
Gold Medal short methods add _ I can

Category: short-term technology is a set of attack is so strong that short-term speculation of stability of higher skills, as long as the standard specifications for the graphic appears. Profit 10--30% within 2-5 days. Application and market opportunity, and success rates as high as 90%, is the best choice of round of speculation in the stock. stock selection time: 30 minutes kxiantu , moving averages: moving averages parameters is set to 30 minutes, 13, 77, 99 second, MACD MACD parameters of conventional 12, 26, 9. This technology was revised to 12 30 minute chart's MACD parameters, 26, 50. special graphics first, the premise: to whichever form 13 averages, 77 averages, 99 application of basic level or bonding as a prerequisite. second, graphics category: �� level of feet: 13 averages a double bottom formation, left foot, right foot high effective graphic, right foot is optimal to unknown, tempted to buy some at the bottom after formation, k-line to run small small Yin-Yang in 13 averages and MACD MACD DIF gold fork, gallon buy merchant Yang lines to stand over the three averages, MACD when the red columns stretching, as shown in Figure-1 Chinese-owned, Figure 2,600,836 Dragon. �� wire sticking: the so-called "three-stick" is not an absolute concept of bonding, observing the graphic when you shrink a graphic, as long as 13, 77, on the application of its own in a small narrow scope level run, fully bonded best, the key is "three-stick preferably non-form". The graphic also includes three types: a: adhesive on the line: 13 average line on top of 77, running parallel, horizontal (see Figure-3 win shares, in Figure-4 Yong-Yuan, 50,590 ancient Chinese groups. ) b: line in the viscosity: 13 averages in 77, and 992 averages Zhijian of gap in the basic level run, (see Figure 6 600,609) Faw Gold Cup, Figure 7 0030 ST British up, figure 80018 ST in the Hao), c: line Xia viscosity: 13 averages in 77, and 99 zhixia parallel, and level run (see Figure 9 600,850 North travel, figure 100556ST Nanyang) this graphics of buy points is in bonding run (or parallel run) of late, MACD gold fork Hou red column continues elongated, shares appears merchant of small and medium-sized Yang line, merchant is relative front of volume relatively, no hard), station in three averages above on can buy. �� the bottom of a pan shaped (including II a type): -a: Park the bottom of a pan: 13 averages formation a standard of small arc end, shares by the bottom of a pan outside run to the bottom of a pan within, is shares by averages below run to averages above, k-line to small Yin small Yang best, (Yang more Yin less more better), non-do the bottom of a pan best (see Figure 11,600,871 yizheng chemical fiber, Figure 12 600,681 Cheng into culture, Figure 13 0592 in the Fu industrial) b: flat the bottom of a pan: 13 averages formation a relative flat of level end, shares is by the bottom of a pan outside run to the bottom of a pan within, to small Yin Xiaoyang of way best (Yang more Yin less more better) see figure 140,564 Xian livelihood Figure 15 0532 Yue China electric Figure 16 600,095 Kazakhstan high Branch) this graphics of test buy points is shares run to the bottom of a pan within, MACD has gold fork Shi can small buy moved rose, gallon buy points is in shares merchant station due 77, and 99 averages above, while MACD red column plus long of Shi. ���������������������ʵҵ �������wbr>����A:77��99 ��ճ����ƽ�� B:13 string in the form of high and low wear on 77, averages, a fixed disk. C:MACD Golden fork, red pillar-like long wear, 77 averages on the share price, buy it. d: shares in a small small Yin Yang manner along the 13 averages up-rise, stock ownership. e: shares in short-term gains nearly doubled, volume amplification, DIF high elbow, stock prices are mostly run on 13 averages below the ship. ����ʤ��ɷ� �������wbr>����A:77��99����ƽ�� formal wear B:13 averages for high and low foot 77, averages, forming the first buy. C:13 averages at wire sticking on formed the second point, follow up as soon as red columns stretching. d: rose nearly 30%,DIF high elbow can be short, but shares by way of flat plate runs along 13 averages, and significantly shrink or holding wait and see. ����ٸ��Ԫ �������wbr>����A:77��99������ƽ��������������������������������13 application on top of the line, share price-wound wire, MACD green column shortening, close Outlook. b-shares hold the three averages, MACD DIF Golden fork, red columns, extended, are underway. c: share price high, without reaching a new height, amount of shares when the callback from point b to buy more than 4 days is 10% of profit, can be shipped. Hao disc surface analysis in ST A:77, 99 averages go flat, Nanyang ST disc surface analysis of A:77,99 application of bonding. B:13 averages dot formation, but DIF are not gold fork MACD, does not follow up. C:13,77,99 averages three bond, stock price little small Yin-Yang runs in three averages more than Golden fork DIF MACD, red pillar appears to follow up. long Yin total fall 13 averages is not c: daily stock prices far c buy price, holding watching. d: share price high, but not renovate DIF, down-time run in 13 averages below, starting from the x buy some profit has been reached, can be shipped. lives who script handicap techniques mastered, you took the stock market's lifeblood. Will offer you, thanks for the support. Life is short, and people for fun, do a little contribution to Afar. Handicap technology I am skilled, but has not been able to do so flexibly to a comfortable level, shame. Study painstakingly build up, and share with all men, aspired to put stock into your own ATM machine. specific of disc surface technology, I think including is as follows several aspects: 1. market timeshare changes, price volume dynamic changes, yellow line changes, sold for absolute value; 2. and market changes echoed of a unit performance, such as index rise when a unit how corresponds to performance of; 13. specific to a unit of timeshare changes, which single pen sold for, price volume tie, timeshare line of smooth degree,; 4. with plate a unit performance, and index of strength sexual comparison, mixer unit of choice; 5. price list, for hand rate list, eighty one-eighty thirds integrated rankings; 6.k line technology analysis of important points bits Shang timeshare of performance, this is core. large timesharing, mainly pay attention to the early change of half an hour, if early relatively strong, Yang received on that day the probability if early weak, then on your negative probability. To determine when there are changes in the surface can be used as a basis for early movements of the market run or as a basis. I can now be based on the judgment day of yin and Yang in early trading, the success rate is above 70%. In this connection, we have to be a lot of research. If you can harvest, very useful to short-term day operation. index index of price and quantity changes are run in waves, each contract change waves wavy uplink and downlink, generally speaking, if ascending waves with this transaction dramatically enlarge when that is needed from the spirit of the time. But if dramatic zoom only or there is only one day at a time, did not remain with ascending waves meet, then the index is still without strength. This is in a bear market indices in the important point to note. Contract is enlarged, and sold for amplification can be sustained is whether the judge can produce large level band quotes as well as key to Daniel. �����ư�������н����� In General, the index rose when, on the yellow line, small-capitalization stocks will be active on the day, may also be very nice side; instead, the yellow line in the next rally is likely to be the market share lead. If on the yellow line, suddenly looked up to up to attack white line even through closed yellow line, the market shares may be trapping behavior. deal in absolute terms, one-day turnover and the single minute volumes. One-day contract, General 10.012 trillion above shows the strength of the market, if the index for two consecutive days to keep on top of this contract, then the index of inverse probability considerably. One-day deal at 4 billion to the volume level, when the index for several consecutive days remain in the transaction state, then rebounded indices be latent or even reversed. Single minutes sold for two days in a row to maintain the highest 8000w per minute or more, there may be new changes. If frequent 800w single minute per minute, the market may be an extreme change. Sold for more than 20 billion if the one-day, you will need to be careful or container to decline. If high sold for more than 18 billion, and indices of stagnation. Beware of becoming the top. and the degree is to determine whether individual stocks are strong market response in the indices of the important bases. If a unit to dial down the waves when the index does not fall, or a dial up lang the first volume, this unit must be locked. When a stock index of continuous innovation and low time refused to new lows, this stock you lock again. time-sharing time-sharing study forms a share, timeshare contract, smoothness, a single contract, order, relations with large timesharing, and so on. Timeshare is a rectangle that appears up to increased triangle, down triangle, w and m forms at the end of several������������������������������������-State. When time-sharing similar forms when selecting breakthrough time is a very good buy or sell. Concrete form, can go to the forms technology. Timeshare contract mainly refers to the amount of price coordination level, General Qi Sheng qi is price falling to its normal state, but if there is a weight reduction on the price, must pay attention to the day peaked; if there is a price drop or a flat, while the transaction is magnified, that may be funded in the low. Smoothness time refers to the time the price curve of beauty, leading Timeshare unit is generally very easy. Timeshare is smooth and become leading choice an important basis. Single transaction is important, list of key locations compared to achieve a breakthrough, or breakthroughs in effectiveness is questionable. For single General Fund, so a large number of units should be worthy of our key research, levels in some small-capitalization stocks if larger need to focus. Unit time overlaps with the large timesharing, easy to find a specific stock is strong or weak. This is very important. Should be good at. plate stocks often caused when the linkage effects. A plate, you first need to determine its strong or weak correlation with the index, if the index is strong, strong, is the stage worthy of the mixer section. If this is the mixer section, note comparison with plate type of stock is what, who is the first volume, who gains the most, who change hands the most, and then determine which one or two of the strongest stocks, focus on the shadow object. Strong should pay attention to when using the principles of linkage of the plate, Weak Market should also pay attention to some short-term accumulation of hot money conceptual sections. Down to the plates of the classification, there are several classifications. Industry classification, and geographical classification, classification of concepts, the price level classification, chaodie range, the performance of sorting and intervention funding nature. Specific to each of these categories, we all should be a pretty good idea. gain top stock for the current column should pay more attention, able to identify the stages of power plate and strong independent units. Gain top stocks should also be focused on in the middle of many stocks like small yangxiaoyangdi up, be aware of such slow bovine stock of accumulated gains. Stocks declined the front ranks of the top attention should be paid attention, is to find shorting plate for the current market and individual stocks to avoid joint supplement down effect of the relevant units and the second is lock chaodie unit, reserves for participation chaodie rally behind the work. exchange rate list are important means of finding funding, general stock 1.5% appears after the above change hands should focus, continuous change hands after consecutive 1.5% more than it should be locked. Activities begin the Exchange began activity is a unit of bones and an important symbol. Force their food and fodder, master its stores, easy to discover the enemy intentions. eighty one-eighty thirds comprehensive rankings are important means to identify short-term opportunities. Short-term residents often turn to the time 3 minutes. Discover Merchant elevating units can more quickly, and then follow up. The other hand, this is the first volume as well as the linkage of the plate of important ways. k-line technical tips on an important point in time, this need for time-sharing technology k-line technology and bring together the research question is also very core technology. Here there is no way to start discussions, and have the energy to expand a topic dealt with in the future. summed up in the practice of doing short 11 ways now to do after a short summary of the method described to you. It should be noted are: (1) these methods only to people of theory to practice. And it has been confirmed many times in practice. (2) the following method may not be a practical, nor have these methods can guarantee that you earn without losses. Hope you take another three. 1, each section has its own leaders, see take the lead. Immediately after the second stock. See big tiancai Dongda and Tsinghua tongfang. ����2�����й�ע�ɽ����� Hour-by-step in trading volume. Turnover at all buy when low magnification. Turnover at the top when zoomed in all the selling. ����3���ص�����ʱ��� Back to the document increased sales ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ stock selection time: 30 minutes kxiantu, moving averages: moving averages parameters is set to 30 minutes, 13, 77, of MACD, MACD general parameters for the 12, 26, of 9. This technology was revised to 12 30 minute chart's MACD parameters, 26, 50, special graphics, premise: to whichever form 13 averages, 77 averages, 99 application of basic level or bonding as a prerequisite. Second, graphics category: �� level of feet: averages a double bottom formation, left foot, right foot high effective graphic, right foot is optimal to unknown, tempted to buy some at the bottom after formation, k-line to run small small Yin-Yang in 13 averages and MACD MACD DIF gold fork, gallon buy merchant Yang lines to stand over the three averages, MACD when the red columns stretching, as shown in Figure-1 Chinese, Dragon-2. �� wire sticking: the so-called "three-stick" is not an absolute concept of bonding, observation��������������������������������������������When you shrink a graphic, as long as 13, 77, on the application of its own in a small narrow scope level run, fully bonded best, the key is "three-stick preferably non-form". The graphic also includes three types: a: adhesive on the line: 13 average line on top of 77, parallel, horizontal run: (see Figure-3 win shares, in Figure-4 Yong-Yuan, Figure-5 ancient Chinese groups. )B:����ճ:13������77��99 ������֮��Ŀ�϶�л�ˮƽ����:(��6 600609)һ��𱭣�ͼ7 0030 STӢ��,ͼ8 0018 ST�к�)C:����ճ:13������77��99֮��ƽ�С�ˮƽ����:(��9 600850���ã�ͼ10��0556ST����)��ͼ�ε����������ճ������(��ƽ������)��ĩ�ڣ�MACD�����������������ɼ۳��ַ�������С���ߣ����������ǰ�������Զ��ԣ�û��Ӳָ��)��վ�������֮�ϾͿ�����.�۹����(������������):A:԰��ף���13�����γ�һ����׼��СԲ���ף��ɼ��ɹ�������е�����ڣ����ɼ��ɾ����·����е������Ϸ���K����С��С����ѣ�(�������ٸ�)��������������:(��11 600871 �������ˣ�ͼ12��600681 �ϡ����Ļ���ͼ13��0592 �и�ʵҵ)B:ƽ���:�� 13�����γ�һ�����ƽ̹��ˮƽ�ף��ɼ�Ҳ���ɹ��������������ڣ���С��С���ķ�ʽ��� (�������ٸ�)(ͼ14 0564 �������� ͼ15 0532 �����硡ͼ16 600095 ���߿�)������ͼ�ε���̽������ǹɼ����е�����ڣ�MACD�ѽ��ʱ��С��������ǣ��Ӳ���������ڹɼ۷���վ����77��99����֮�ϣ�ͬʱMACD����ӳ�֮ʱ�� ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Short of the latest and most definitely a guiding ideology as long as you have the right (that is, correct ideas of stocks), stock selection and select the correct (that is, selected the leading unit price per round), coupled with the buy point in time the right selling points accurately and timely, in-band operations they are bound to win, so as to achieve the set of countless individual stock horse-band small black horse, consists of a collection of your big black horse on a rapid appreciation of the funds, so that your account funds to accelerate appreciation. First, understand the stock market: a view of the stock market: stocks are at greater risk, but many money-making opportunities. To sum up: is the opportunity is greater than the risks. But before you do not have the market movement, you'd better not easy to position trading stocks (except in cases of great teacher pointing), but after you're familiar with the market's movement, speculating in winnings will be inevitable. There are all kinds of information in the stock market, where there are many messages have been utilized by the dealer, for small and medium-sized retail, with much spoofing and availability. In particular, we should pay attention to each other in the stock market, mutual deceit to prevent be tricked. Each made a decision to look before you leap, so as to avoid a big mistake. UPS and downs of the stock market and the second causes of inflation, falling: the rise and fall of the stock market is the movement of the stock market, stock market (appearances), behind the phenomenon of the ups and downs, hidden makers and retail their own purposes, so what (or what) makes stock prices rise or fall? we know that the movement of a certain period, a stock disc (that is, Exchange which is the number of coins) is a must. When you are generally optimistic about the future, people rush to purchase, buyers actively prepared to pay a relatively high price of purchase of this stock of coins in circulation, causing shares rose, which is the root cause of rose, the buyer () > seller (disc), sellers rather than buyers active, when the share price must rise. Conversely, the inevitable decline. Effects only understand root causes of the ups and downs, correctly for an analysis of various technologies in the future to lay a solid analytical basis (for example: 3rd averages turn up, then for short-term up; 30th averages turn up and the for center line up; 30-week averages turn up for line up, this shows the power of buyers is constantly enhanced). Second, the stock market actually is, why? (speculating in real goals and purpose) (when you know that: not just to make money) we have a lot of people do not know what stocks are they? only know to make money, make money in order to make money, not understanding anything. In fact, the stock market is one of the training people one of the best places. In the world, how arrogant is that people come to market in the face of market highly difficult to measure, the total market of elusive,Their small, how many well-known stock experts and scholars in the face of market, I do not know how many times have run into, I wonder if there have been many times forecast errors, errors of opinion and judgment.  actually stocks of real purpose should is temper themselves, how makes themselves of judgment, and think and market of movement of actual and market movement of law phase combination, says was again simple, and again directly points, is how makes themselves of operations and stock of rose beats phase anastomosis, so makes you of awareness problem, and judgment problem of capacity gradually improve, you if real reached has this consistency of realm, you this people certainly will is temper makes became a very humility of people, very has insight has wisdom of people, very has recuperation, and has savvy of people, is a very can down themselves of subjective think of people, course you is a very rich of people, this are is because you master has law zhihou God on you of awards. Otherwise, if you breach of market movement, you will be punished by the law. : so: the stock market is not only just for the money, but for the movement sought to explore the market, and finally beats of reach and increases consistency. At the same time a correct their error process of understanding, misconceptions. Is their own thoughts and spirit gradually changed, when you reach this State, and making money is a natural thing, it's called "does not make money", I did not want to make money, just wanted to pursue law God because you found the law, comply with the law, and reward to you so much money. This is how easy and pleasant thing Ah! instead, if we got into the stock market, on the investment objective of setting an incorrect (idea) is the starting point, intent intent is not wrong, then we will live in pain all day, live in blind faith, will not achieve high results in the end, because we pursue goal is too low (just to make money), the mind is too narrow, the pursuit of the general direction of the wrong, not only does this not make any money, but also easier to lose money, hurt physically, hurt his feelings.  this is something we often say "stocks you want to have an unbiased, not too greedy" the true meaning of this stock market adage. Who understand the true meaning of this stock market adage, who was not far from the stock market success. Fried good money to more people share, because it can not, impact earned total compensation, does not care about the market ups and downs beats and patterns, which means that he does not comply with the general trend, not homeopathic, only CIS "money", you say he can do fried good stocks? even can make some money occasionally, sooner or later will lose because of his greedy Ray! this is definitely not an alarmist, this is about your investment philosophy is correct, the problem of purpose is in the right direction. Wrong direction, purpose, otherwise all wrong, your efforts are in vain he craves, this is why I spend so much text, clear the cause of the problem. Hoping to attract enough attention. From the very beginning, to lay a good foundation, to secure development in the future.  investment concept of the three, correct (correct concept of trading stocks)  while everyone know stocks in order to make money, but if you focus on compensation earned, for standard operations traded often falls short of good results. This is to make money but may not be able to make money. Instead, we do not pay earned as a standard, our ups and downs of the beat for the standard operation, it will make you rise, earn more, representing a decrease of you out in a timely manner when risk aversion, ultimately will make you money greatly added value.  therefore, the US stock market principles are: ① search for rose, carefully study the rise, conforming to rise, stepping up beat, operation experience of rising inflation finally reached with the beat. A rise in fact is based on the law of ups and downs of the stock as the criterion, carefully each of he who finds information, figure out the dealer actions, homeopathy.  prices per round, fried hot plate of the mixer unit only.  decrease in stocks, sideways stock shares rises slowly, there is a problem with stock shall not be fired.  do not participate in the stock adjustment process, let alone process involved in the fall. ② haven first, money second. ③ the uncertainty, finding deterministic (that is, finding rising stocks and rising fast). ④ fast forward principle. ⑤ "fish only eat the middle section of" principles (security, certainty). ⑥ through, grasping the essence of makers. ⑦ only with respect to the rising, and the rest has nothing to do with you.  IV, makers theory (on the dealer) 1, dealer operations, purpose of stock, that is, in order to make money. 2, the dealer how to do to earn money? (make money when the conditions of) ① you must post, there are performance fundamentals, such as themes, and has a policy to the good, the background of the market on an upward trend. ② must be in the hands of a low retail price of chips. Concentrated into the hands of bankers (30%-60%). Otherwise he won't pay the price pulling the stock solution sets for others (or have others make money), the dealer does not have such a good heart. ③ and when he has finished preparatory, wash the plate after the end, he will try for stock prices, in which case he will attract small investors to follow to help him to lift stock price, enjoy him. ④ when share prices that hit the highs, he also fooled by the variety of tactics to lure, retail, will chip in his hand and then sold to individual investors, his cash profits. Retail just remember that at the top, please don't be the last bar, keeping you safe.  but should remind everyone here is that high is divided into short, medium and long trend highs, short line also includes a band of high. Just remember, never at a relatively high to buy, no danger of having too much, occasionally small sets of sets will give you solutions. In addition, you should be good at beating a dealer fraud of fake breakthrough line up, once found myself was cheated out of falling, you should immediately cut meat out so as not to cover deeper, in which case must not hesitate, let alone pay moreEffect of less money, reluctant to cut meat, cause greater losses, and delaying the next wave of purchases (as funds cover). 3, how to grasp the operation direction of makers, operate? (intention and action steps)  if you are a dealer best best friend, he might tell you that he's going to, what price of a stock he is going to be pulling the shipment. Otherwise, no one can directly learn about makers intend to. We do not know understand movements dealer channel?: is through first-hand information such as handicap k-line chart to learn more about understanding and analysis dealer operations.  stocks cannot be separated from the rose, is inseparable from the disk as manifested in "rose" information cannot be separated from the plate wheel information, cannot be separated from the he makers and operation of the main trends, without looking for incremental capital movements, so that the actual "rise" where black unit only in relation to where I was. Who rises early, fast, sharp, who is the leader. Who preceded the market stopped falling cycle stability, from climbing out of depression, fell from the ugly k-line in the chart suddenly rise up, who is that will soon become the rising sun "morning star".  people do not know that the movement of stock market, do not know how to comply with the general trend. Is not the dealer's tempting you contrary to the exercise of the stock market law (beats), people are contrary to the trend of actual market anytime, anywhere, who only fully understand the market maker and trader of mind after thinking and steps in order to buy low sell high success.  personal subjective judgment, personal subjective ideas are worthless, as it often allows you to produce errors, only accurate rose point (inflection point) handicap information to determine the most accurate.  when people in the stock market after 35 years on the chain, have on share price movement after a certain amount of experience, experience to a point where, contrary to the law of ups and downs of the stock market will reduce the number of times you have, because you have a correct investment concepts, principles and standards, you can control your own subjective judgment, does not let the Lord, can use law of practical guidance and market your own behavior. In most cases are not contrary to the movement of the market, to lay down his own subjective ideas, hopes, you completely changed, you can basically achieve combined with the rising, so as to achieve a hundred battles. Characteristics of 4, the leading unit: ①②③④ (to be announced later). 5, how to quickly pinpoint leading unit: ①②③ (to be announced later). 6, some wrong operation type (and each of us on check mark to) ① looking for rises in decline, decreased rebound as edgy Tim blood, it's too dangerous.  it includes three types: a, in the large decrease in trend are rebound. b, the medium decreased trend in the rebound. c, in the small downward trend in the rebound, risk is large. ② in balancing the potential rise (wait do not rise). ③ rises slowly rises above the unit (too slow).  only can be found in the leading stock rises faster more stable stocks. 7, the stock market some people in their stocks of actual results will not be good. ① class: by our own subjective imagination, speculate about the purpose of breaking units in the future, do not have credentials that you really want to raise, and light for granted, and called "subjective fault-expert" and "fantasy experts". ② class: experience, with history, with the original appearance of speculation in the stock, which launched in front of a unit similar to the history, and copying the hard in this reality, this failure is also very strong. Let us call it "historical and cultural relics and archaeology experts" or "archaeologist" is more appropriate. ③ class: there are a lot of people read a lot of books to listen to a lot of so-called professional stock analysts who talk, relying on themselves understand the theory of knowledge, there is no practice test, just go buy stocks, many mistakes. This kind of people we call "expert", "rules of dogmatism experts" (because this theory comes from the original time of historical facts, fact has changed again today, so you do not apply).  only based on the information expressed by the fact of the disc surface, and the trajectory of the unit, and other elements, concrete analysis of specific issues, conclusions can be derived *, we call this person is in line with the general trend of people.  v, the stock market adage: ① early intervention, it should be learning, not before the movement of the market, it is best to stop operation. ② learn stocks must first have the correct ideas of stocks (that is, the right stocks).  and, secondly, stock selection to choose the correct (that is, choose how fast stable stocks rose).  again, to be accurate and timely buy and sell points. ③ speculating when waiting for the right situation (disc), select (pseudo) stocks, timing involved, band hype, homeopathy.  the best adjustment does not participate in a share, more does not participate in a stock's decline. ④ stocks taboos "corruption", and taboos "fear", stocks at relatively high corruption Mo, don't be afraid when the stocks at relatively low levels, stocks should be a unbiased view, in accordance with market rules, homeopathy. ⑤ multiple benefits from the empty, null of losses originated from. ⑥ benefit does not rise then fall and rising bad do not fall. ⑦ gaoyao bull market, bear markets in the high out of the game. ⑧ don't delay because of little interest, is not lost due to small oscillations changes direction. ⑨ strong unconditional support line breaking to leave (out). 10 in the dark will soon pass, light end of the coming bear market, the dealer often luring tactic scared out of the hands of the retail price of chips. Crazy end of the bull market, the major use of inducing tactics fooled retail high took the dealer's chips in the hands of. 11 in a bull market, the dealer is high for chips with a solution for yourself or for your own profit. In a bear market, was designed to lure much higher, and you as scapegoats, makers want to flee, you set on high. 12 high positive was premeditated, low bad is premeditated.  six , operation principles: (I) how can (large)? 1, first get a clear understanding of market trends (direction).  that is, a clear understanding of the market's overall trend is rising, and is also declining. 2, and then confirm the market up or down.  that is, the market is a reversal or a rally. 3, and after you have identified the general direction of the market trends, specific research market trends in a particular phase of the campaign is rising, is sideways or the callback. Studies on 4, then this (rose or callback) specific conditions.  for example, the rose stage: major rise is greater than the number decreased, do you have a hot plate.  list first if there is more than 3 per cent cent daily units.  first Board last stock increase is greater than 3%.  if more than three conditions occur simultaneously, short-term opportunities on that day.  otherwise it should be better to wait and see.  see the market trends of tomorrow, there is a trick:  in mainstream hot plate is representative of individual stocks, it's basically represent the market's direction, such as sheep stocks, this call a yellowed is known by myself. , (ii) how to choose stocks? 1 day ① see which stocks tomorrow or a week or a month of the rose (that is, whether the unit has the weather). 2 to see daily ② the unit price is relatively low, and k-line morphological solid long arranged. 3 and ③ see dealer does the original cover of the unit of the chip and now there are signs of mild attack on the merchant, and a sheep in the unit is hot-plate.  specific order should follow the steps below to study it carefully one by one check mark: ① see the unit always running direction of the trend lines and angles.  that is, the trend line must be inclined upwards, representing an increase of angle is the steeper the better, at least more than 30 cents. ② shape and position of the k-line (that is, at the bottom of the arc end or W formation). ③ see angle and the smoothness of the averages (long term averages the smoothness of the good, note makers charged with a high degree of). ④ k-line combination of yin and Yang. a, from the week online compared (and by the extent and adjust the yin and Yang of area ratio). b, on the k-line comparison (and thus see the strength of the unit). ⑤ line (whether to render a four line of flowering). ⑥ see indicators (KDJ, MACD, etc). ⑦ see resistance level, support level and distribution of chips. ⑧ shares the wavy line location. ⑨ see stock prices in the BOLLINGER BANDS (line on Sunday) in the position. 10 adjust the number of time periods. 11 see recent hot plate of the unit is in the sheep do? 12 you can validate small purchases, to experience your judgment is correct, then weight cartridge purchase. , (c) from which to judge your selected stocks will rise tomorrow? ①②③④⑤ (to be announced at a later time).  (iv) a stock it can increase the required conditions: ①②③④⑤⑥ (to be announced at a later time). , (e) principle of short-term buying and timing:  buy premise is: ① the trend of the stock market is on the rise, and has just begun. ② adjust the market end, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow is not falling, units also have the opportunity. According to the time period considered, the market has risen. ③ the best rising home > decreased.  first Board cent daily stocks have emerged.  first Board last no less than 3% per cent of the stock. Day definitely have a chance, average angle greater than 30. Point, the market 30-KDJ issued a buy signal. ④ rising market can connect 2 day? if you do not have this opportunity to as little as possible. ⑤ uplink 3% no resistance, there is strong support under (July 4, Pearl River Holdings). ⑥, and preferably a casement high, Gao Kaigao, average angle greater than 30. Angle. ⑦ be sure not to buy early, buy high, buy best handling fee on the day. ⑧ selected stocks should be a mixer unit, strong stocks. ⑨ based on averages cloth belt and a 5-minute wire to determine buying, buy best on an axis in a cloth belt (week, k-line). 10 a unit has been adjusted in place and stopped falling cycle stability and Kai stable signal occurred. , (f) principle of short-selling: ① must not be under the influence of profit and loss of the own buying costs, policies should be based on market information and beat information such as the extent of the law, as well as UPS and downs of the ups and downs comprehensive judgment, if it is dropped, either pay earned must be unconditionally out of the game. ② active selling point: you bought the stock market has had a certain amount of gains (3%-30%), and feel weak has been showing up in the unit, magnified and can continue, there is no attack on kinetic energy, should be given to sell into strength strategy. ③ 3-5 days in a row of zhongyang line, once rising weakness, is to be determined out of the game. ④ reject negative lines and Long Black Line appears in, in the event, and sell right away. ⑤ adjustment of the market down again tomorrow, you should sell avoided for the time being. ⑥ one-third eat Yang Yin lines lines, consider to be sold at any time, eat half sold. ⑦ sell broken on the 5th line, broken on the 10th line was sold, 5 week averages more breaking must sell. ⑧ bad suddenly appeared and you want to sell the first time. ⑨ after buying feeling cheated, and immediately closes high out of the game. 10 strong support line breaking, and immediately sold. 1130-day moving average turned heads down, all cleaning out of the game. 12, stock should rest 2-3 days after the sell (at least), and then wait for opportunities up heavy units.  shares are not traded every day, tired of not making money, making money is not tiring, 365 days a year, only one-fifth the shareholders, that is, more than 60 days, the rest of the time should be an empty cartridge, heart of usual with great patience, in observation, research, he once found time, warehouse kills and the decisive approach, is born to die, win more and lose less. Short unique characteristics of this trick will help you in the shortest possible period of time, strike deep at the fastest speed, cities of Shanghai hotspots, strong stocks in a plate (leader), thus gaining maximum profit. Then make your POT, watching the empty cartridge. Significantly to avoid falling stock prices and the adjustment of oscillation the risk to you. Specifically the following major features: first, risk aversion, first, money second to avoid risk in the first place, not making money does not matter, but you cannot lose money because the stock market is not the lack of opportunities, lack of capital. Make small also does not matter, as long as the money can add up, we can add value to your account funding has risen steadily,. Embodied in: the trick to adjustment of oscillation declines in stocks, shares, shares rises slowly, very little equity, per cent of shares does not work, there is no try for kinetic energy (volume driven) stocks, ever in the history of big speculation in stocks, stock, stock delisting risk problems, are excluded, screen off (filtered) shall not be involved in. Only in those rising stock and we are rapidly elevating stage. How to look for to determine which stocks are the key to this trick, it's called finding hype object (units), second is based on the movement of the market and individual stocks determine the unit of time, there are specific technical requirements, such as when to intervene and when to sell. Second, the uncertainty, finding deterministic (necessity) is on the rise in volatile stock, to seek out the inevitable rise and rise much faster units, fried small bands do. Emphasizes the unique skills, in units not yet achieved will rise ahead of the situation, will never advance admission to avoid empty waiting. Vast unit of the sea, many uncertain factors, Bulls, it fell, considered to be dropped, it increases. Biggest feature of this trick is reflected in the many uncertainties, to seek out a comparison to determine rising and rising terms, this is the key to this trick. Actions so that you always rise of bands, this is guaranteed to make you "on the river walk, but not wet shoes" (that is, there is no risk), and even decisive encounter special circumstances can also make you flat out. Three fast, fast forward, and make more use of short positions look better. See the opportunity to intervene, it's called "no Bunny does not cast the Eagle", the unique stress does not blindly intervention of a stock or early intervention stocks, so as to avoid delays due to early in advance to enter empty waiting. Affecting the efficiency of your funds, because time is money. Only in stock to be elevating the day before the intervention, earned or third day to the next day after a certain amount of profit to be determined outs (of course also depends on the specific circumstances of the market and individual stocks on the, by the way, you want to earn makers that are lacking in segment profit of 80%!), do not have corruption, the trick there is the one I did not absolutely the bottom, nor does escape, earn a section in the Middle, middle part of the so-called fish eats. Neither head nor tail. Eat the head, have to have a longer wait--too slow; eat larger risks �C and take care, you will catch you, thereby creating a risk, not greedy �C avoid the cover, not early intervention (not the bottom) to wait is not empty, you know "the case of unexpected good or bad fortune, and people" stocks rose overnight fell, indefinite number RMK! rose stage is too small, this is exactly what most investors lose money, making money and only a few root causes. Because you are not making money change wave to live, so the loss is inevitable, make money by chance, when youGot a hold on me after summarizing this trick, you make money, lose money by accident. Do you believe?, from four, grasp the essence of makers: another best feature of this trick is: it is not just confined to the k-line charts, data, technology, metrics and other analysis of the phenomenon, but the main thing is now through the disc surface, who demonstrated by the chart, and deeply understand the hold makers thought (purpose, intention, plans, procedures, and so on) so as to achieve the get rid of, excluding technology makers do cheat cord, so as to achieve the purposes and consistent with the increase of the beat. Because the makers of actions decided to stock prices rise, rise in share prices decided to k-line yin and Yang, Yin and Yang of the k-line determines the direction and the k line form of averages and so on. Internal is the change you want to know the basis of the external factors (chart data, and so forth) is a sign of change, the internal cause through an expression. This agreement must be reached both are the truth. Only look at the phenomenon does not parse the nature tends to look wrong. At the same time we also have to know the dealer operations subject to market, and the market subject to the country's macroeconomic policy, and the country's economy is subject to the world economy, and the world economy is subject to the Providence (days) and the objective laws. Five, another feature of this method is only done with respect to the rising, and the rest has nothing to do with you. Resulting in significant savings in manpower and material resources, financial resources, so that you will not do useless work. Make it easy for your stocks and a good time. The so-called easy: it means you are not affected by rising impact factors unrelated to, which makes you look very easily. So-called pleasure, where you can meet and rise rhythm, enjoy the happiness, success, happiness and self-confidence to make happy. It is pleasant, of course, it needs to move to higher realms in order to experience. Six, which is the real life of himself over a long period of groping, lost summed up in the process, is blood lessons, every word and every sentence of the book for your experiences, and intentions seriously understand. The trick is in the stock market in the various extraction and the theory of sublimation. This various theory including: time cycle theory, and magic digital theory, and wave theory, and rogue force theory, and life code distribution theory, and averages, and k line combination theory, and yin and Yang doctrine theory, and book, and gossip, and six line in the Eight Diagrams theory, and nature in the most simple, and most simple of axiom, and law, (as spring health, and summer long, and harvest, and winter Tibetan, nature); is various short-term investment method in the most active, and most sound, and most efficient, and most simple, and most applies of a investment method (has stocks real experience of people is on pass, a says on out, after 35 days of walkthrough you on will using this operation). The trick is simple (for if Avenue Jian,--), and complex (complex refers to the content it contains many, every facet is summary and summarized), flexible and regular. Can be no exaggeration to say that is universal (unit sea) are justified. Because such a phenomenon of bio-holographic theory. The trick, of course the most critical and central part of the teacher is needed on-site (combined movement of the stock market, combined with a unit, and so on) giving yourself to understand tacitly. Can truly be comfortable with your own, of course, also need to have a practice drill process, if you can follow the teacher operating a few instances, you progress faster, it's like learning to drive a car, not optical theory you will be able to test on the road. Finally, offer to you in a Word, that is: the real enemy is not your opponent in the stock market makers but yourself (is your own and that do not meet up beat their subjective imagination of law, subjective judgement, subjective experiences). The dealer should be your friend, because if he did not try for stock prices you don't make any money, so you have to understand the makers, meet the makers, makers, making money for you. In the stock market to constantly correct your error think judgment, error, error experience. It is your own harm yourself, you lose is your own actions are wrong, will you not at others, because of your own head, stop complaining. This is what people often say that the market is always right, one should take advantage of (that is along the rally) sense. This is why our company is called inflation, inflation, rose, and why beats per cent equity investment advisory limited. I called the "rose" (that is, with rising beats consistency), which also reflects my own investment concepts and ideas (that is, with makers rising intends to (ideas), as well as what we need to pursue goals and direction of each investor. I published this post, but also to those who follow (rise in the stock market ups and downs blindly chasing killed people who fell in the fall), a warning, don't do nothing to do with stocks rising, it is necessary to grasp the core, the Central. You once seize problem of real, and seize makers to rose of intends to (operations ideas), he again do cheat line you also does not taken of, you says: you also can transmission did? can pay did? that you says this a enrollment must in every direction? must in what local? (must in let you can to each only stock of real through, to illusion excluded is will win!) this must is not you imagine of that operations Shang no is errors, as long as you is not God, you on inevitable has small of errors, but has errors, and has fault, is we hearts inside appears has problem, is not this investment concept wrong has, and investment method wrong has, but you themselves in subjective judgment Shang, and operations Shang appears has problem, only description we of Kung Fu and realm also no operations home.

