
Finger skateboard white collars brain new tricks   let fingers quickly "walking" _huyuting2011

Clever "is often used to describe a person smart capable. In fact, it also has other meanings--"deft," "mind", that is to say, flexible finger people smarter. According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, fingers and meridians are the same, from the thumb to the little finger, followed by human lungs, large intestine, pericardial effusion, cardiac and intestinal corresponds to, and also other important points are centralized. Omni-directional activity the fingers, not only able to dredge channels, you can effectively develop brain cells. Among them, quickly let your finger on the table "walking" is a good choice, both at home and abroad are colorful and fun finger "walking".����Fitness for the current period, let us September star MOB BOSS Li Kang to introduce a new type of brain exercise--finger skateboard.����Finger skateboard (Finger SkateBoarding) referred to as "plates", is an emerging fashion associated with extreme sports entertainment, legends are a United States Skateboarding enthusiasts can practice in the rain loves skateboarding tricks invented, and replaced by finger in the home to control refers to the practice of both feet, this highly imaginative creation is to circulate rapidly, became a smash on the fingertips of popular sports.����Finger skateboard at first there are two main functions: one is when the weather is bad, skateboard fans can use your finger to skateboard in the Interior of the obstacles to feel the action on the main points, enjoy the fun of skateboards; on the other hand, in exchange of skateboarding action and rarefied technologies, finger skateboard became a nice small props, utilize finger skateboard skateboarding players in competitive games model study on sliding on the road and in action. Finger skateboard seems simple, but not to control more easily than the skateboard on the feet. Flexibility means relying on two fingers to coordination, use sand paper plate surface friction and inertia of the Board itself to lead it to make beautiful motion. As the player increases, a little piece of attraction gradually showing, more and more people are liking the new game.����Office staff, or student, there is no limit of age physical, without wearing protective equipment, as long as picking up finger skateboard, you can begin to use individual imagination, props, books, and so all can take advantage of the desktop, and even yourself enjoy the fingertip inspiration Board feel. Configuration of the finger skateboards and skate there is no difference in appearance, in addition to bearings have not been adopted, almost every detail being reduced copy. Each means the Board equipped with tools such as screwdrivers, inner Hexagon spanner and spare wheels to choose from. Means a player can be adjusted according to your own ideas to install your own plate, of course, you can try it yourself to be a Board, decorated with all kinds of colors free my little lovely.����Means a player can be placed on the desk, hang them on the keys, and when you go out into your pocket, ready to pick up and enjoy the ultimate fun finger. Beginners usually on the table back to practice simple, fingers can be easily manipulated, such as skateboarding, you can try flying over a pencil, a ruler, a mouse-only, or even skipped a book, a paper Cup without sled down.����This highly imaginative ideas is to circulate rapidly, becoming impresario finger movement. Our domestic finger movement is also very rich. Flexible fingers to walk, you can either just like crabs walk sideways "one" or "m" Word, "8", there are also five-pointed star, s-line, and so on. Every morning at about 8 o'clock, is the most clear our minds, when memory is best, is also a good opportunity to exercise your fingers. 15-20 minutes of exercise at a time, you can increase the flow of blood to the brain, activates the brain cells in the sleep state, coordination of training the brain function and, therefore, finger-walking is a very good brain exercise.����In addition, due to increased blood flow to the brain, the immunity of the human body also increased. Often sit in front of the computer for a long time white-collar workers, stiffness in the fingers, wrist sore when I might as well let your fingers on the table "to go" up and came after the NIE NIE refers to stomach, holding the fist, you can reduce risk of "carpal tunnel syndrome" of risk. Always adhere to the finger movement, not only good for the cardiovascular, but be able to effectively prevent many diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and constipation in the elderly. Mao die young children from 3 years old can practice good simple finger fuck.

