
Mr. Chen Ping Fu Wu is the very person _

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Mr. Chen's early in the southwest of the fraternity will tend to participate in the progressive Book Club, revolution, study Marxist economics.����He was the Chief Editor of the counterpart of the notice and the economy of the counterpart, has often been made progress, attention of teachers and students. Back in the late 1940s and early 1950s, Mr. Chen's theory of the "index", "" index of "restore, compile, and preparation methods, formulas of argumentation, published a dozen papers research articles. The early 1950s, he transferred to the research on the economic effects, he's the industrial products changes on cost impact index of "have caused domestic academic discussion. 1960s wrote the Socialist economic effect of the article, the minimum cost for the best income issues as a central element of economic research. He noted, "emphasizes economic effects are not only confined to production areas, should also include a national management authority, culture, education, and public health sector.����"Article was later by Robert Keohane and Chinese prospect Publishing House were selected into the liberation the economic effect of selections and the related economic effects since the founding of the anthology".����Into the 1980s with the modernization of in-depth and national demand for management science, Chen Ping Fu professors talent party to fully display their, and fruitful results. 1981 in Sweden participated in the "Chinese-European technology and industrial policy" international academic conferences, he read the papers of the science, technology and economic development ", praised by the participants, were included in the Conference proceedings of the first article. Sweden Lund (Lund) large schools read has published the article highly appraised. At the beginning of 1984, the fifth CAs Academy member of CASS Conference invitation, he made at the meeting entitled "to carry out research on the history of the Chinese management research report". In the report he listed a large number of facts, pointed out that in ancient and modern, our country has a number of management practices and management idea worth exploring, study, summary, to create a set of socialism with Chinese characteristics of modern management theory, must be combined with the life of ancient Western styled. The look-out "magazine to the" art of war "when it comes to China management history" series made his report in larger academic community caused both at home and abroad. In 1987 he in Canada, the United States visits, lectures, after doing a "Sun Tzu and modern management" and "China's economic management system reform" lectures, caused great interest by Western scholars.����During the lecture, he also participated in the European society for the international market, was elected to the Institute's unique Asian directors. Theory with practice, ideological and keen, horizons, is innovative, Professor Chen Ping-Fu's features. He said: "China has a long history of management, but modern management began in the reform and opening up. Reform and opening to China brought many new management, new problems to corresponding new management thinking. My greatest wish is to establish a Chinese characteristic of modern management. "In fact, Professor Chen Ping Fu, who is interested in a long time. As early as the 1960s country three years difficult time, he would tolerate hunger to tighten his thinking: How can with minimal effort, get the most benefit? in Sunset remnant according to the campus, he did not know how many brains of spent the evening. Must take economic technology path �� this is his first awakening of management thought. Unfortunately, his thoughts at that time no repercussions. The late 1970s, he repeated the old on and written Chinese Academy of Sciences, calls for the establishment of specialized research institutes. This time, he was eager voice spread all over the country, will eventually lead to economic Institute "technology" was born. In 1980, Nankai University Preparatory Commission Mr. Chen established enterprise management system. The old man came and twist temper: "cannot call enterprise management system, you should call the Department of management science!" at this point, the management in China is still very fresh, there are people who do not recognize such an independent discipline. He painstakingly lobby. As a result, China was the first University in the Department of management. He pursued is created with Chinese characteristics of modern management theory and method, which is binding, and foreign medicine, science, theory and practice of medicine. By comparison, the advanced foreign experience, suited to learn hand; through a combination of ancient and a national spirit, the characteristics of national culture, reflected the success of management practice in China, thus makes training and guidance to China's own management experts.����This is a systems engineering, systems engineering, an accomplished this by management practices on management theory. Beginning in 1984, the fifth CAs Academy member of CASS Conference, invited to participate in the General Assembly of the Ping-Fu was announced to the world: "contemporHelp Desk Tracking Softwareary latest management thinking, can find the grandson of marks!" Since then, the revaluation of the Chinese culture and the reflection of the historical background, the being ignored, start the management idea of ancient China. The pioneer is simple and flowing, company express profound, many thanks to the ingenious works: the "art of war" and its management ��-like application, the modernization and "Sun Tzu >", "from the history of the Chinese management <���ӱ�gt;," ""Grandson �� global system view on the ...����In China the codification of the Academy of military sciences organizations including 14 fascicles, millions of words of the book "the art of war, he undertook the management of the preparation of the section. Mr. Chen coordination of attached great importance to the subject and the knowledge of the facts. He believes that management is a science, is also a door across science, technology, science and social science discipline, management of integrated not only the economic and social system, system, and economic development, culture, science and national habits and customs and traditions. He enrolled in the Graduate School of management, economics and science of science, technology, and learn the language and history.����His organization they engage in management studies, interdisciplinary expertise into play to the advantages of combining multiple disciplines, to address the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the problem. His long-term commitment to teaching in overload, successively for undergraduates, postgraduates and doctoral students an introduction to the creation of the "management", "comparison of management studies, 10 more courses. Each semester taught at 2-3 course. Since 1983, he headed accommodated economic management, technical and economical six professional master's and doctoral students in the direction of the had made his personal guidance of a master's degree graduate, doctoral degree 32 a, Doctorial 12, including a doctorate students in United States.����He also dedicated to help guide the young teachers, out of a number of promising teachers. Mr. Chen of China after seeing open, in the training of managers for various attempts, but also far from satisfying. So he lost no time in visiting Canada several universities agreed to jointly develop modern management talent. Since then, and continue with the United States, Japan and some European universities. He speaks Chinese traditional management thought, foreign experts speak western management thought, let students suck at East-West cultural impact by we take. This Chinese-foreign cooperation in culture management approach, called "Nankai-York mode".����In this mode training students, generally for reuse. Mr. CHAN is a study on the economic benefits of domestic school early scholars. In his 50 's study, which has cut into this topic. In 1978, he had suggested that national leadership on the national economy. According to the modern management features and requirements, he advocated economic management and technology approaches, and discusses the practice of teaching and scientific research.����Since the late 1970s, he chaired the organizing excessive period "cost management" and "economic" and "technology", and so on, as the country trained thousands of senior technical personnel and management personnel in the economy. China is taking a firm pace towards modernization, and Mr Chen Ping Fu worthy of the progressive era.

