
[Reprint] health care herbal _810116955

Original address: health care herbal author: ALE, listless herbal health care class refers to improve their health, to improve the image and promote mental health, promote intellectual development, anti-aging functions, physical and psychological health enhancement and maintenance of medicinal diet. This type of medicinal diet is one of the most characteristics of the TCM herbal. Herbal health care classes apply to everyday health, can be used for all kinds of healthy people improve the quality of life. At the same time for a variety of causes, such as health status, physical decay, emotionally, and better regulation. Can also be used for the viscera dysfunction caused by physical and psychological disorders. human health based on the viscera harmonize, abundant blood fluid, channel mastery and dynamic balance of yin and Yang. Where such a physiological basis for holding or partial failure, causing health damage, Zang and biased does not necessarily cause diseases, but there is a local or global function is not harmonic, which have an aspect of physical, psychological biases, you need to adjust. Herbal diet to control health care class viscera Meridian, balancing yin and Yang of qi and blood, is considered to be the best health care. According to different population health requirements, and health care medical meals can be divided into the following 8. 1. fitness weight loss in traditional Chinese medicine believe that obesity is mainly composed of water, phlegm, spleen and kidney Yang deficiency due to factors such as, body-weight loss herbal diuresis phlegm, invigorating the spleen aiding digestion, and prescription diet of gas used, such as Yang, like Coix and Poria, alisma orientalis, melon, Lotus leaf, lettuce etc, herbal slimming tea, shenqi winter melon soup with chicken in Lotus leaves, and so on. 2. salons wufa TCM considers human hair with the most closely related to liver and kidney are dirty. Liver for storing blood dirty, "in addition to blood"; kidney is hidden essence, "China". Hair and liver and kidney, sperm and blood are closely interrelated. Essence and blood-filled quickly, Rong Run hair gloss, easy peeling. If the impairment of the liver and kidney, insufficient blood essence, not moisturizing and nourishing hair, hair sprouted without splendor, easy removal easy folding. In addition, lustrous hair or not, and environmental and psychological factors. Salon wufa herbal composition principle is to nourish the liver and kidney, invigorating essence and blood. Radix polygoni multiflori common drugs drinking Angelica, moreover, walnut, black sesame, black beans, meat, liver, kidney and offal, herbal Dodder porridge, pig kidney walnut, and so on. 3. skin care nourish the skin is the body's appearance, is also the largest organ of Defense, TCM considers "Lung being in charge," but in fact has close ties with vital organs are, and of any viscera lesions can be caused by changes in skin appearance. Face is not only a person's appearance, but also on behalf of the skin. Because the skin is protected from external portal of evil, so it is also vulnerable to internal and external drug against evil. Being virtual, evil, and face can cause skin damage, such as the liver and gallbladder and humid can cause yellowing of the skin, kidney Yang deficiency appears dark face, flaring up of the fire of the heart causing flushed face, Yin skin dryness, deficiency of yellow, insufficient blood essence facial older, and so on. Therefore requires a blood tonic camp, keep replenishing essence, removal of phlegm stasis, such as material selection for blending into skin care nourish the herbal, harmonization of qi and blood, lustrous skin. Common drugs edible polygonatum, turtle, sea cucumber, Astragalus complanatus Tribulus terrestris, pearls, Chinese wolfberry, Coix seed, etc. Astragalus complanatus herbal party turtle, Pearl mushroom mix, and so on. 4. the longevity of traditional Chinese medicine considers health, to prolong life. While keeping the key lies in the viscera function to work properly, Meridian smooth regulation, filling of qi and blood, and live a long life with good eyes and ears. Viscera function, comfort in the kidney, the day after tomorrow in the spleen, prolong life in addition to the treatment of disease and maintain health, should be maintained, spleen and kidney function is normal. Longevity class herbal conditioner harmonic Qi and blood, nourishing the spleen and kidney, as the principle of yin and Yang. Common drugs food such as ginseng, Astragalus, atractylodes macrocephala, Chinese Yam, lean meat, such as pigeons, turtles, fish and other animals, herbal Pearl velvet, longevity and reinforce the wine, and so on. 5. eyesight increased liver opens into the eye, liver and blood-filled or not, direct impact on people with visual impairments. Homology of liver and kidney, deficiency of kidney and liver deficiency, kidney essence is also important factor affecting vision. From the General notions of traditional Chinese medicine, all viscera function is associated with the vision of the human body, that is, put it in "on the essence of the internal organs of the body in the eye". Therefore, the person's overall functional decline, the recession with the vision. Accordingly, the eyesight enhancement herbal recipe ideas, not only to strengthen the liver and kidney function, more attention to maintain the health of the entire body, treatment of overall viscera function. Common drugs drinking chrysanthemum, lycium barbarum, sand, night out lamb liver, liver, medicinal diet such as sesame goat liver, cassia chicken livers, and so on. 6. Cong ear hearing ear hearing, hearing loss associated with the internal organs of the body function. Relationship between five and five organs in the human body, opens into the ears of kidney, gallbladder, stomach, small intestine, sanjiao meridians through a row ear, wing on the five viscera essence is in the ear, but contact with the ear's auditory function is most closely related to the kidney and liver, gall bladder. If the liver and gallbladder excess heat, moist heat accumulation on the ear, causing diseases are mostly positive, anxious syndrome, Yi Xie. Hepatic and renal cystic disease causes ear disease, deficiency should complement deficiency. In modern society such as environmental pollution and adverse drug reactions, very serious damage to hearing. Cong ear hearing aids herbal mainly by nourishing the liver and kidney, filling the essence and blood, AIDS the ear canal, to restore hearing, delayed auditory aging purposes. Common drugs drinking magnet, fungus, Acorus calamus, swim bladder, polygonum multiflorum, pig kidney, herbal swim bladder soup, magnet porridge, and so on. 7. educational brain heart Tibetan spirit of God, liver, lungs, Tibetan in Tibetan inferior spirit and idea stored in the spleen and kidney Chi, visible human intelligence is an integrated whole, closely related to vital organs. Division of viscera by different collaborative, and monarch of the "heart" to exercise control over is complete. Li Shizhen of the Ming dynasty was made "brain for the House of God", but renal Medullary, marrow to fill in the brain, kidney essence decision intelligence; the heart of GodMaster mind, senses of dominate. Therefore, where the divine consciousness, spirituality, wisdom of the brain, heart, kidney and dirty is closely related to. Educational brain herbal from fill yangxin kidney, filling the essential principles of blood, and reasonable compatibility darned kidney, heart, Qi and blood, phlegm, resuscitation class medicine food preparation. Common drugs food such as ginseng, Tuckahoe, fushen, Lily, Chinese Yam, puzzle benevolence, ZAO-ren, the first seed of Oriental arborvitae, dried longan, fish, animals, heart, etc. Common herbal rose heart, Joan jade cream lamb, and so on. 8. increase power endurance people more physical activity is the embodiment of whole-body interaction of various viscera organs, tendons, bones, muscle activity. Physical decline, energy shortage, or excessive strain, strong in vivo metabolism, energy consumption is too large, or engage in different types of physical activity, taking a certain posture or repeating a single action, a local long bones and muscle strains, which can cause strain. In the plain questions "disorder of the blood for a long time, long lying hurt, sedentary meat hurt, protracted standing injured bone, Hisayuki injuries of muscles and tendons" saying. Because physical activity primarily completed by the bones and muscles, liver bar, main bones of kidney, spleen main muscles, increase power endurance herbal liver gluten to fill, kidney and bone, invigorating the spleen to strong principles of muscle groups. Common drugs food such as: ginseng, Angelica, eucommia, Chinese Yam, wheat, rice, with tendons and bones of animals and lean, duck, double whips aphrodisiac soup with herbal such as immortal, and so on. transfer from: http://blog.Sina.com.CN/s/blog_4ce502950100d33t.HTML~type=v5_one&label=rela_articletagpub

