures markets JKD. Today only 15 minutes of my time, but I'd like to share two topics before you start both of these topics I wanted to do a survey: do you have all of you who have received military training? please raise hand. I would like to do some on-site interviews sth caught Jing Chu: you have received a military training are you? some participants: Yes. caught Jing Chu: I think you must be trained in fire training are you? some participants: Yes. Zhu drenched pacified: so would you please to tell you about what is shooting action Essentials? participants: 3.1. I think people know of any one receiving military training shooting shooting action Essentials was 3.1 lines, then I would like to interview someone who, without receiving military training of the people raised their hands. �Ҳɷ�һ����������ʦ�ɣ���Not received military training, but just the friend receiving military training, and he told you shooting action Essentials was 3.1 lines, so if I'm going to give you a hand gun, 100 metres away, I put a standard target, may I ask: can you hit the 10 ring? Zhang Zhixin: not hit. caught Jing Chu: because you are aiming at 10 Central, Essentials is also known, but to do it will be very difficult. so why should I start with a topic like this? because I want to talk to you today the first topic of the Exchange, that is, I'm going to tell everyone in the futures market to profit. People say I'm bragging, I said I'm not bragging, and today I was going to teach you methods of trading in the futures market to profit. Members have heard of the shooting, shooting Essentials actions is very simple, was 3.1 lines. futures market earnings on a lot of people struggling to pursue, in fact, I am very puzzled, actually profitable method of the futures market is very simple, you don't need searching, then why you can't profit it? please notice I have talked about the premise of: you want to know how profitable method of the futures market is actually very simple, but you need to profit in the futures market is not easy. So how do you know the futures market earnings method, eventually in the futures market to profit? I would like to use my best friend, I programmed trading rare one friend on the road: "pioneer in the transaction" General Manager Chen Jianling teacher's words, his QQ signature tell us the secret six words we must bear in mind: No, only hand-cooked. I actually really like martial arts, particularly fond of Jin Yong's martial arts novels, in particular, someone had written such a sentence summarizes the couplet Jin Yong has written 14 books: "Clerck shooting white deer, laughing book God Xia bi-Lu". The first "flight", refers to the Legend Of The Fox. The Legend Of The Fox there is a very interesting little story: Hu Yifei has a Kung Fu cheats hujia cuts, but do not know have a martial arts of the bone-setter was fortunate enough to get the hujia cuts half page, after careful study, has finally become the world's first master. Then get the hujia cuts half page to become a first class master, this reminds me of a famous philosopher Nietzsche said: "dig deep at the on your feet, and there will be a spring to gush!" then I would want to use the futures markets of JKD half page sharing with you all, we must not think that this book, which I really didn't go in the half-page, do not believe you can get, which in the book. This is my report today that specializes in topics, I refer to him as: "the universal intra-day trends capture with changeable". Someone said your boast. Talking about the futures markets of JKD, today, I cannot be separated from the subject: Bruce Lee's "JKD" among them, the two force, particularly inspired after seeing me. One is called "inch of boxing", see TV friends be sure clearly inch fists of Bruce Lee Board break, it what's the difference with Essentials? everybody knows normal boxing, if it is a swing, it must be driven arm arm, arm led wrist, with very long distances. Inch fists of Bruce Lee is back with three, distances are very short of an attack, that is direct and effective, this is his "inch of boxing". There's also a trick called "Punch", its action essentials is the direct-hit the opponent's central line, attack and Defense must not leave each other's line of attack, so this is my investment philosophy: simple, direct, effective. today I say such a topic, because I feel that "intra-day trends" this model is suitable for most people. We all know that human psychology is one of the biggest weakness: the fear of losing. Because it is intra-day transactions, so you can gain control of your position at any time, earn a little money to rush out of the warehouse and can sleep very well at night, you don't have to worry about overnight gaps, so I think the days of trend trading for most people. intra-day trends classification, I think the only 6, I think it is today, I'll give you a report of this core, some people may not believe that I later painted. Everybody thinks that intra-day trends are always changing, unpredictable, in fact, I personally feel that only 6 types, 6 I'll give you a painting: the first: a narrow backing and filling. In fact, I just want a serious analysis of intra-day trends 6, and then learn how to deal with, it is sufficient to succeed in the intra-day trends. Narrow format adjustment is actually very simple, as long as your trends and trading signals should not be easily triggered, then you're day trading results are "no deal". the second trend, I refer to him as "wide-oscillation." Wide-oscillation reminds me of me when one of the first teacher at the programmed trading, is the original Kwok Shui warmth, the medium-term investment management company General Manager Li bin teacher, he said that many people have asked him how to identify trends and the backing and filling power, he is incomprehensible about this issue. trends and backing and filling itself is not a clear-cut dividing lines, how to tell about you? so is actually very simple, you just have to reduce your loss in wide oscillating movements can, in thisMovement occurs when your income goal is indeed save power, reduce losses. the third trend I referred to: proliferation of triangles. This trend is the worst, on and one way to deal with is the same, you just have to filter trading strategies to circumvent the "diffusion triangle" appear when I was back and forth just slap on it. fortunately is a trend there are three days we were able to profit, we can enjoy day trend trading results. fourth, I called it "side trend". This situation occur, I don't need me to do more to explain, a fool or you can profit. fifth movement I called "trend with a wide adjustment." Under this trend, you're probably here sth Oscillation out, then you must be in the intra-day trend trading system model increases of secondary admission conditions, this is your key to combat the trend, be sure to have a second entry signals. sixth movement, I call it "reverse v-Shi". On both sides is a strong trend, I discovered futures market recently there have been a very interesting phenomenon, I call it "midday symmetry" 11:30--junction this afternoon on ice two different worlds, in reverse v-potential is actually you want to make a choice: it will earn you both earn? referred to this specific approach me in the back, in fact, this is an option. last year I participated in one Pan gold investment organization in Hangzhou Conference, I made a statement at the Conference, entitled "eight choice of programmed trading", after all these years I am very pleased, I progress, because what I bring to you is "days of programmed trading 100 choices" 100 choices why do? I'm still cannot do without "JKD". We all know that Bruce Lee created by intercepting fist door, in fact it has no doors without, have asked the shadow of the master of Wing Chun, that is its Foundation, boxing and ballroom dance steps, figure of the Philippine boxing, Muay Thai, Japan karate cheat codes, as well as United States figure Jujitsu, martial arts brings together various factions together �C JKD. Today, I would like to share with you what is it? is still in fact, I often say that concept: program trading is simply a choice of learning. United States General MacArthur at the time of signing of the Korean war Armistice Agreement, said the world famous classic quotes so far: at the wrong time, wrong place wrong enemy to fight the wrong war. I'm going to share with you just hope that we can properly at the right time make a deal in the right direction. talk about "trend tracking", many people feel very mysterious, in fact, I am quite puzzled. As I began to give everyone mentioned shooting shooting action essentials, was 3.1 lines as simple as that. Capturing the essentials of trend is even more simple, I leave you with four words: passive. In quotes: the plant a tree with it, or in the way of trends "roadblocks". Today I will give you 10 ways that are described are available on the way of trends "roadblocks" to capture the trend. First: RangeBreak. Breakthrough, it is based on fluctuations of yesterday must be triggered as a percentage. Second: Japan trading Championship feiali came up with "feiali IV". I really like this feiali four, which I later realized this market really has a lot of people use "feiali IV", tetravalent, open, high, low, is received. Once broken yesterday, the highest and lowest price, trend happens, or is likely to happen. Third: the hanging gardens. Some time ago I read a book called the interpretation of quantitative trading, this book refers to the great Simmons also used this model--hanging gardens, that is, high low, high low open beats beats walking. Two years ago, I made a speech in Zhejiang Province, with a focus on recommending "sky garden" this trading mode, and then I found this futures market is really quite clever, I recommend not after Epiphany, so in order to avoid such an outcome, I'm going to show you about 100 kinds of trends to track changes. There are in foreign currency trading market, a very famous HANS123, which is only 30 minutes after the opening of high line break to trigger the transaction, its principle is still around in the way of trends lay, actually change ten thousand times without departing from the original aim or stand. so I was back to the topic, I told you today intra-day trading method for trend tracking, tomorrow (Monday) did you make money?, I think it's not. Why can't I? because I think you also need to know what is the right time, in order to keep to the correct time, I'll give you a introduction of trend tracking filter technology. I am very grateful to "futures market JKD" group-a group of friends "sealed dust-Xiang" (tone), I don't know if he ever came to the scene, he also won the competitions unit seventh place success, he gave me a book of the Archery and Zen heart, after seeing I am inspired, so the first filtering method, called "volatility filter". What is the "volatility filter?" some people say that I have to practice archery traditions, we certainly know that practice archery traditions will consume a lot of time, in fact, completely wrong, you should not be used to improve your precision of Archery to achieve your goals. I'll give you a simple example: If youShooting target is a mosquito, so your arrows and superb, it may be hard to hit, if you target target is an elephant, I would like to fool people certainly can in a blow, this is what I call the "volatility filter". You have to choose intra-day volatility of the strongest varieties to make intra-day trends in deal. actually only need to address three issues: first, when approaching? Secondly, how many hands at a time? III: when played? appearance is a matter of choice, back I have to share with you the sixth intra-day trends "v-shaped inverting", in fact, at this time you are faced with a way out of choice. If you choose a 5th: "before closing the unwinding" fixed initial stop-loss, and what are your results, in a v-shaped inverting potential you'll have nothing, and light to all of your profits if you choose 7, v-shaped reversed and you will realize the win-a profit. Which one is better? there is no better, just because you choose. Finally I want Bruce Lee in the United States founded by "military governors of vibration bonesetter" door hanging in a nutshell lecture today I give you the end: Nomatter the time,place,or persons,If you want to discussing with meon program trading,I'll be there! no matter what time, no matter where, no matter what, as long as you are willing to learn martial arts with me, I'd be happy to fight! thank you!: Zhu Linjing teacher's most important speeches of three pages a, hundred ten different admission modes of universal E1:RANGEBREAK fluctuations break deals, according to the fluctuations of yesterday's percentage, to trigger the day trend trading, if yesterday's volatility is an exception, should be conducted on the fluctuations of the necessary adjustments, to maintain reasonable. E2: feiali four price highs yesterday, yesterday's lows yesterday closed, opened today, and is called the feiali four, it is made of Japan Champion feiali major breakthroughs in firm offer futures trade reference frame, in addition, due to feiali of subjective mental transaction mode determines that in the actual transaction, with a substantial application "block the surplus lines" concept that we commonly referred to as stress, support lines. E3: hanging gardens open breakthrough, admission is one of the fastest, highest error probability is, of course, opened the first k-line is your Yang, or is your yin, is the standard of judgement day trend direction, we found that the admission on the day when you open high or low is more effective. In the futures market in JKD, my trading strategies such as "sky garden", the privilege is, I heard that Simmons has had a similar trading strategies at an early stage. E4: sideways breakthroughs easier to achieve quantified form of breakthrough, typing, narrow sideways breakthrough combination of various k-line, double top, double bottom, buy three sold around three and so on, more difficult to achieve quantified form of breakthrough, solitary top and bottom, and banner there is a trend line, circle, diamond, triangle, and other classic technical analysis pattern, the trend is after backing and filling, after backing and filling is the trend, sideways trading strategies for breakthrough, fully embodies the cyclic fluctuations in the price of volatility, we need to do is reasonable quantitative definition of backing and filling: cycle of long-span, volatility. E5: based on a fixed percentage rate of turn of transactions that the system had been in a trading system strategy was awarded second place award in the competition, is also the author of the most heart felt feelings intraday breakthrough trading strategies. By contrast, breakthrough based on fixed point position, may be subject to price changes and changes in the region, based on a fixed percentage rate of breakthroughs are less affected by similar problems unless the volatility levels changed dramatically. E6:HANS123 as a breakthrough in the widely circulated on the foreign exchange market trading strategy, after the opening of HANS123, with its simple n-k-line (minutes), high and low points of breakthroughs, as a trading signal triggered criterion. It is also an earlier admission that trading patterns, compositive price included, call to confirm, fluctuations, and other filtering technologies, or to increase their chances. E7: the daily ATR volatility breakthroughs we have reason to believe that, when a certain level of ATR volatility has occurred, we will be more willing to gamble on intra-day volatility in that have completed a certain level in the direction of ATR continued to develop in the direction of, benchmark for comparison, is opening, or it can be days hit record highs and the lows. E8:ORB failed to break through ORB trading was founded in 1988 by the first United States Fund Manager Toby made it by measuring opening and the highest price, lowest price range-min, failed to break through, afternoon once it exceeds this range, is identified asReal breakthroughs. During the application process, early evaluation of breakthrough, the greenback future breakthrough can be regarded as valid filter condition. E9: timeshare an average price of yellow lines here, I do not intend to discuss other averages the intraday performance of the system, timesharing price yellow line, due to its widespread in all types of transactions in the software's built-in time charts, so trading strategies of the self-fulfilling prophecy is concerned, its position very prominent, stand out. E10: intra-day volatility of ATR breakthroughs and E7, E10 is more focused on assessment of short-term market volatility, volatility breakthrough has the functionality to adapt to market to a certain extent, in its practical application to adapt to different market environment more powerful. second, intra-day trend trading filter technology although our starting point is to avoid overnight Gap with the uncertainty of discontinuities and trends. Therefore, filtering technology is actually engaged in intra-day trend trading system design is a key technology. F1: volatility filter F2: price envelope filter F3: confirm filter F4: transaction number of filtration F5: when day filter F6: cycle of Plasmodium vivax filter F7: System policy filter combinations , changeable appearance of universal distributed three strategies will buy is a disciple, selling is a master. In fact, we will always be played strategically tangled distress. Early, earn enough; out late, profit and facing up sharply. In fact, no single policy out, allowing you the advantage. In the intra-day trading in a highly random, we were able to do only admit ignorance, and implementing decentralization strategies to find smooth movements in a variety of funding under the overall curve. O1: fixed the initial stop loss and profit target under the O2: fixed the initial stop-loss + track full (point and range) O3: fixed like a mountain of SAR parabolic played O4: fixed the initial stop-loss + profit withdrawal percentage O5: fixed the initial stop unwinding + timing (before closing positions) O6: random appearances O7: reverse transactions signal symmetric appearance

