
[Reprint] English tongue twisters ten _ stones

Original address: ten English tongue twisters author: translation Studio 1. Betty bought some butter,butthe butter was bitter,so she bought some better butter to make thebitter butter better. Betty bought some butter, butter, slightly bitter, so she bought some more butter, let the butter a little better. 2. How much dew DewDrop could drop would adewdrop drop if a dew? if a dew dew will fall off, one dew dew drop it? 3. A bloke's back bike brakeblock broke. one guy bike rear brake is broken. 4. a box of biscuits,a batchof mixed biscuits. a box of biscuits, a furnace of mixed biscuits. 5. Thedriver was drunk and drove the doctor's car directly into the deepditch. the driver was drunk, his doctor's car into a deep ditch. 6. A tutor who tooted a flutetried to tutor two tooters to toot. Said the two to their tutor,"Is it harder to toot or to tutor two tooters totoot?" A flute teacher tries to teach two flute flute. The two learning the flute asks mentors: "the flute, was also taught two people who study the flute flute difficult?" 7. Sandy sniffed sweetsmelling sunflower seeds while sitting beside a swiftstream. Sandy sit by the fast stream and have fun with scent of sunflower seeds. 8. a big black bug bit a bigblack bear, made the big black bear bleed blood. big black bug bit big black bear, big bear bled!9. A pleasant peasant keeps apleasant pheasant and both the peasant and the pheasant are havinga pleasant time together. a kind farmer had a clever pheasant, but also the pleasant peasants and the smart ones Pheasant with had a very good time. 10. Askunk sat on a stump. The Skunk thought the stump stunk, and thestump thought the Skunk stunk. a Skunk sat on a stump, the Skunk think stump stink, stump also says that Skunk stink. ������ǽ��͹���Ӣ�﷭��ĸ���Ӣ�﷭���������β��ϵ��з��������Ӣ�﷭�����뷭�빤����������Ӣ�İ����Ӣ��ɷ÷���粨Ӣ��ͬ����Ҫ������������̸����ŷ�˿����йزƸ���Ӣ���������뷭�빤���ҿ���һ����Ӣ������﷢���ĶԱȿ���ʼǷ��Ĵ�ԭ���¥���еķ��������Ӣ�������е�Ӧ�÷�������Ӽ�į����ת����·���ķ����Ϻ�¬������������˫��ָ�ϡ�Ӣ��Űپ��С�������������˼����Ӣ���еķ��뷭����������ͷ���Ĺ黯ֱ�������Ӣ��ϰ��ķ����ְӢ�﷭��----����רְӢ�﷭��ıؾ�֮·Ӣ�﷭��--�����ѧ����Ӣ�﷭��֮·Ӣ�﷭��----���һ��һ������Ӣ�﷭��֮·Ӣ�﷭��----һ��������ս��·Ӣ�﷭�벩�͡���չʾ�Լ��Ĵ����й���ְҵ������Ὣ��2010��5��29��¡���ٿ�ŦԼʱ����ӭ�������Ϻ���������Ӣ�ı�ʶ�����¡���Ӣ�����硷�������ļ�������������й�ͳ�����͹ʹ�����Ⱥ�ķ��벻��һ��������ѧ�����˲ţ�ת��JK����08������ѧ��ҵ�����ݽ��Dz�˹��˹̹����2005��ҵ�����ݽ�ϸ�ھ����ɰܡ�����������·��վӢ�������˿������̸���롢ŵ����Բ��԰��ת��

