
[Reprint] the Save Boy "series 16: why boys like to play a knife to get guns _ cold and lonely

Original address: "save boy" series 16: why boys like to play a knife to get Lance authorwells fargo home equity loans : sunyunxiao

(Ii) is not the same as with the girls ' psychological boys and girls, there exist many psychological difference between. Gender differences on the authoritative Eleanor Maccoby and �� Carroll �� Jack Lin has 1500 on gender differences are summarized in the study, believes that men and women in the sDesk Help Software Trackingpeech, Visual/spatial ability, mathematical ability and offensive in the tiny but credible gender differences. In some of these differences is the boy's advantages, some of the disadvantages is the boy, and some are boys different from girls features, neither advantages nor disadvantages. Furthermore, we would also like to note that some features, either as an advantage that can also be seen as a disadvantage, such as more adventurous, more like competition, the boys more placid and so on.

Boy's disadvantage is undeniable, and girls compared to boys in theHelp Desk Tracking Software development of vulnerability, speech and emotional expression in three areas at a disadvantage.

Development started from the Zygote of vulnerability, boys than girls are more vulnerable to the risks as well as diseases of the adverse effects of the more sensitive, behave more vulnerable, more vulnerable. Boy in the development process than girls more prone to various development issues, such as dyslexia, speech defects, hyperactivity, anxiety disorders, and mental retardation, and so on. To do this, we first have been discussed in detail.

Speech language better than girls in boys, girls get language, speech skills development than boys of age early girl's speech fluency is better than boys. Throughout childhood and adolescence, girls in reading comprehension tests also have a minor than boys but sustainable advantage. This difference from the early start to appear, to 11-year-old began to gap, and continue until the entire school days. Women in listening, speaking, reading, writing, and other advantages, the use of some of the rhetoric. Even those who are in need of language policies or similar language policy of mathematics quiz, female score higher than men. The famous anthropologist Mary KRITTER �� Mead of cross-cultural research pointed out that in almost all cultural backgrounds, linguistic ability for girls than boys are stronger.

Emotional expression and sensitivity of the girls are more adept at expressing emotions. 2-year-old girl that is better than 2-year-old boy greater use and emotion-related words, pre-school children, girls use the word "love" is a boy of frequency 6 times, use the "sad" frequency is 2 times the boys with the use of "crazy" is the same as the frequency and the boy, and his son, parents and daughter more about emotions and emotion-related events. Researchers have devised an interesting experiment, they gave a group of children from kindergarten and second grade students were on the team, composed of play a recorded a baby cry taped and monitoring their physiological and behavioural responses. Researchers want to understand how these children, their reaction is to try to switch off the recorder to get rid of this annoying sounds, or according to the adult model, speech by tape recorders and baby to soothe the baby. Study results show that the girl on the baby cries of response more active, less shown worry, they will try to soothe a crying baby, and less to switch off the recorder. Boy's performance is very different, more boys of ECG display their babies cry feeling very depressed, their response was quickly turn off the recorder on the front to get rid of crying.

Boy's advantage of mainly boys for his Visual/spatial ability, and related areas such as mathematical ability.

Visual/spatial ability boy has a higher sense of direction, the boy in the learning easier for some solid geometry, this will depend on the boy better visual/spatial ability. The so-called Visual/spatial ability, that is, according to the picture information for reasoning, or psychological operations picture information. Boy in Visual/spatial ability tests performance better than girls. In 4-year-old, boy showed that advantage, but with the years, this advantage continues to grow throughout the life course. Psychologists have design experiments to investigate 3 ~ 11-year-old boys in spatial differences in capacity development. When asked: a glass of water by the vertical tilt erect State, 50-degree horizontal glass looks like, the boys are better than girls achieved notable successes.

Mathematical ability study showed that adolescents, boys and girls in math ability does not demonstrate significant differences. From adolescence onwards, the boy on the most mathematical ability. Compared to girls, boys in arithmetic reasoning tests demonstrate the advantages of small but persistent; boy holds more mathematical problem solving strategies, and thus to complex geometry problems than girls have better results. Male in mathematical problems on the advantages of the most significant in high school, there are more men in mathematics showed remarkable talent. The study also points out that the boy is not comprehensive of mathematical advantage, in terms of skills, girls behave better than boys.

(3) different from the girl's unique boy some psychological following is boy is different from the characteristics of the girls because they sometimes is the boy's advantage, sometimes also into the boy's disadvantage.

More restless, activity level higher in the fetal period, the boy's physical activity than girls active; in

Throughout childhood, boys than girls has maintained a higher level of activities. Boy's activities RADIUS bigger boy needs to consume more energy and effort. Boys like building blocks, cars and planes, not because these things are male-specific, but because in playing these games, you need a larger radius of activity, the scope of activities also. The girl is not like the feminization of toys, they like to be able to communicate and help promote the intimacy of the toy group.

More aggressive start from 2 years old, boy's physical attacks and verbal attacks are more girls; boys in youth involvement in anti-social behaviour and the possibility of violent crime is the girl of 10 times. Following several experiments have shown that boy has a higher aggressiveness. The first study was shot when the children are watching TV. Results found that violence appeared, the boy's eyes will be one of the bright, luminous face, they plot to violence than their female children remember more, remember. The second study was to explore the hypothesis of conflict in the context of how boys and girls. Results found that 69% of boys chose to fight or insults, the same ratio of girls to leave the land of right and wrong, or with non-offensive way to cope with this scene.

More rebellious and disobedient, starting from the early show boy more rebellious behavior, while girls for parents, teachers and other authorities ' demands, more submissive than boys. When you want others to follow their own, the girls are usually used wit, courtesy of recommendations. The boys although friendly cooperation with others, but more than the girl with the help of the command or control of a policy. United States researchers have investigated the 20 students planning of attempted campus shooting. One of the 18 cases are aware of the issue of girls advance reported schools or other adults. To this end, the study's sponsors James �� Mike Foundation concluded: boy first loyalty to the other boy, girl, from the perspective of the situation of the adult.

More like competition as long as more than two boys together, they will inevitably compete competition is boy or one of the male nature. In a boy groups inside, every boy tries to gain dominance. The boys are always compete for some things, sometimes, just a small thing, sometimes, to groups of status or rights. Have researchers point out male love competition because: men like building level, women like to knit network. Tower South believes that women are often the interpersonal relationships as a network, all kinds of family relations, social relations and emotional relationship between woven into one big social network. Men always see with their own levels with other people, especially the relationship with other men. They are always eager to know, at the level of relationship, who is located at the top. Women tend to look for are consistent with others, and others have a common basis, whereas men tend to competition, and others.

More adventurous on October 6, 2009, the Royal Swedish Academy announces 2009 Nobel Physics Award grant United Kingdom scientist Charles Kao, in recognition of his "the optical fiber transmission for optical communications" breakthrough achievements. Kao since little is adventurous small scientific mystery, by parents as his "naughty boys". Kao in Shanghai reading grade, he made the first chemical experiment, make one to catch a ball of mud fear of cats and dogs. Psychology research has shown that in the first year, the boy in unfamiliar situations would be more daring than girls, more willing to explore an unknown world, on new things even more curious, and girls in unfamiliar situations more fear and timidity, they are more cautious and hesitation, adventure activities also far less than boys. Canada psychologist Barbara �� Smolen Michelangelo's research shows that boys and girls for risk behaviors have different views, in the face of the potential danger that women tend to give serious consideration to be injured, so as not to stick forward, but the boys often underestimate risk, even not realizing the danger exists, even if aware of certain risks, they will choose to try. Licht �� Peterson's study found that girls are much more to be timid, who ride the brake action done earlier. Boys learn from mistakes of speed or slower, often think that their injury is "bad luck", the next time you might be better, and think that it is "scar cool" thing.

Different game styles in 1952, the famous psychologist Sven-Goran Eriksson in different gender child playing with building blocks is the huge difference. He found that girls always like the blocks pile into circular Castle, but boy is it is used to build houses and rockets. In social games, children in the vast majority of cases, select the same-sex partners as games for children, boys are more willing to choose boys, girls prefer to select the girl. At the preschool level, boy prefers to form two or more groups to play together, the girl you prefer in the interaction between two individuals. Elementary school, the boy's game partner groups and bigger girls prefer developing close relationship between two persons. Boy's game partners are also more vulnerable to conflict. (The Save Boy "has recently by the writer author publishing sunyunxiao, Li road, Zhao-Xia)

