
[Reprint] foren family of peace why not _ Bell city

ԭ�ĵ�ַ��ѧ���˼�ͥΪ�ζ಻�������ߣ��徻������������������wbr>�dΪһ������һ���ࡿ���������� ��ʩ��wbr>��Ե�ƹ�wbr>�������������ԣ�http://blog.sina.com.cn/yebincleanheartѧ���˼�ͥΪ�ζ಻����------���編ʦƽʱ�������ڼ�ѧ��ľ�ʿ��ʦ����˵���գ��Լ����뾫��ѧ�𣬼�ͥ��Ա�����ϰ����أ�������գ���������һС��������һ���֡��� Blessings in shallow, in fact, is wisdom enough. to see an article of the family with Bodhicitta, feel good, after recording to, entertained a few wrong. Now many of us who Buddhist Mahayana Buddhism is learning, which benefit all beings, and many people cannot live in families, and parental discord, feud with his wife, most of the couple quarreled, fear of not learning the Dharma, this is because we do not pay attention to spiritual practice of Bodhicitta, that is, we didn't notice the Bodhi heart as a result of a result. in Mahayana Buddhism in the course of cultivation, since our first Bodhicitta to final complete Buddhahood, various saints, of course, in the middle is our crucial fate, that many of us would know. However, many people are unclear, apart from the various saints, and three territories all mortal beings Bodhi, how important is the role of your practice. From the perspective of practicing the margin, sentient beings and Buddhas are equal, every spiritual practitioners must equal respect. Many people don't understand this, but only respecting Buddha, but lack of respect for all sentient beings, this is a non-acting concepts and behaviors. if there is no Buddha leads us, we lost in the wilderness of the blind, and impossible to get free from the three territories in the circle, but if you do not rely on the sentient beings, then our bodhi tree roots there would be no. Such as Hua-yen Sutra says: "because of all sentient beings and great mercy, because of the great mercy Bodhicitta, Bodhicitta is sleep. "Failing to all sentient beings, nobody can afford great mercy Bodhicitta, and as such was sleep. Dragon tree-Buddha said: "all sentient beings Bodhi, fruit-if you wish to become a Buddha, public worship, such as architects. The "sentient beings into Bodhi's help, if you want Buddhahood, that is, all sentient beings, like his master should be respectful waiter/waitress. so people have a lot, the family is composed of sentient beings, and there are many people in our lives, and everyone agreed on the outside is a good practice, and help others, and Bodhi heart is good, and so on. But and household disunity, often to their family has a great temperament, saw annoyance, I think that this kind of practice is that there is a problem, because there is no way to families, and their closest relatives are fusion, so that we are not genuine Bodhicitta, because a family may not all be spiritual person, if he is a spiritual person, then it should bear the family bring us any disadvantages, for example: husband and wife to quarrel, causing the quarrel is impossible because unilateral, must be the only two people have the problem quarrel, because it is a slap shot doesn't work. So if a person is made a Bodhicitta, so this problem is very simple, this side of Bodhicitta, you should know that her husband (wife) are also sentient beings, he is not happy because I, and want to vent, then I should not make him continue to trouble, should tolerate his unreasonable or make trouble, he can feel your best. You will also begin their own psychological equally to all people around, so the Bodhicitta coming closer to reality. Instead he said you you ten words, so from the perspective of causality, it is a vicious circle, because to do so will be of this fruit, and your family are more and more bickering and invectives.Also of reason, we can practice in many things of aspects, because who also does not willing to and a selfish of people or ignorance heart strongly of people in together, if we even on themselves of family also cannot to Bodhi heart phase moved, imagined you on other sentient beings of Bodhi heart is how? because family is we no began yilai extremely, eager for of a factors, we on they are cannot produces Bodhi heart of attitude, how may on some has nothing to of sentient beings produces real of Bodhi heart, so I think a family of harmony also marks repair Bodhi heart of people is and Bodhi heart corresponding, if corresponding words, so this people of family does not produces so more differences of. Many of those who contacted tantric masters, there is such a feeling, is unwilling to leave the masters for a long time, is that because the Bodhicitta masters, we had a great influence, stay with us and masters, masters will not harm us, just looking good and clever convenience benefits for us. So we like to master together. And if we harm our lives together, we all can't wait to get out of his regardless of who. Therefore, a person with Bodhicitta, regardless of where it goes, it will be loved by others, he and the company will take care of the person, would accord with the boss, will not quarrel with friends, family and happy, around the collar often breath-taking. Contrast is another situation. some people do not understand all this, their statues, stupa, and other great respect, every time I see is on all fours bowed to maintain, but see themselves unhappy people, Pall worry about soon, even aversion to criticizing slander injury. Such an approach runs counter to the needs of Bodhicitta full nor the Buddha's disciples should act. Tudier en vue d ' acqu purpose of Dharma, is nothing more than free, if you discard the sentient beings and virtues of Taoism and Buddhism is a source of spiritual practice, it would look something like the only one of the wheels of the cart, in any case nor the lime Avenue. As a disciple of the Buddha, reverent feeling of interest is the Basic code of conduct, if a man know respect Buddha, but do not respect all sentient beings, then he cannot be regarded as a true disciple of the Buddha, and "King Buddha disrespectful" is by no means the teaching of Buddhism and behavior. Respect and disrespect to her own family members, that earlier behavior is no guarantee of complete. Because the relationships between them are supported with the relationship, if we fail to engage families in harmony then Buddhism has not been integrated into the world. There is no integration into the world, Bodhicitta not established. Family well, hard on the book is difficult to tudier en vue d ' acqu, families do well, speaks for itself in less against the margin on the road tudier en vue d ' acqu. Many classics of Buddha are complete families of explanation, and family is also a Buddha very large margin, Tibetan people have a lot of families have is dependent entirely by the family channel, so we have to deal with family into Bodhi. �Ƽ��Ķ���ѧ����Ӧ�����յ�����˵���Ͼ�-----������뿰��Ϊʲôѧ�������ô�࣬��������֤�������ô�ټ��أ�ѧ��Ļ��������ɮ��¿�ʾ��ѧ��Ů�ڵļ��ֲ��編�ı�������ѧ��Ҫע��Щʲô��������䷨ʦѧ��ɵ�û���Ѵ������˽Ե��ɷ�ѧ��Խ�ã�Խ���ù����Ϻ�����仰���������ԣ�ѧ���Ƿ������������������ܣ�ѧ��Ҫ��ô���ģ��������Ϻ��У��ϻ��������ݽ����£���ѧ����ʮ��ͨ����һ��Ҫ���ƺ쳾֮�����ѧ����ѧ���˵�һ��Ҫ�������Ҫ�����ⱴŵ������Ϊ��Ҫѧ��ѧ����û�н���5����־�ڼ�ѧ��Ů�ڡ����ڵ�ģ������Ϊ��˵ѧ���߿�������ʤ��רҵ������ѯʦ?ѧ������ת�ģ���ת��ת���ҵ�ת��֮·��ѧ������ʵ��������˱�Ϊ���˾����棺һֻèѧ�����Ҫ���أ�ѧ���ˣ���ν������Ů��һ��Ҫ���Լ�һ��ѧ�����У�ѧ������ĥ����δ��ѧ�����й������ο˷������----�󱦷�������͡���Ƶ��ѧ���Ӧ�������������廪��ʿ��������ѧ�����wbr><wbr><wbr><wbr><wbr>Ϥ���չ�����Ϊ�� STYLE="WiDTH: 84px; HeiGHT:62px "HEIGHT=" 249 "ALT=" Tibetan monkeys in Indonesia adopted kitten when children <WBR><WBR>≪WBR><WBR> care is bound by it! 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