
The tragic world "-----soda Kat Kan BU s 13_ lush  

Categories: BuddhHelp Desk Tracking SoftwareisDesk Help Software Trackingt calf and mother in my very small, one spring morning, day light, clouds, my bare feet, a dew, as usual to start my work--cattle grazing. Cattle leisurely eating grass, unconsciously the Sun has risen, fog is also dissipated. Then I heard the family cow "Oh-Oh--" lament for the sound, seems to be called "children--children--" I hurried back, saw that their father is bundling a little calf, ready to kill it. See this kind of situation, I cried, hurried past hold father's legs, says: "my father, do not kill it! don't kill it!" his mother aside and said, "we don't want to kill making industry, but no way, want to live a little better, a calf, the scholars are able to drink the milk. "I cried out:" don't kill the cow! mother as long as you don't kill the cow, I would like a year without eating butter! "after my efforts, calf finally was saved, I was pleased to get it out to pasture, let it freely eating grass. Cow very grateful I, with the tongue to lick me ...����Calf gradually grew up, whenever I see it has a kind of joy. Decades passed, things like a dream, I feel sometimes like cattle. Historically there are such mother love story: Qing dynasty Daoguang, columns, set a kill cattle is the butcher, named one of six children, spent most of his evil kill cattle in countless, killing it is usual for him, breaking apart from a cow's life, for him, as if in a field like easy pull weeds.����Later he witnessed for the calf to rescue mother of scenes from thrilling abjectness no longer killing animals and became a devout Buddhists. The 46-year-old Zhang six child that year, who hails from a family emergency, he seized the opportunity occurs to a very low price to buy the House of a cow and just next month calves. He can account for such a cheap and complacent. On that day, his knife grinding well placed in the slaughter case, then go to the bundle of cows. And so he tied up the cow, is going to take a knife to kill cattle, but could not find the just wear a good knife. Amid, he drifted from outside to find room, searched every corner, but even the knives of shadow never see, but that he had to wonder at the corner and sighs. Then he found the cow fear to see sitting in front of it, and small calves calves is neck stretched a stretched, tears were streaming. He was surprised, then went off the calf, calf sit still, he also beat sputtering with sticks, calf or not. Irritation of six child caught the front leg calf, lift the calf to next throw.����This time, he suddenly found himself could not find knives original hid in a calf's buttocks ... This curtain calf rescue mother scene deeply touched him the cruel and numb heart, he used a shaking hand to cow the ropes. Been dropped off to one side of the little calf slowly got up, walked to the cow side, with a neck rub cow face; cow calf with his tongue licking, muffled cry out, little calf seemed to hear what he had himself towards the front leg.����Cruel butcher was awesome, the body cannot own land shake, almost a little stand instability, this always kill not blinking cold he wept like ... Since then, six child no longer kill cattle, and later converted to a lifetime of Buddhism, that very devout vegetarians. The cow and calf he had meticulously small ?here, the 86-year-old, he died, they are still alive. After his death, two cattle because of the loss of his master, inch grass grief not, drop of water does not drink, it was not long before also died. The matter was then people carved in a tablet on Suzhou and survived, but was destroyed during the cultural revolution. Why only attach importance to human life is precious life? ", in our world, anything if and its insignificance in comparison will be. The pursuit of happiness, joy and freedom are each sentient beings of nature, which in the famous psychologist Freudian subconscious doctrine called "instinct. "Dharma point of view, the people born with a strong attachment to the self. However, we claim to be "the measure of all things" noble humans, only known value of human life, but they disregard other people's dignity and value, trampled and killed.����I think not only Buddhist, where an upright conscience who should be on this reflection and introspection. Ten years ago, when I was in Ganzi normal reading. Once million trial Assembly, next to our school. some school At that time, I witnessed executions from the trial to the offender, the entire process. Day jiaoyangsihuo, stuffy, the road on both sides of the leaves are Sun-all under the banner of the volume. More than 20 of armed police charge ammunition, hounded three have exaggerated the offender to the front of the rostrum. Offenders back into the lives they have declared the end of the wood word token. Each neck hangs with own name brands, and their names on red big fork. Prisoners face look dull, gray, a kind of extreme fear of despair. One of the criminals but ability to have hair soft, are two armed police dragged in front of the podium. The venue was very crowded, people surrounding packed with excitement, controversy. When a judge sentenced the offender to death, a charge to the torture chamber, executed by firing squad, immediately perform when I hit the big Hall, NOK suddenly fell silent, the venue of the air as solidification. Each person, then the fear of death shudder seems to only have experience; that in the foreseeable future and their own death without any coherence, distance themselves so close to each other.����Buzz of people, but also quiet down ... Three prisoners sentenced to be dragged onto the truck, the La to not far from the rally. At that time, our audience has followed the penalty after flocked to the car. The torture chamber, all criminals legs have completely motionless and cannot stand, APF on both sides of the frame and drag to executed by firing squad. The executions, a little about the press, they involuntarily knelt to the ground. Then the shot rang, bullet shot through the head of the offender, suddenly your blog overflowing, body leaning forward one, am in a pool. People who can't bear to onlookers and turned away back.����Officers to leave, after the death of people for a long time no bystanders, dispersed, condemned and sighs popping, instantly destroy life expressed great concern. Animal deathAnd people die without a difference.����A person's death often affects the heartstrings of many people, but to the animal's death the apathy, indifference, the ancients said: "death is great, not pain with Kenya!" wise people would do feel? reverse protection in today's world many animals are endangered, failure to take effective measures to protect, just a few years they will disappear in the face of the Earth. Taiwan's "Golden Shield" magazine reports: in Hunan, Hubei several province north of the Tiger, now less than 50 head. Hainan Island black Crown Castle monkey, a survey in the 1950s there were only around, and now the island only seven.����This situation caused the insight and biological conservation organizations of great concern, and has taken various measures of protection.����This would make people happy, but in the concrete measures taken, some practices are indeed a people think deeply, for example, at the expense of a life to protect another way of life, is a classic instance of the absurd. Was in the TV documentary was seen such fact-finding report: people aware of the ecological balance on the importance of their own long-term survival, planning out a number of specific areas as animal reserve. In an animal reserve often contain cattle skips this is different from what I'm going through the guides explain it, the original is to live cattle as Tiger's cuisine. Just dump trucks, lift carriage from one bucket to cattle fell to the ground, after cars quickly disappear in the Woods. Cow standing alone in the Forest Lawn, faced with such beautiful and strange environment, confusing, it might simply didn't expect to be killed by killing of bad luck is about to descend on it. Hesitated a moment, then it probably is to familiarize yourself with the surrounding environment, slowly walk away ... Suddenly, just gorgeous Tiger Roar from the deep forest, quickly surrounded by cattle alone. Both silent stand-off less than a minute, I saw a tiger storming cattle back side attack, cattle fell to the ground, could resist, several Tiger rapidly flapping, fangs bared teeth bite cattle of the throat, stomach and constantly send shen's roar ... Soon, a real life is in a mess for a while. I was this cruel scene stunned. Let the cattle eat tiger head, is related to the experts for the endangered wild tiger conservation, improve their viability and went out of his way to do so.����Every day you can see a vehicle with cattle skips frequently access the nature reserve, you can imagine how many innocent cow was buried at the Tiger's mouth. Whether domestic or foreign, in some zoos can see live chickens, pigeons and rabbits, sheep and other feeding Tigers, Lions, wild beasts. In India-Pakistan white Zoo, I have seen this phenomenon.����In order to protect an animal killed by another animal which is a very ignorance of upside-down behavior. We all know, rare animals of decreasing mainly due to the indiscriminate slaughter and killing and to forest of chaos caused by deforestation. To change the direction of bad luck, but fundamentally changing human hand--on discrimination and slaughter of animals. It is important to recognize the people and wildlife is a coexistence of relationships are biological chain is an indispensable component of a balanced relationship, once you lose this balance human beings also appear in trouble. Only the human good, scientifically track, you can completely change the situation. If the one-sided sacrifice an animal, to induce another animals multiplied, is not a wise move, it is inhuman. Life is equal, we only have respect for all life, put an end to all killing animals, ecology, natural balance can be long. Prison "animal" human society till today, because of the economy and culture of the imbalance, a wide range of complex shape people's ideology more complicated. Corresponds to people's greed, angry, mad, three drugs in society there are many pitfalls, such as gambling, fraud, pornography, drug abuse and money right trade and triad, the trap is terrible, as long as you bypassed infants, it is easy to slide in, slide in, don't once again. These traps fallen and even kill others.����Therefore community crime rates rise year by year. Dongwei people is a dead prisoners, he curled up in a dark prison baotoutongku: "I regret Ah, a student of wrong, causing such a tragedy. "He blessed, from schools to ban cadres to squad captain, each step with a proud, happy. But one night was turned into a killer, in the emotional and rational only between a step, this step is so evil that can bring people into the netherworld.����He shot and killed his wife and lover. He in prison to old captain wrote: "I am ashamed to you about my culture and teachings, shot and killed a large commit sin. This is a spur of the moment, when I calmed down, the heart of untold sorrow of feeling. Write pleading you today, please look at the I-squad lap too reactive power and young sake, ask the Court to a lighter handling I, tried to save my life. From then on I no matter day knocks, it always keeps your mind never rude rash to make mistakes. Fast ways to save me! "he wish yourselves! he looked behind bars, Paddy wagon to approximation of light over him. An invisible pressure, penetrates the iron, iron, echoed in the cell, batons, handcuffs, pistols, the rally ... Dongwei people all over thriller coup, and down violent ceremonially, pale face big qinhe out the beans, the sweat-black eyes, the stiffness of the pupil, shoot some bunch of horrible light--death of light, light of despair, misery of light. Iron out the window, the sky is so fine, so vast, wind so cool ... A strong desire to torment him to survive. However, he thoroughly disappointed. September 27, 1997, dongwei people received notice of the death penalty.����He was never again alive was released from jail, waiting for his only executed by firing squad. In a slaughterhouse, in the closed circle of cattle and sheep, and dead prisoners, sooner or later will be killed. Not only is the slaughterhouses of livestock, cage birds, fish and death in the pool and how similar the prisoners. As the hongyi by prisoners song: "people in prison, all melancholy sigh, bird cages, sad song. "They wish to fly to the blue sky, swim in the vast sea, but no, wait for them only to be executed. FetalInfants should not be killed under the United States the Los Angeles Times survey results published by the United States, most people think that abortion is murder.����This view is correct, the fetus is living, sentient a morphology, abortion is equal to stifle this life. Lead to abortion is an important reason for young people "sex". Now children usually in contact with books, movies, games and other media and "sex" related content than the 1960s increase dozens of times or even hundreds, of such information, the child stimulated by significantly higher than normal levels of hormones that the body of a mature state.����It is reported that at present the Western Nations unwed mothers to early age already 11 years, China has shisiwu-year-old towns of teenage abortion case. Baby gender selection problem is another cause of abortion.����Some people want boys, others like sang girl, modern inspection equipment to provide a convenient, so at odds with the desire of the fetus was destroyed. Baby animal sign option is also a vicious circle. In 2000, many maternal happily sang the Dragon's child, and 2001, many married lady doctor requires abortion, they think that snake is better than other Zodiac is good.����So these are the wrong views. Abortion is to kill, kill the unborn fetus, while women also feel the pain and even life-threatening.����16 February 2001 Xinmin evening news report: a three months pregnant, pregnant women abortion causes uterine perforation, fetal falling into the abdominal cavity, Intraperitoneal rupture, intestinal bleeding, nearly gave their lives. Abortion is very dangerous, in addition to surgical abortion, there are many abortion drug. To use the abortion drug RU-486 abortion pill, in United States society of widespread debate. United States life Alliance spokesperson Judy �� Brown said: "food and Drug Administration has decided to approve the way through the chemical destruction of innocent human life, is intolerable. "Prior approval to use the abortion pill RU-486. Today's United States President George w. Bush opposes abortion, former Vice President Al Gore to support the use of the drug.����Bush's father was, in 1989 the prohibition of the use of the abortion pill RU-486. Ancient heart pure, natural childbirth, and special care of their family ties flesh, very few cases of abortion, infanticide. According to Buddhist scriptures, kill the fetus to commit the crime of the recent five most. Modern society is becoming more and more people in trouble, it does not comply with the teachings of philosophers, restraint, persistent evil desires known pathogens see, social issue and complicate. Even some States in developing such a policy: to kill adults must be sentenced to death, and kill the fetus is affected by the award. I wonder why? the Incas, life in some countries and regions, since the traditional practices and other reasons, the sex of the child have a strong preference. Most people in rural China sex-that boy can be tackled, there are three so-called "unfilial subjects, without issue.����"Wrong views, taken as a result of the many tragedies. Parties disrespect, Ms. Xinjiang July 1992, she acted, hutubi County Hospital was caught a women expecting their husband afraid to hear the message was born girl left the Department of obstetrics and Gynecology, hid in the distance. When the baby wriggling, just come back from the jaws of maternal lugged looked up and earnestly to the doctor asks: "children are a man or a woman?" the doctor said: "a girl. "Suddenly the maternal as and purging a ball of gas, generally unable to bed, then immediately request doctor of acupuncture will children killed. That person was surprised and asked her why she feebly said: she is to have a boy, her husband also want a boy. Main producing doctor is party, friends, wells fargo home equity loans parties disrespect can't bear to see baby doctor death, she was on the doctor said: "this child I want!" then bought to maternal nutrition, they will bring back home a baby, party, parents can also help with the baby.����Now kids have nine years old, healthy and beautiful, bow, chanting, and her biological parents thought the child was already killed.����Ms. Fang, a bearing with compassion to rescue a small life, and the baby's mother was cruel to be her own flesh and blood human turpitude executed! to such an extent that the maternal piss all over the world's most precious mother love, anger, sorrow. I read in Ganzi normal school, every morning to campus lawn. One day, the day hasn't Daliang, hear a child crying, approaching, found that a baby was discarded by the roadside. There are several student curiosity surrounding, one female classmates see the child, he vowed to poor adoption baby.����When she took the child to hold back, perhaps because it has been dropped for too long, the boy soon died. What makes women to kill babies? just because the child's gender and their expectations. For this reason, many kids just born were executed, there are many children abandoned in the wilds or around town, there are many in the unborn fetus, is the b-and other modern scientific instrument check results sentenced to death. The children's parents are there human? even wolves will love their own offspring, and how can disregard of human flesh, abandoned to kill her own children? Xuanhua, who once said that says: don't let the IMP (child) survival, IMP to retaliate against humans, many epidemic diseases attributable to IMP spread virus. The IMP is extensive, aversion heart is very strong.����To human health, is also itself should not be abandoned and abortion. In such a repository of folk tales: a mother gave birth to a child, she was very fond of this child, but soon the child died, his mother very sad, often in tears. Another mother gave birth to a child just digging buried. Two children in Yin territories met, each speaking in his own experiences. Before a child that, because of their karma, just born soon died, his mother has been very painful for her to cry. After a child said, I was buried alive and dead mothers, mother earth is very happy.����The two of them are dispatched to hail, buried and killed children hand very cold, and the Karma from dead child hand not cold, he said that because of the pain of received mother love, drink the milk of the mother. Abandoned baby killing another reason is family planning. A lot of gynecological Hospital became mutilated foetuses, infants in shambles. AlthoughThe Government has repeatedly emphasized family planning, but the population is still growing fast. I ask, to human development and the abandonment of killing babies, it is advisable? on population issues, foreign goddess of mercy of the avatar in an interview to reporters, smiled and replied: "If the community cannot bring up so many people, so everyone is a monk, nun is a good way. "This is the case, his Holiness Rooibos Jin-Peng measures, there are four, under the 5000 nuns, if they are not a monk, you do not know how many children they should have, and I do not know how much they want to kill babies. Children where you are?, how great a Word, it means that the generosity, love, devotion, inclusive ...����However--Ms. Wang tone heavy to me telling her that look back the past ... I and many people, over time, entering the ranks of the mother. Enjoying the good life while at the same time a small life quietly.����When I found this a terrible facts, in order to respond to the call of the "family planning", we decided to move towards a maternity hospital's operating room ... I was lying on the operating table, doctors skilled in preparing a variety of surgical instruments, sharp instruments, risked shen people were as if slaughterhouses butcher in the hands of the thought of it in an instant a sword! will enter my body, the flesh of hinge to touch my, I could not help me erect, trembling.����I like to be slaughtered lamb, helplessly watching doctor, hope she can to consummate technology, reducing the pain of my flesh, magically clear my body burdens! doctor told me to vote for the very kind of gaze, one touch my hand comfort: "don't be afraid, don't be afraid, be good ..." she comforted her, foot switch, just listen to "OM", and the device wheel fly in my body up down the sea like twist up ...����Suddenly, I heard the intra-abdominal "baby" of screaming, seemed to see him in full with tears and I call: mother, help me, my mother, I am your child ...����It sounds more and more small, little by little have been long gone, disappeared ...����My heart is in tight, my soul in tremor, my conscience in resuscitation! kids--I painfully, to call to howl: child you? come, come, my mother will open wide to embrace you! kids, come, come ...����However, you're there, you are there ... An assessment of their flesh and blood outflow in vitro, a breed of life by his own mother brutally stifled! I its sympathy, shouting silent, I stared in horror confused eyes watching around--my eyes suddenly emerge out of the tap bloody hands, ears constantly sounded killing machine twist, thought behind the stacked as hospital Hill "body" evening however looks, I feel that this world is so terrible! I can't be a loving mother, whenever heard someone mention mother's compassion and tenderness, I felt very lucky girl to shame. I how heinous! and food from the child's Kiki.����The world like me ignorance bad mother there may be many, really sad! may hereafter don't make this woman again karma. I heard her narrative, silent for a long time, it is difficult to calm the heart: when will the blood-curdling world become tranquil harmony? I silently pray her not to suffer from iron girders of evil. This is the so-called "family planning" bring consequences. Killed since the child will be reborn in FE mountain hell. To see the Karma appeared, mother son in the mountains at the foot of the mountain called his son, longing and met, and to the mountains embrace its child, son was suddenly turned hot iron posts ... Repeatedly feel like is a huge pain. The Buddha said longevity fight crime guard called bairn Darani "also said:" if it hurt, this person has a serious illness reported that earthly life cut thin, fall ' nose hell, big trouble. "It would be well advised to make this industry, the integrity of the crime, the row set free Sambo, excitation force of confession, or you will suffer an eternity in hell. Most savage animals living in this world with a wide variety of animals, some in the case of herbivores, others are carnivores.����In many animals most savage animals? in the Northeast have a fierce tiger and black bear, in the South there are elephants and lions, Buffalo and Leopard in Tibet have and cruel sly wolves, these animals are horrible, but they are not the most cruel to animals. Perhaps some people forget the human is a kind of animal, and also has the characteristics of animals.����For those barbaric no compassion, above those wild beasts can be called a tame animal. With the development of modern science and technology, the manufacturing of weapons and more sophisticated, and more lethal. Forest Tiger almost beaten on the soles of the vast, black bear was chopped down into delicious dishes, or even someone live bears bile extract to make medicine. Elephant's teeth are used to do crafts. According to the World Wildlife Fund published figures, in ten years, the people of hunting activities so that Africa's 150 000 elephants die 87 point 50 000 head, animal fur be made human costume, meat dishes are made.����From small to ants, flies, Lion, Tiger, fly, swimming in the water, the ground run, the object people hunt.����Human material civilization development, and the spiritual world and emptiness, the low moral level gradually, the whole world wildly, blood-curdling terrible events are occurring, not only animals are hunted, and people have been killed. 2000 October 25, in Kunming, tried to Yang Yong-led eight killings robbery gang, they are three years since the modus 29 killed 19 people, killing means extremely cruel.����They killed dismembered, feeding the dozens of hound and hog, this means long and cover.����In 1987, Sweden Stockholm police arrested a famous pathologist named khetit �� RAM, he collaborated with Algin in few years killed seven people and killed people eat the meat. World view magazine in 2000, the fifth report: Russia's highest station special instructions that involve "person of the" paradise of criminals must be severely punished. The so-called "people person" paradise is a "living hunting" is alive when the beast to hunt. Over the years have carried out criminal elements this heinous activities. For example, in the early summer of 1999One morning, Russia noble Nicolas �� Gabriel Cunniff with eight bodyguards and 20 Wolf dogs into ambushes locations, then 37 eaten breakfast "investigation" in the densely forested, Nicolas went to "evolve" shepherds for pursuit, in the "personal" were sad sad scream, hunters let locust like bullets from the "personal" head raved, watched them that kind of expression which was filled with fun, the last rows of the bullet "personal" body fire "honeycomb" shaped, blood gushing from playing the holes, the Wolf dog you hold to eat the flesh and blood human ", always eat only a pile of bones, the day is over.����How many people are regarded as "personal" killed in Siberian dense forest, and nobody knows. Whether it is killing animals or killing people are innately deadly, killing life can enjoy impunity? the Buddha in the under ten good commandments through, "said:" thou shalt love thy self and love the cloud which suicide and instructed him to kill? when known killing animals affected by the great evil, certainly when fallen sharply sufferings ' nose hell, hell are legal. "You're alive like killing animals, reported as falling onto the hell is killed, the time with thousands of robbery biocide to repay the debt, your music is not music?!

